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    @SoulFilcher I am saying can you launch multiple drop pods at once, is it possible?

    @FreezingAcidRain The tal'darim are not a dark templar tribe, they are a tribe that isn't apart of the main protoss group, they use sundrop and terrazine as a drug believing it will bring them closer to the Xe'naga, but you do have a point they should merge with the hybrid adepts because they where seen with narud in that mission but they shouldn't get voids or stalkers because they are one of the tribes that didn't go to Shakuras to stay and are not apart of the main protoss group. Plus almost all times they where seen they had scouts instead of voids, the stalker was there because Blizzard couldn't be bothered to make a stalker model.

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    @FreezingAcidRain Marines are glass on there own, the reason they are not considered op cause they are really easy to kill. A range zealot would be a really good counter any early game unit and if its as fast as a zealot then it is way better than a zealot and couldn't be a equal choice for the zealot, also if it is the marauder for the protoss then it should replace the stalker/dragoon which would mean it's equal. Also if it was good against light units then early game units can't do a thing about it, since early game terrans do little damage it would be unequal as it would do a lot of damage vs light and not to mention kiting as zealot can out run marines easily and low hp doesn't stop it from being op as High templar are extremely easy to kill but can dish out a huge amount of damage before that.. Here my explanation on why it would be OP, please PM me if you object in any way and i will happily continue to argue.

    Also why do you want Infested Firebats to be suicidal units so much? Making them a replacement to the vulture/hellion would be stupid as they just explode and 100 minerals isn't worth a suicidal unit. also Soul has a point it is not a really good replacement to hellbats either.

    @Soulfilcher Is it possible to launch multiple drop pods at once? Also Nydus Destroyers generate creep when they come out but Ash worms don't.

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    @Kanitala thanks i just went through the campain again and saw that, well technically the alpha squadron was one of the groups sent to destroy the hyperion but there was also the sky fury squadron and the group following the odin that mengsk called. eh you do have a point, its soul filcher's choice.

    @DEFILERRULEZ the zeus is basically a weaponized hercules, maybe the colonist should get it? cause they lack a lot of air support and they only have like 3 anti air units.

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    More bugs, The Aberration's deep burrow doesn't work, the portrait for the nomad is miss placed, Kraith can't attack air (his attack hits the units below the flyer instead) and the button for the zergling upgrade from Niadra's brood is just white. How about you give all broods nydus destroyers but give the primals ash worms, also a idea for the Mengks elite faction could be that you would have to build a add-on on to a building that allows you to build mengks elite versions of regular units.

    @FreezingAcidRain A ranged replacement for the zealot? that would be pretty OP and making it a no brainer for a rusher or when playing against zerg players.

    @Kanitala I don't think the name 'the sons of korhal' would fit it because Mengsk said "Kerrigan, you are surrounded by the Mengsk elite" and besides the sons of korhal is the name of the marine.

    @Soulfilcher Ah thanks I just saw it when i was going through my rebels, does work with weaponry? also the nomad doesn't attack, i tried and nothing happens.

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    @FreezingAcidRain I don't think vipers can attack... the primal zerg are with the regular zerg, you just need to build the primal hive to produce primals.

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    @SoulFlicher I still don't get how the loot ability works, I try to walk my rebels over some dead marines and nothing happens could you explain it in more detail? Also I tried using the Nomads salvage ability but it says 'can't target structures' or 'can only target scrap' and how does the Noman attack?

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    Oh yeah also when playing I found some bugs when playing with the A.I terrans, there is a chance they will become completely useless because they selected the colonist faction and all broods have lurkers that don't need a lurker den. I have an idea for a terran faction, how about a mengsk elite faction? Just like the Mercenaries just with the mengsk elites instead and maybe a brood that focuses on the evolved zerg units from the campaign? like maybe something to do with abuther? well it is your choice but it would be awesome if you added it. Also how does the colonist ability work? (I think it was salvage or something) and also how does the Noman salvage buildings?

    @Kanitala and @SoulFlicher I did say there could be a Overlord hero

    @nolanstar How would raynor do a 250mm Strike cannon? and the idea for only the alpha squadron having nano-repair means they will have a unstoppable terran mech army also that stalker idea sounds OP as a ally with Blimps could cause the Stalker to become invincible through rapid fire.

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    Hey, I've been playing this arcade game for quite some time now and its really fun, I was thinking about the Ancient Queen and shouldn't it have the ability to plant a parasite in the enemy that provides vision from that enemy? cause the original idea for the ancient/BW queen was a unit that would focus on trying to infest the enemies units with vision bearing parasites, in that way it would give the zerg a Oracle-like unit? Also Starcraft lore says that overlords have weak psi abilities, maybe give the overlords the ability to temporarily take control of a enemy zerg unit, kind of like nova's domination ability or maybe you could create a Hero Overlord that has that ability but hey its your choice. Also some bugs i found where that worm-hole transit doesn't work, the taldarim still have void rays instead of scouts and some arbiter abilities don't work.

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