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    posted a message on Recipes

    I do have a huge problem with my solution though. I made it work, that you can buy items even if you lack the components and the correct amount (component price + combine cost) is subtracted.

    But this does not work if your inventory is full.

    I have a recipe that requires 2 Longswords. If I have 1 Longsword it subtracts the correct amount of money, the Longsword is consumed and I get the recipe item.

    But if I have 5 Items that are not Longswords and 1 Longsword (OOOOOX) then it doesn't recognize the Longsword, subtracts the full cost (like if I had no Longsword) and doesnt give me an item.

    Now what makes this even more funny is that if I have 2 Longswords and 4 other items (OOOOXX) it recognizes only ONE of the two, subtracts the correct money (for having 1 and lacking 1) and gives me the item.

    BUT If I then buy the item again (now since I just made an item I have 5 different items and 1 Longsword left) it works fine! But only after buying the recipe item with 2 longswords before and it bugging there.

    This is exactly the case why this "addition" to my solution was necessary. If someone has a full inventory with a component within I want them to be able to upgrade that component by just clicking the recipe button.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on League Of Legends Style Armor

    Okay, I want to use the data-based armor system that was implement a while ago. I already know what I need to do. LoL armor works this way:


    Meaning your effective health scales directly with armor. 100 Armor = 100% more effective health. The wonderful thing about this system is that armor doesnt get more effective ever. 20 Armor means 20% more effective health, 300 armor means 300% more effective health.

    The WC3 Formula was 0.06*Armor/1+0.06*Armor. If I change the ratio to 0.01 I have the LoL system.

    Okay now the question - how can I work with this armor? How does it interact? If I have a damage effect with armor reduction = 0 will it ignore this type of armor too? If armor reduction = 2, will the reduction be doubled?

    Edit: Okay, apparently it works just like you would expect. Armor reduction = 0 = damage effect ignores armor, for 2 it would mean that it doubles the armor (at 50% damage reduction that would mean 66% with my formula and it does just that, not 100%).

    If anyone has any interesting note, bug etc. to add please do it, I could really need it - if there is a bug I gotta know.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Recipes

    That's pretty amazing. But I'm not sure I understand the shop. I will spend some time understanding it and if I do I will probably use it.

    If I decide I don't want a dialog shop I might go with my own solution, but right I think your shop is cool.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need testers

    I could really need a hero selection screen, but I might need some special things so better you contact me via skype or teamspeak or w/e. (Post what you have).

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Recipes

    Okay after 4 hours of work and not even the slightest success I am done with this part.

    It's apparently insanely difficult to have a shop unit and buy an item from it which consumes other items in the process.

    All I want is "Buy item X", only works if you have item "A and B" in your inventory and # vespene gas. It would be better if it could also be "item A x2 and item B x1" but well, it's not that important.

    At the moment I am using a research ability as dummy. If you use one of the dummy abilities (e.g. Research Longsword) then it checks for the first unit in the unitgroup of my heros that is owned by the triggering player for the required items and gives the corresponding item to the player.

    This is working fine, but I'm having a few problems. I want this to be somewhat useable if you have more than 1 hero per player (just in case) and I also have the problem that the combine cost of the research ability is always deducted, no matter if you actually made the item or not.

    Edit: Okay, I got that working too. If I now could get it so that if you don't have the items it will try to use your resources instead and only if that fails give you an error I would feel like god.

    Basically, if you have item A and B for item X, A and B disappear and you get X - good.

    If you have item A but not B you get an error "You need item B".

    It would rock if it would try to subtract the cost of item B from your resources and if you have enough still buy the item. Only if you also lack the resources give you an error.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Missile firing at feet

    I usually know my way around actors, but this is a mystery to me. I made several turrets and they fire their missile at the feet of my archon. So I went to the attack actors and tried different impact attachment querys to no success.

    I then copied the attack actor of the photon cannon (which worked 100% fine), replaced the corresponding fields with the values I need and now the impact effect is on the volume of my archon (random spots over him, like it should be) but the missile is still flying at the feet. Just the explosion is somewhere else.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Need testers

    So... since noone wanted to join me I did it myself.

    There is one last thing I would like someone to join me with - dialogs (hero selection, etc.).

