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    posted a message on (Resolved!) Add Death Animation To Custom Unit

    This is pretty straightforward, so I'm probably just missing simple - I've created several custom units using SC2 assets by following this guide, but unfortunately, when the unit dies, it simply disappears immediately.

    I've gone and looked at the equivalent unit for how the Death effect is handled (ex. looking at the Infestor unit for a custom unit using the Infestor model) and set up the Death Effects identically, but the unit still pulls a Houdini.

    How would one cause a unit to change to its death model when it dies, from any source?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Resolved!) "Walkold"?

    @herdal8: Go

    Ah, thanks a bunch! Imported it and everything works like a dream.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Resolved!) "Walkold"?

    Viewing the LarvalQueen unit in the cutscene editor, there's a walk animation called "Walkold 01" - I've tried to replace the Walk animation in the Animation: Baselines + field with this animation, however there is no such option as "Walkold" and simply replacing it with "Walk, Variation 01" doesn't work either.

    Is there any way to access this animation in the editor, or is it purely vestigial?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (resolved!) Prevent Unit From Returning To Origin After Apply First

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    The settings by default are -1 (which I believe is indefinite - so the unit can move however far it wants without having to return to its origin), although I fiddled around with it and changed it to 100, and unfortunately, the problem still remains.

    @ArcaneDurandel: Go

    I might be checking the wrong box (the only way I know how to disable movement is "suppress movement"; I've also tried "suppress turning" and "uncommandable"), but even applying a buff that prevents the "Move" ability for a short duration results in the unit pausing, then returning to origin.

    After fiddling around with that last buff, I combined the two solutions (apply a very short buff after the initial buff accompanying the Create Persistent that prevents movement), and the unit successfully stops after the Apply Force effect and does not return to origin.

    Thanks for the help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (resolved!) Prevent Unit From Returning To Origin After Apply First

    While I'm familiar enough with Apply Force effects, I'm having a bit of trouble controlling what occurs after they are applied. Once a unit is moved through an Apply Force effect, it immediately begins walking back to the point they stood before the effect was applied. I figured this was something related to the unit's default properties, although I've looked through all of the Unit fields and can't find anything that would seem to affect this behavior. I've also tried issuing a Stop command that runs after the Apply Force, although the unit still jerks backwards before stopping (which doesn't look great, so I'm still looking for alternatives).

    Is there any way to prevent this from happening?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dash-Type Ability Only Travels South, Unit Returns to Origin

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    By this, do you mean setting the Periodic Offset's Y value? I've currently set mine to 6, but it doesn't seem to be doing much - using the ability towards a target point closer than 6 units still causes the Apply Force to rapidly force the user towards that one point. I have also tried setting a (0,6,0) coordinate 12 times (one for each period) but that also does not work. Aha! It turns out the Location Offset: End was set to Target Point, meaning that the Target Point was as far as it would go - changing this to Caster Unit (which is the same as the Location Offset: End) now allows the dash effect to travel its full duration every time, regardless of whether the target unit is closer than the maximum range.

    I guess the last thing I'm having trouble with is the automatic return command after the Persistent ends (where the unit will immediately walk back towards where it started off as soon as the Create Persistent ends). Is this just something that units will do no matter what, or is there a way to override it? I've added a Stop command to the end of the Persistent, but there's still a bit of a jitter since the return command fires off a split second before the Stop command kicks in. It's not the cleanest way so I'm going to try to figure out another way, but what I have now can work if there's no other way.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dash-Type Ability Only Travels South, Unit Returns to Origin

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Ah, thanks! I changed the location to TargetPoint, which solved the problem of the unit only moving directly south - however, that solution has brought another problem: while the desired effect would be to have the unit always move a set number of units in the target direction, if the cast point is closer than the maximum range, the unit will jitter on the spot until the Create Persistent effect ends. Is there a way to force the unit to continue moving in the target direction for X units, even once it reaches the Target Point?

    Another problem that's been stumping me - is there a way to prevent the unit from immediately returning to its origin point after causing the Apply Force effect? My best guess is that there's a flag somewhere on the unit's properties that can turn off this sort of behavior, but I don't even know where to start looking.

    I've also remade the test map without the HotS dependency, so please let me know if it works for you!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dash-Type Ability Only Travels South, Unit Returns to Origin

    After taking some cues from another thread asking about a dash-type ability (here), I took a shot at recreating it, and it works for the most part aside from two hitches:

    -The caster only moves directly south, regardless of which direction the ability is cast/the caster's original orientation

    -after moving with the Apply Force effect, the caster walks back to its point of origin

    I'll attach the file so I don't trip over myself explaining what I did, but this has been stumping me for a while so I figured it's about time to take it to the forums.

    If anyone has any clues on how to fix this, please let me know!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Target Point Dash via Apply Force + Create Persistent?

    I've looked at the few threads here asking about similar abilities (such as this one, which I don't really have the knowledge to decipher), which involve moving the caster unit a certain distance in the specified direction. My current goal is an ability that, when cast, allows the player to click a target point, which then causes the unit to dash towards that point until it has traveled X units OR until it collides with another unit.

