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    posted a message on Ground Textures

    Hey guys! I was wondering if somebody could help me with these custom ground textures I've made. Besides the fact that they have a weird boxy look to them (and I know why that is). I am having trouble with the way lighting affects the textures. No matter what I do, it seems as if the texture is reflecting too much light. I'm not sure if this is due to my normal maps or the diffuse map. I was hoping that someone here could help me.

    here are some pictures followed by the actual textures. Also note that everything here is meant for public use. If you would like to use any of these resources, feel free to ask me for the most up-to-date versions.



    Link Removed: http://www.mediafire.com/?676jxm7m7g367jg

    Link Removed: http://www.mediafire.com/?zfiwnlwgsrt416z

    Thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on (Solved) Impact Sounds Problem

    @Kueken531: Go

    thank you very much!!!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Impact Sounds Problem

    I have an issue that I'm hoping someone here can help me with. I want to make different sound impacts depending on what type of unit it attacks. For example, If attacking a unit with no armor (Flesh) it makes one sound, if attacking a unit with light armor it makes another sound, and so on. I've set up attack actors that will play the right sound depending on the unit, but how do I classify each unit as either Flesh, Light Armor, Metal, etc?

    Am I going about this the wrong way? Any help is appreciated!!!

    Here is a picture of my impact map setup:

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Warcraft Model Library

    @Foronisus: Go thanks for the bug post! I've fixed some of those already so expect a few more updates to come out soon! Thanks again.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Blender] How to create an animated coin model for Starcraft 2 with Blender

    I'm sorry but I can't follow this tutorial... I downloaded the addon and installed Blender, but I have no background in blender and your tutorial wasn't very intuitive at the beginning. Can anyone help me out?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Warcraft Model Library - How To


    This is a tutorial on how to make Warcraft Model Library Dependencies based around the Warcraft Model Library Project. In this tutorial I'll show how I export the Models from WoW Model Viewer, optimize the textures, import them into the Sc2 Editor, and create the data entries efficiently and effectively. This is just how I do it, if you know any way that I could improve upon this process, let me know!!

    Again, the point of this tutorial is to learn how to make mod files that can be used as dependencies in other maps.

    Programs You'll Need

    Starcraft 2 Editor (obviously)

    Exporting Models From WoW Model Viewer


    1. First, you'll need to set up a folder wherever you want that will contain all your models (I made mine on the Desktop and named it "Warcraft Model Library"
    2. Then, create a new folder and name so that it describes the theme of your model library (for example, if I was exporting Orc Models, I would name it "Orcs"). We will call this the Theme Folder.
    3. Then You'll need to open up the WoW Model Viewer and find a model you want to extract. Go to File-> Export Model -> .M3.
    4. From here you'll need to navigate to the Theme Folder you created. Once in the Theme Folder, create another new folder and name it so that it describes the model (so if you're exporting a fountain model, name the folder "Fountain"). Then click on the new folder. http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz343/XenobloodAION/Tutorial/SettingUp-2.png
    5. Finally, rename the model so that its name is the Theme FolderObject (continuing the fountain example, you'd name it ZangarFountain). Remember to keep the first letter of a new word Capitalized and have no spaces in the file name! If you are exporting multiple variations, just add "_00, _01, _02, etc" to the end of each file name.

    Optimizing Textures and Importing Them Into the Sc2 Editor

    1. Now that you have all your models exported into your Theme Folder, go to the Theme Folder and create two new folders called ALL TEXTURES and ALL MODELS.
    2. Now, search within the Theme Folder the letters ".tga". Copy all the textures and hit the back button and then paste them into the ALL TEXTURES folder. Search again for the letters ".m3". Paste all the .m3 files in the ALL MODELS folder.
    3. Now go to the ALL TEXTURES folder and open up BLP Lab. After opening the program, go to Tools -> Batch converter.
    4. Under Source formats check "TGA" and make the destination format "DDS". Also change the source and destination folders so that they are directed to the ALL TEXTURES folder you created. Just to be sure, check that the File Format Options are set correctly in the .DDS tab (compressed DXTC with 1 mipmap count) NOTE: You might not want to convert lighting textures (like glow, candel light, etc) so you can just take them out of the ALL TEXTURES folder and then paste them in after you've converted them.
    5. Now Navigate to the ALL TEXTURES folder and select all of the .tga files. (You can do this easily by sorting by file or searching for ".tga"). Once selected delete them. (this is when you'd add any .tga files you didn't want to convert).
    6. Now open up your file extension changer. Select all of the .dds files and drag them onto the extension changer program. Then typ tga and press "change".
    7. Now Open up the Sc2 Editor. Create a new MOD file. Click through and then open the Import tab.
    8. Right click and select "Import Files" and then click on "Browse".
    9. Navigate to the ALL TEXTURES folder and import all the textures. Save and close the mod (make the name unique and descriptive), and then reopen the mod file. This time import the models by navigating to the ALL MODELS folder. You can move the models to their own folder in Sc2 if you want by right clicking -> Move Files (select "new path").