    If I can't find someone I will probably use no dialogs at all and just work around it.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Hero and Creep respawn

    Okay, so far it's working fine. If a problem occurs I will note it.

    Now I only have this problem left: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/triggers/67866-how-to-make-a-neutral-unit-train-units-for-players/#p1

    I'm thinking to take a hero selection asset and do it that way, but honestly, I hate dialogs so much. They eat so much time.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hero and Creep respawn

    Then I guess my buff is an acceptable solution (it works fine).

    As for the graveyards - where can I get that action? It's not in the normal list, so maybe it's part of another action.

    Edit: yeah it's a unit function so I need to make it this way:

    Move unit instantly to (Position Of Unit) -> Unit = Unit closest to Point in Unitgroup.

    Over 10 bridges and edges... why can't there be a function like that for points? >_>

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hero and Creep respawn

    Well, I feel like using Death Time -1 and a revive trigger works the easiest and most reliable (When a unit dies it checks if it was a creep or a hero and then waits X seconds and then revives it, I'm pretty sure that accomplishes the same as your solution). However, I still have the problem to relocate the heros to the 3 places depending on which is closer.

    I couldn't find an action to get the distance between two points.

    About the creeps - the problem starts with my creeps not being in a unit group. I used a buff that times out after 0.1 seconds which puts the creep in the Creep unit group. Is there a better way?

    I then have another trigger that goes 2 seconds after map initialisation that assigns the custom values.

    The last trigger checks the unit type when a unit dies and if it's hover (the attribute for all my creeps) it then waits X, revives them, sets HP to 100%, and moves them to Custom Value 1 = X, Custom Value 2 = Y and Custom Value 3 = Facing.

    This is working 100% fine, but it's sadly not the solution for the hero respawn problem.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hero and Creep respawn
    Quote from GlornII: Go

    You didn't ask, but here is another good solution for creeps respawning.Use custom values to save the initial X and Y values of the unit; on map init.Set custom value 1 to X position on map, and value 2 to Y position.Then as your units move around the map; they will always respawn at their initial locations (move unit to X,Y coordinate)

    I could need something like that, so how do I do that in a good way? I have a real large amount of creep camps (about 20-30 or so) and I dont want to make points for them. Best would be if you give me an example or describe it a bit more thoroughly.

    I know my way around triggers, but I've never done something like this before, so keep that in mind.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to make a neutral unit train units for players?

    I want a group of players to be able to click a neutral unit and train a single unit per player from that neutral unit. There will be 9 people in total. I want them to get spread evenly to 3 locations (so 3 per point).

    From a player perspective: You click a unit and choose a hero by clicking the icon for the hero and he appears at one of 3 locations. After everyone picked their hero there are 3 heros at every location. If there are less players than 9 it should still attempt to spread them evenly.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hero and Creep respawn

    I'm not new to triggers, so complicated solutions welcome.

    Right now I'm using in data Deathtime = -1 and a simple trigger:

    Event: Any unit dies

    Condition: Triggering unit = Biological

    Actions: Wait X, Revive Unit

    ... because I don't want the units to lose items, levels etc.. Now my question for my creeps is: If I give them a buff that periodically applies another buff so they get stronger over time, does that buff keep running while they are dead?

    For my "heros" it's a bit more complicated. I have 3 points on my map for them to respawn and I want them to respawn at the closest of those. How can I do that?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need testers

    It's a game somewhat like Island Defense or Probes vs. Zealots, but with a much better design behind it. You can choose between a lot of units no matter what side you are on. There is more incentive to actually do something and a lot more to do than just wait for resources (a huge problem of the other two games).

    I finished the terrain (except for making it look awesome), made 1 Titan (=Zealot) and 1 Builder (=Probes), have some basic triggers and of course the design behind all the things I want in this game. 1 Titan, 2 Builders, Neutral Creeps, Solutions for certain problems that might occur and some mechanics are all in a text file ready to be made.

    I also have an excel document with the tasks. Right now for example I need victory conditions, builder respawn, neutral creep respawn and buffs, proper initialisation, a leaderboard and gameplay messages (if someone dies for example).

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Effect after certain damage taken/dealt

    But that would assume max health. Example: I activate an ability and gain a buff while I have any amount of health, then I take damage and after X damage the buff heals me.

    Posted in: Data
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