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    posted a message on Cannot Repair Structure with Conjoined Behaviour

    Essentially as the title says but with a twist; when I put a conjoined behaviour on a structure and have it build an add-on with the same behaviour (thereby allowing them to share health), repair suddenly cannot repair the structure any longer.

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    posted a message on Structure cannot construct add-ons

    Thanks a lot for your reply Amaroq. As you figured out, my problem is that if the central structure is required to be built on something, it will not allow add-ons to be constructed from it. I haven't actually tested the solutions that you've proposed, but I'm pretty sure they are better than the solution that I've already implemented. What I've done is I've created a "dummy" central structure which has the built on requirement, as well as a straightforward morph ability that will morph the dummy into the true central structure as soon as the dummy finishes constructing. I also kill the placement as soon as the dummy structure starts constructing, and have the loot of all central structures set to the placement. For my game my solution works just dandy, however, your solutions definitely seem to be more reliable for any given situation.

    Also, I commend you on figuring out your issue with the barracks. Its quite interesting when the solution hits you from out of the blue. In psychology class we learned this term is "incubation". Weird name though.

    Thanks again for the detailed response and help, much appreciated.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Archon Merge Animation

    Given the amount of information you've provided, its difficult to discern where exactly the problem is coming from, but the most likely issue is that the actor events are not referring to the correct units/abilities. If you have a custom merge ability, or a custom archon unit, make sure that the events of the respective archon actor are making the correct references. Look for the event "AbilMorph", and make sure that the "MorphTo" term is set to the archon. If this doesn't work, please provide more information so that we can appropriately fix it.

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    posted a message on Transport Veterancy/Showing Cargo?

    Other than fiddling with the unknown lands known as "UI", I don't think there is any conventional solution to this problem.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Difference between Copy pasting unit and duplicating it?

    Duplicate, I find, is extremely convenient if your goal is to create another instance of a weapon, such as the marauder's, or if you are creating another instance of a straightforward unit like the marine. This is because when you duplicate something like a weapon, you can choose to additionally duplicate the associated effects (launch missile, damage, persistent, etc) and it will automatically make the links. Similarly for duplicating a unit, the actor events will be automatically linked to the new unit.

    On the other hand, copy paste is of course similar, but will not make any automatic links. There's also many things the copy function is convenient for.

    So case in point, duplicate makes automatic links between created copies, copy paste is just copy paste.

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    posted a message on Possible to increase XP value of higher level unit?

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    That's actually a brilliant solution. Up until now I never actually knew that a behaviour can apply an effect based on damage or deadly damage.

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    posted a message on Possible to increase XP value of higher level unit?

    @Yoni54: Go

    Yes, I understood what you meant; trigger libraries are the only way to actually allow other players to use the triggers that you create. If you notice, there is an "Import Library" option when you right click on the trigger pane. However, as to how other players would be able to access your trigger library I do not know. I haven't done it before but perhaps there it is the same or similar as mods?

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    posted a message on Structure cannot construct add-ons

    My map involves a central structure whose purpose revolves around the ability to construct add-ons around itself. Although the add-ons can normally be constructed, as soon as it is required for the central structure to be built on something, they can no longer find a placement position. It is interesting, because the central structure can be upgraded to higher tiers which do not have a 'built-on' requirement, and subsequently have no problem constructing the same add-ons from the same ability as the first tier structure. Additionally, I thought the footprint of the placement unit might be interfering, but what I just pointed out voids that supposition. Regardless, I even added a behaviour to the central structure to kill the placement, and although I was able to accomplish that, I was still not able to build the add-ons. Of course a solution would simply be to rid myself of the placement requirement altogether, however, I am nevertheless curious if there is a way to fix this problem.

    EDIT: I just realized that a perhaps solid and sole way to accomplish this is initiate a morph command on the building as soon as it is complete, so that the building that that is produced from the morph is not built on anything and will therefore allow add-ons to be built.

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    posted a message on Possible to increase XP value of higher level unit?

