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    posted a message on [solved] Building costs differ from what i set.

    Can someone tell me why "build barracks" ability for my custom unit that uses "Probe build" ability cost 400 minerals while all i have done was adding "build barracks" into "probe build" ability with "barracks" as the built unit and changed "barracks" unit cost to 0 minerals?

    This editor is the most irritating thing that came from Blizzard.

    ok nvm, found the reason :) The SCV ability had "Nexus" as the Ability Command.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Removing Psi Disruptor range indicator.

    How ro remove the range indicator of Psi Disruptor (this white dotted circle appearing on the ground around it, when you select this bulding)? I managed to do that ith Sensor Tower by just increasing actor's range to higher value than map dimensions, leaving the behavior effect intact, but i cant find any actor with range in Psi Disruptor's case... :/ I can increase its effect range etc, but this white circle stays unchangable for me.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Wander bug with new patch :(

    Seems this behavior is now hardcored to the unit? I had units in my map that had this behavior, now they still have it, but it doesnt work. :/ Thanks o blizzard map goes to hell now.

    edit: hmm... in new map file it works... but cant make it work again in the current file :/ Reseting unit to parent and then adding this behavior again do not work.

    one of these units, cant even be reseted to parent anymore... it stays marked as green. :/

    edit: Ok, managed to make it work again... dont know how. Seems it really some wierd bug. Cause i only repeated again same thing what i have done previously only that this time it worked O.o

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Changing turret model.

    Hello guys.

    Is there a way to easily change turret (by turret i dont mean any data component, but the thing that rotates on the unit) of some unit? So i.e. Tank would have goliath's turret, or auto-turret would have tank's turret? I know its possible to immitate such effects, so auto-turret's little machinegun gonna shot like tank's heavy gun, but i would like ot know if its possible to make it look proper, or are these turrets' models hardcored to unit's models?

    thanks in advance

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Changing default right click action.


    Is there a way to change default r.click action to be attack & move-attacking, instead of move?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adding actor to morph ability.


    I need help :/

    I want to add upgrade ability to my turret. It all works fine, but it lacks any moprhing animation which i would like to change.
    I have no idea how to add this animation... I thought that adding actor, same as "autoturret construction" and changing its events to meet the new requirements gonna work, but it dont :/


    Please advise.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What would be your way to achieve "self-destruct" ability?

    @Azzaaer: Go

    Hmm... there is a problem... Seems its not being shown to other players (the timed life effect). So they suddenly see explosion. How to make this timed life bar being shown to everyone?

    edit: ok i have used Raynor's D8 inseatd of brodling timed life :) Now everyone see the effect :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What would be your way to achieve "self-destruct" ability?

    @Azzaaer: Go

    btw. While we are at the Crucio splash dmg. Do you know why it have 3 kind of dmg effects? I mean:

    1. blast
    2. friendly dmg
    3. enemy dmg

    And they all can be adjusted to deal more or less dmg... I can udnerstund difference in friendly and enemy dmg adjustment, but what this 3rd is used for?

    edit: ah ok nvm.. they are not active by default anyway. They were just linked.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What would be your way to achieve "self-destruct" ability?

    @Azzaaer: Go

    It works! Damn! Its works so nicely! Thanks for help with that and teaching me how to create such stuff :D Thanks a lot!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What would be your way to achieve "self-destruct" ability?

    @s3rius: Go

    Where do i find the place to add "expire effect"?
    edt: ahh... the behavior... ok let me check it out again :P

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    posted a message on What would be your way to achieve "self-destruct" ability?

    @s3rius: Go

    Ok i have copied defensive matrix (cause im scared of copying stimpack to not brake the original stimpack - which happened to me once one i copied marine unit. And i do have marines on map, but dont have battlecruiser, so... :P its safer), and now removed matrix effect, added timed life effect. But how to make the crucio tank splash dmg to happen after timed life ends?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do i change the forum name?

    @EternalWraith: Go

    ah, no hehe... i mean my forum-name, my nickname on the forum :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on What would be your way to achieve "self-destruct" ability?

    @s3rius: Go Thanks s3rius, it sounds good.
    But could you guide me a bit? I have never done abilties from a scratch, and dont knwo how to start. :S

    What i can do is modify other abilities, adjust them a bit. And im ashamed to say, but when i cant go trough soem problem with data editor, i just use triggers to do the job around, but in this particular case i believe its crucial to have it in data editor, especially with this timed life, cause triggers would do a mess in this case.

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    posted a message on What would be your way to achieve "self-destruct" ability?

    The goal is to make building have ability that will destroy it and hurt all enemies around. What would you propose to achieve it? Its crucial to make it look good (building destruction animation + some explosion animation), and be effective (aoe dmg to all enemies).

    Thanks in advance for all suggestions, especially the simple ones :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make queen build ability, lay eggs that turns into banelings.

    @Azzaaer: Go

    Ok i have managed to do that way around again :)

    Unit spawns morphing cocoon unit, that have ability morph to baneling that is being fired by trigger, and this process takes desired time. :)

    Posted in: Data
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