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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Nah, its not star battle but thank you very much for the info! i will go search for them and read about it. One of the notd devs have also shared with me their past experience and how it turned out.

    Quote from houndofbaskerville: Go

    No .. blizzard will not do anything.. it is not in their interest to confront chinese representatives in any way.. just like you are doing (wow maybe that's my issue).

    That's not so hard helping me with the question i was asking wasn't it? Thank you very much. As for confronting them, where to go from here, what they plan to do, i really don't have anything to answer you with nor discuss definitely about it, all i can say is what is currently done. Because i am not in the position to do so and i do not know for sure what the devs are ultimately deciding to do. That is really up to the devs themselves, same as for whether they want to keep trying to countering the piracy. All i can do is honestly share with them what i have found out from different opinions/suggestions from different places/people and translate for them should they need to.

    Quote from houndofbaskerville: Go

    China plays sc2? No! China plays a "not a free country sc2"!

    I believe this is where our views might be different, correct me if i am wrong. I understand that China's SC2 is limited due to unable to access our regions but taking something without permission is still essentially wrong and counted as piracy isn't it? Since you called it "piracy", hence i believe you to think the opposite of i do.

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Hello outsiderxe, you would need to purchase a china sc2 account in order to upload on china as it is separate from the account we own. And even then you need to use vpn to upload. The best way is to get a local to do the upload for you. Hope this helps.

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Wow, ok. The title Urgent help needed was used for my original question in which you also gave a suggestion im thankful for. If you feel that im brushing the suggestions away and not accepting them, then im sorry im just trying to probe for more opinions. Sigh, I don't understand why it has to escalate to something so complicated about evidence and trust.

    If i come across as self entitled i apologise for my tone then, but i don't believe i came out sounding like i demanded or am forcing an answer that everyone must reply to even for my original question.

    You can honestly choose not to help me or give additional advice and ignore me and i won't fault you for that, that is really your choice. But if you feel offended, i sincerely apologise then.

    "did you notice ? Not one head mapster honcho answered your pleas?"

    I don't really know about whether its a head mapster honcho who answers me matters. Just because its not one who answered me doesn't mean their answers value less. They may have just come across a similar situation or just throwing up a suggestion.

    Please don't misunderstand that im asking for any technical solution or coding from anyone here. I am not asking for that, i am just asking if its possible that Blizzard would respond to take down that all unlock map to stop the bleeding while the dev team could work on a countermeasure.

    If anyone else here who came into this thread and went away feeling offended, i extend my apologies as well.

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Hi, how bout you be less subtle and please tell me which part am i trying to be funny. If you are talking about obfuscating the map / design the map/bank to be more complex, i have passed the word to the dev. If you are talking about interacting with the community, we are doing it frequently as we can likewise for updates. So please tell me what else am i ignoring. I honestly would love to ignore them and just leave them be but if that is the case i wouldn't be asking for help or advice here.

    Maybe i should be clearer. What i wanted to ask is if we can get Blizzard to take down the all unlocks hacked map first while we work on our end because its not doing other fair players a favor. Its not a we losing popularity to a stolen map shit how we can stop it.

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Hmm i feel that we are being as active as we can(limitations due to unable to go into China server) on their forums and updates are on par with our version on NA. It feels that a certain group(allegedly the ones who hacked/stole the map initially) is doing it on purpose based on what our representative is finding out in the China server.

    Ah well can't always expect things to go the way we would like.

    Well they aren't releasing the hacked map to complete with us, they are releasing a hacked map to get all unlocks from what i have been informed.

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Hah i beg to differ, i will always support you Muha. Ah well i guess that is to be expected from Blizzard...

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Sup Muha! The thing is hacking and piracy is pretty taken as the norm there so they don't see any issues about it. In fact they might be the majority. Which is why i wanted to ask if the dev reports to Blizzard will they do anything or just ignore?

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Hi, thanks for all the help. So upload success and all. But now here comes the big issue. Apparently bank hacking is the bomb in China. So we did some preventive measures on our hand and now they are threatening that they will upload a hacked version of our map. Anyone knows how to deal with these people? Through blizzard, if they even care?

    Note: They have pirated our map through some measures and uploaded it once before in the past, but since they dont have the dependencies it didnt fully work for them i guess.

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    yes, we are having a local upload it. But once the map opens on their editor it gives issues that we do not have on our editor.

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    posted a message on Urgent help needed.

    Hi, does anyone here have experience uploading the map to China? We encountered some technical difficulties with the editor while our China counterpart was trying to upload the map. Any help would really be appreciated.

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