    I looked at how this might be achieved through triggers, and what you might be able to do is the following:

    Create an effect of type modify unit that adds a certain number of experience points to the unit on which it is applied. Set a trigger to fire whenever a unit is killed, and in the events, apply the above modify effect to the killing unit for as many experience levels the killed unit had.

    I've provided a picture of how the trigger looks like. However, I am not completely sure if this works, although it's worth a try.

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    posted a message on Possible to increase XP value of higher level unit?

    As far as I know, there is no way to scale or add the amount of experience a unit gives depending on their number of levels through data.

    Of course as FunkyUserName pointed out, it can be achieved through triggers. In order to use triggers as a mod you have to create a trigger library (right click -> Library -> New Library). Add all your triggers to this library, and export it (right click on library -> Export Library). This exported trigger library can now be used in any map.

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    posted a message on (Solved) Unit get damaged while moving

    Usually what I do when something is critically messed up like this and I simply cannot find a solution is I recreate the unit. Usually solves the problem, but like LordJaraxx said, just check through the behaviours of the unit you are having problems with, as well as the behaviours of the units it is passing over. In addition to that, check to see if it is attacking or anything, because perhaps it is attacking itself. At the same time something else may also be attacking it.

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    posted a message on Infinitely Loading Units

    One of the solutions that I tried implementing was actually having 2 load abilities, but you're saying have one activated and the other deactivated? When I tried doing it the first time, I noticed that units can't handle more than 1 transport ability, so that effort proved fruitless. Would I have to toggle the activation state of one of them at any point or simply set them as activated and deactivated?

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    posted a message on Building Add-on Requirement

    I actually wrote this in a previous thread about the same problem, but thought I would also copy/paste it to this thread as it is more relevant.

    So for future reference, the fix to this was quite interesting. It turns out that there is no explicit requirement in the ability or anywhere else for that matter. Instead what must be done is to copy the tech lab - barracks behaviour. It has an associated requirement node as well a validator. When one has made sure everything matches up, they proceed to put that behaviour in the "added on units" field in the unit that acts as the add-on. Additionally, you have to make sure the add-on ability is based off of "terran add-ons", NOT "barracks add-ons". That kept fucking with me for the longest time. When all of this is done, the magic workings of the editor will somehow ensure that when you build your add-on the button will be hidden!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Detecting and Responding to Units in Close Proximity

    So for future reference, the fix to this was quite interesting. It turns out that there is no explicit requirement in the ability or anywhere else for that matter. Instead what must be done is to copy the tech lab - barracks behaviour. It has an associated requirement node as well a validator. When one has made sure everything matches up, they proceed to put that behaviour in the "added on units" field in the unit that acts as the add-on. Additionally, you have to make sure the add-on ability is based off of "terran add-ons", NOT "barracks add-ons". That kept fucking with me for the longest time. When all of this is done, the magic workings of the editor will somehow ensure that when you build your add-on the button will be hidden!

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    posted a message on Infinitely Loading Units

    In my map I have a production facility that can load a unit called an "outfit mechanic". They serve to "build" units (a behaviour is simply applied to the production facility that allows units to be built), and recruits are loaded into the facility as another requirement to build units. Now when the recruit is loaded, he will be killed upon getting loaded and add a recruit behaviour that is consumed depending on the food of the built unit.

    However, my problem is a very trivial one; I want to keep loading recruits into the production facility even when the maximum number of mechanics has been loaded. Of course the recruit would be the only one that can bypass the cargo space requirement.

    I tried thinking of a solution to this problem in data, but could not figure out how to do it. Of course this is only a minor inconvenience, and I can simply make an odd amount of maximum cargo space in the production facility and have each mechanic take an even amount of cargo space to load, which would do the trick, albeit it's kind of a sketchy solution.

    I haven't tried looking for a solution in triggers, but I might simply have it so that whenever a recruit wants to load, or is very close to the facility, the cargo space is temporarily expanded. However, I have not made any attempts so far, but I'm mainly wondering if there is a way to accomplish this in data?

    Posted in: Data
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