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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @geonchodeomi: Go

    Yes, I play. I have only ever played vs the AI and I am in Bronze league for vanilla Starcraft. What's your battle.net ID?

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Thanks again for your work on this great mod, Soulfilcher.

    Is it possible for me to mod some game file to implement a HP change or mineral/gas cost change on a unit?

    Is there some way to make SC expanded work with a unit tester map so that things can be tested easily?

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    GREAT mod here, have really enjoyed playing it.

    I like to play as the colonists, and I have found that some of their vehicles and units are quite lacking.

    APC - WTF am I supposed to do with this unit? DPS is comically low. Not particularly beefy. Are you supposed to load it full of rebels so that they are less vulnerable to area of effect attacks? Are you supposed to put Tauren Marines in it? But 3 Tauren + APC is EXPENSIVE. Like more expensive and more supply than a Thor, which is actually a serious threat, e.g. to mutas. Whatever I do with it, it dies spectacularly quickly to any serious enemy force, and cannot easily be massed due to its large size and short range.

    Mohican ATV - another WTF unit. dies REALLY easily, but the attack is much weaker than a hellion where you at least get a line of fire to roast and toast some lings, and you can get blue flame. For worker harassment, hellbats are much better. For fighting serious battles, pretty much any other unit in the game is better.

    Maybe buff the APC's health to like 400 and slightly increase its cost to 225 minerals as well as a +2 transport capacity? That way it would at least be more feasible to mass, because for a given amount of health the size of the unit group/ball would be smaller.

    As for the mohican, if it's a piece of turd, it should at least be cheap and quick to build, e.g. 75 minerals instead of 100.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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