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    Please reconsider :)

    There'd be no need to rethink the Raider unit, if you leave the Raider as is but use Raynor's Marine form (from piercing the shroud) rather than Raynor's HEV rifle form (from belly of the beast). One is a hero marine, the other is a ghost replacement.. they're pretty different, no?

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    Updates sound cool, can't wait to try out Devourer.

    Had another thought regarding Kel-Morian Combine.

    Remember how in the campaign there would be certain buildings/things you could destroy and they would drop little mineral/gas pickups? This would be cool to implement for these guys, if it's possible. IE:

    Destroy destructible rocks with laser tank drill, they drop minerals.

    Destroy enemy CC/Hatchery/Nexus, drops minerals and gas.

    Something like that.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Thanks for the reply!

    I know this is basically a one man operation, you're doing a great job with all of this.

    The White Star is an awesome and awesome looking unit, and works great. I was thinking about the Helios skin that's crashing, with all the green gasses and such pouring from it. It would be a cool unit(either just bc or hero) for Infested terrans. It could always have it's name changed. If it were an infested hero unit, it could have an ability like "Spread fear" where the very sight of such a massive, scary looking unit screws with the enemy army? It could be a casted energy ability where units in a certain area crap their pants and thus loose accuracy in their decisions, making them have only 50% chance of hitting their targets for a period of time. If not for the infested Helios this could definitely be added as an abilitiy for one of the zerg heavy hitters, like the Leviathan or Kerrigan or some other massive/badass unit.

    I understand your reasoning for keeping Raynor(and other heavy hitters) off the front lines.. but I hope you'd reconsider! It would make the gameplay that much more fun, and since you can only have heroes once their deaths would definitely be felt. Plus it would make it kind of cool to consider that every game you play could be the war ending game, depending on who wins. I've always gotten the impression from the story that Raynor is on the front lines, fighting with his men, more often than not.. they just keep him out of the campaign missions because the standard gameplay doesn't include buildable heroes(yet?). For example in WoL on char, you fight to get to Warfield and then it's Raynor and Titus showing up in the cinematics. Not to mention the 3 missions where he literally is on the front lines.

    Anywho as I continue to play I'll be sure to pop in and add comments/suggestions.. I've been reading through the thread and it's amazing to see how the colonists have been formed.

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    Hey! Just want to say again, this is absolutely amazing. I was getting really sick of every SC2 match being the same thing, and purposely doing rediculous builds just to try and spice things up. But after finding this map the possibilities are endless. Forgive me this will probably be a long post, but I haven't been this excited about SC in a long, long time.

    I have yet to play around with Zerg or Protoss much, partially because they seem a little less fleshed out, which is expected since you have a lot less to work with. I'm sure that as HotS and LotV come out, you'll get plenty of new units, buildings, and ideas to work with.

    But man, I've spent the last few days constantly messing about with the terran factions, and all I can say is wow.

    I will say up front that I'm just a silver league player normally, so some of the advantages of certain upgrades or units may be lost on me.

    However I have a few commets/questions/possible suggestions!!

    I think this mod succeeds for 2 major reasons:

    1) It offers an almost limitless amount of new units, abilities, and strategies


    2) Allows players to shape every game with certain "character." I've always thought that a huge part of the appeal of SC is how "Awesome" everything is.. it's not just an RTS, it has great units with amazing designs and personalities. When a battlecruiser or a carrier shows up in the campaign, you really get an "oh shit!" kind of feeling, like a real event is taking place. It's even better when a hero unit shows up. It instantly adds something to the experience. Not only do you have an awesome unit, you have an awesome unit with style. Perhaps the most dissappointing thing to me in normal Melee games is that this is entirely lost. With all these additional units, abilities, and heroes, you can build an army that feels completely unique- and better yet, you can still actually win with it.

    Many of the terran factions seem vastly different and totally worth it, offering various strategies just within their own factions. Alpha Squadron, the Colonists(brilliant job, seriously I can't get enough of these), Infested, and Raynor's Raider's all seem very unique and fleshed out. Tosh's Pirates and Nova's Ghosts are quite similar, obviously, but still have a lot of personality due to their heroes and make for good picks if you want to go stealth/nukes. The mercenaries and Umojan lack definitive personalities and character, but make up for it with the merc's special units and the Umojan's various all around tech upgrades.

    The two I have questions on are the Moebius foundation and the Kel Morian combine. Neither one seems like they get much to make much of a difference or an impression.

    For Moebius, admittedly I'm not a big fan of diamondbacks, and scientist's ability is crazy good... but they just seem like they're one unit away from having a perfect faction. Right now their thing is basically "Slow everything down.. win" but I just wish there was something else in there to make them stand out. Could you incorporate Steadman's unit skin somehow, with something other than heal for an ability? He sure looks like he'd be part of this. They're good, I just never have a desire to play with them and I can't really nail down why. They just aren't as exciting as they could be.

    I love the idea of the Kel-Morian combine! They've always been a favorite of mine when it comes to the story. But their whole "great miners" advantage seems lost in this currently. The two upgrades, double scvs and 25% faster gas, are just that: upgrades. So by the time you get them at all it's already mid game at best, and things like the double scvs will only be useful for an expansion or 2 if you're lucky. I dig the tank laser, but I think it would be great to really push these guys as resource hounds. Right now the colonists are better resource gatherers than the mining faction. I'd reccomend adding any combonation of the following:

    -The miners from the colonist faction should be added back into the KM. This is a great unit and would really fit in with the Kel-morians. Keep them with the colonists, just add them to the Kel-Morian.

    -The automated refineries from the campaign.

    -Have the reactor SCVs available from the moment you select KM, rather than an upgrade

    -Make MULES either last longer, be cheaper in energy.. something to make them used just a little more.

    Basically something to make these guys "the economy" team, right now the advantage only kicks in in a very minimal way and only once you hit the mid to late game. Also, I dunno how practical it would be, but somehow giving them that giant laser from The Dig mission would be awesome. Give it energy cost and a cooldown?

    Finally, a couple of questions that have very little to do with balance and more to do with "awesome!"

    Are the Helios or Odin available in the game currently, as some sort of secret units? I ask because they're listed in the help guide but as far as I can tell none of the factions offer them. It would be amazing if Helios was added as a hero for the Infested Terrans.... I really want to make my enemies dance in the middle of battle. If that's too much of a joke ability, why not something like "Spread fear" where the very sight of such a massive, scary looking unit screws with the enemy army? It could be a casted energy ability where units in a certain area crap their pants and thus loose accuracy in their decisions, making them have only 50% chance of hitting their targets for a period of time. If not for the Helios this could definitely be added as an abilitiy for one of the other zerg heavy hitters, like the Leviathan or Kerrigan or some other massive/badass unit.

    And last but not least, this is just a straight up request.. PLEASE. PLEASE!! Add in the "marine" Raynor from the secret mission as a hero to Raynor's Raiders. I know they've already got the awesome raiders with the hyperion call down.. but it's just the most badass unit in the entire game, IMO, and I would love to charge into battle with that guy. Ditch most of his abilities(like the one the scientists have), but please put him in there somehow! It's not like he would make anything massively unbalanced, he'd just be awesome.

    Anyway, thanks for taking the time to make this game. It's everything I've wanted out of SC2, and keep up the great work.

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