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    posted a message on Need Help with data editor / willing to offer 30$

    Sorry if this is not website policy to offer money, but im kinda desperate.

    Hey there. So after trying for 3-4 hours over the past few days I've realized I just cant do the data editor on my own. (I work alot, and can't focus on a program as complicated as the data editor.)

    What I want in my (alpha version,) map.

    - Moveable Planetary Fortress

    - Grounded Medivac

    - Build SCVs, Marines / Hellions / Tanks / Medivacs from the Planetary Fortress.

    - Infinite Supply Cap

    - MOST IMPORTANTLY... I need to know how to change basic unit stats and speed etc. And also how to change how much minerals are taken from one scv from a mineral patch, and how much units cost/buildtime.

    - Only be able to build a Protoss Cannon with SCV.

    - (If not too hard,) Limit the Medivacs carry count to 4 from 8.

    - Start with 4 SCVs, 1 Medivac, and 1 Observer.

    I can make the map layout just fine, but god that data editor. So yeah that's pretty much it. If someone wants to co-create this thing without money thats fine too, but like I said, if someone can just crank this list out, I can offer 30 dollars. And preferably I would love to have a partner in creating this, because I have a lot of ideas for it.

    If you want to make this, please send me a message or post here and we can set up paypal.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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