    What I've figured out so far is that Apply Force doesn't relocate units so much as it commands them to move away or towards a point, and a Create Persistent effect can be used to run an effect multiple times with offsets and such. What I'm thinking is, so far, I'll need to somehow create a positive Apply Force behind the unit (or a negative one in front of it) that is fired off periodically through a Create Persistent, while applying Buff that raises minimum movement speed and periodically fires off a Search Area that Destroys Persistent and removes itself when it spots an enemy unit.

    Where I'm currently stumped, is how the Create Force would interact with the Create Persistent (which I know very little about). I tried making a Create Persistent which creates a line of Search Areas in front of the caster that apply a negative Apply Force, but that didn't work (and applying a positive Apply Force makes the casting unit move slightly south then stop), and am generally stumped on what to do. Has anyone else dealt with an effect like this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Add -1 Second to Charge Regen Prevents Recharge (resolved)

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    That sounds about right! As long as the charges are above 0, it'll work as intended, and if the charge is at 0 and I let it reach 1 naturally (ie. without moving to activate the Trigger), it'll work as intended, but if I let it reach 1 through the trigger, it'll stay at 0 and stop producing more charges.

    Did a bit of digging around to figure out how to add an If Then Else, and from the looks of it, I'm guessing I'll be using it to prevent the Trigger from firing as it usually does if there is 1 second left on the charge timer at 0, and to otherwise function normally. Set the If condition to compare the charge time for the ability (so anywhere between 2 and 30 so it wouldn't tick from 1 to 0 under any circumstances), the Then to the original Trigger, and the Else to a dummy Trigger that adds 0 seconds to the ability and...it works like a charm!

    As always, thanks for all the help!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Add -1 Second to Charge Regen Prevents Recharge (resolved)

    While I have read up a decent amount on the Trigger editor, I'm fairly inexperienced with it and I think I may have stumbled into a bit of a rookie mistake or oversight.

    I created an ability with multiple (3) charges, a cooldown regeneration time of 30 seconds, and a cooldown of 3 seconds. I wanted this ability to recharge faster while the unit with the ability was moving, so I placed a Behavior on the unit (with a Validator to check if its current speed is greater than 0) that deals 0 damage to the owning unit every 1.5 seconds. Since this is the most straightforward way I could think of to reduce an ability's cooldown under specific circumstances (and it works with the other abilities I've used this with - ones that use only cooldown, not charges), it seemed like a sensible method.

    However, one problem that I've been able to consistently reproduce is that the ability in question will stop producing charges (and won't go past 0) if it reaches a point where there are no remaining charges and the Trigger that adds -1 second to charge regen is the reason the charge timer reaches 0. Is this just the nature of trying to hasten charge timer countdown in such a manner, or am I missing something important?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Effect Triggering for Every X Units Moved?
    Quote from Spoolofwhool: Go

    I'm not entirely certain but it sounds like something that can only happen by trigger. Can you elaborate more on what you want to happen? What is the affected target and what do you mean by owner? Does every unit get the stack or just one?

    One example would be Unit A has a buff applied to them that applies a stacking movespeed buff every 5 distance it moves, so the original buff would apply a stack of the movespeed buff every 5 distance (10 distance would be 2 stacks, and so on). What I'm trying to do is create the first buff, which applies the second buff (which is just a simple Modification Buff, stackable) for every 5 distance the unit moves.

    I'm not sure if the "Rupture" spell in DotA works in a similar way, or if it simply applies a debuff that is Validated by whether or not the unit is moving (I think it might be based on a per distance moved basis, since moving faster causes the damage to tick more rapidly). Since the SC2 map editor seems to be just a more advanced version of the WC3 editor, I might be able to achieve this in a similar way if I could figure out how it was done back then.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect Triggering for Every X Units Moved?

    While I've long been familiar with Behaviors that apply Effects periodically, upon application/removal, etc., but one thing I'm currently trying to figure out is a way to have a Behavior apply an effect for every [value] units the affected target moves - so if it is set to apply, say, a stacking Buff for every 2 units the owner moves, and the owner moves 4 units, they'd have 2 stacks of the Buff.

    I have a feeling I might have to go into Triggers for this, but if it's Behavior-related, it might be doable via Data as well.

    Is anyone familiar with this sort of function?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hotkeys Change Upon Publishing

    Bumping this back up to the first page for follow-up!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hotkeys Change Upon Publishing

    @Ahli634: Go

    Hmm, is it possible to set the default hotkey configuration to Standard? I changed it manually in-game and it set itself to the hotkeys I had assigned in the Data Editor, but having it occur automatically would be preferable.

    I've rooted through the Map options on the editor itself and sifted through threads and google results, but there doesn't seem to be much regarding this issue! I'm not sure if it's just not something people run into, or if the fix is just really, really simple and I'm just missing something...

    Posted in: Data
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