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    posted a message on SC Reawakening: The Great War
    Quote from Cacho56: Go

    I'm adding the links to the maps...

    Mod. Just copy all the files into the mods folder. ...

    All the maps must be copied to the sc2 instalation "maps" folder. ...

    I must be doing something wrong, but I can't figure out how to get any of this working. I've copied all the mod files into the mods folder. there isn't a maps folder anywhere in my Starcraft II folder (I'm on Mac, does that make any difference?) that I can see, so I've created one and put it in various different locations to test/try to get this working, with no luck. But then again I'm not even entirely sure where I'm supposed to be looking for these. If I click the Arcade button from the main screen and search for "SCR-TGW" I get three maps that seem to be nothing to do with any of this SC1/BW stuff. Am I looking in the right place?

    I'm very much a newbie to adding stuff (mods/maps/etc.) to SC2 so I freely admit that I really don't know what I'm doing. Is there a guide for this stuff anywhere for newbies? Or can you spell out the specific instructions for these files in more detail to make them completely idio... er.. newbie-proof? ;)

    Any help appreciated. Thanks!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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