    Data Entries

    1. Now for some data work: Open the data editor and navigate to the models tab.
    2. Change the Data Source to your mod only.
    3. Right Click and select "add model". The name and ID do not matter as this is just going to be a template for our XML work. Change Model Type to "Generic" and Parent to "CModel", then click OK. IN the model info to the right, go to the variation count and change it to 2. (This creates the XML entry that allows us to change the variation count). It should all look like this:
    4. Now click on the XML View button
    5. You should see the data in the right hand console now. Here's where having two monitors is nice, however you can do it with one. Make the data window half of your screen, and open up the Import tab and make it take up the other half.
    6. Next change the text in quotes next to the line that says "CModel id=" in the XML view to the exact name of the first model in your imports tab, ignore the _00. (For example if your first model was WorgenAfgan_00, you would put WorgenAfgan)
    7. Change the text next to "Model value=" to the file path of the model. If you put the models in a folder you put the EXACT name of the folder followed by a forward slash and then the same text you put next to "CModel id="
    8. Then change the Variation Count value so that it will include all the variations for that model. (if there is only one, delete this line AFTER copying everything from CModel to /CModel)it should look like this:
    9. Now copy the four lines of code (From "<CModel" down to "</CModel" and paste it. Repeat steps 6-8 for every model (NOT for every variation)
    10. When done, press the Commit XML Changes button and switch over to the Actor Tab. (Make sure to switch off of the XML View for now)
    11. Create a new actor (I set a keybind in the preference tab to be Shift + Space) and make the name just like the first model (like you did in the models tab), but the only difference is you can add spaces in between words (keep the capitalization the same). Then hit Suggest and Okay (don't change anything else).
    12. Continue creating new actors for every model entry like this.
    13. Once done, switch back to XML View and copy all of the actor xml code.
    14. Now open up Excel and past the code into Excel.
    15. Go to "Find & Select" and click "Replace"
    16. In the "Find What" box, type CActorAction; in the "Replace With" box type CActorDoodad. Then click "Replace All" and hit OK.
    17. Do this same thing again, but type parent="GenericAttack" in the "Find What" box and have nothing in the "Replace with". Replace All and hit OK.
    18. Copy this data and replace it in the Editor. Click on commit changes and you're done!! Go through each Actor entry and make sure they all link up with the models and that everything works.


    Exporting Models From WoW Model Viewer


    1. First, you'll need to set up a folder wherever you want that will contain all your models (I made mine on the Desktop and named it "Warcraft Model Library"
    2. Then, create a new folder and name so that it describes the theme of your model library (for example, if I was exporting Orc Models, I would name it "Orcs"). We will call this the Theme Folder.
    3. Then You'll need to open up the WoW Model Viewer and find a model you want to extract. Go to File-> Export Model -> .M3.
    4. From here you'll need to navigate to the Theme Folder you created. Once in the Theme Folder, create another new folder and name it so that it describes the model (so if you're exporting a fountain model, name the folder "Fountain"). Then click on the new folder.
    5. Finally, rename the model so that its name is the Theme FolderObject (continuing the fountain example, you'd name it ZangarFountain). Remember to keep the first letter of a new word Capitalized and have no spaces in the file name! If you are exporting multiple variations, just add "_00, _01, _02, etc" to the end of each file name.

    Optimizing Textures and Importing Them Into the Sc2 Editor

    1. Now that you have all your models exported into your Theme Folder, go to the Theme Folder and create two new folders called ALL TEXTURES and ALL MODELS.
    2. Now, search within the Theme Folder the letters ".tga". Copy all the textures and hit the back button and then paste them into the ALL TEXTURES folder. Search again for the letters ".m3". Paste all the .m3 files in the ALL MODELS folder.
    3. Now go to the ALL TEXTURES folder and open up BLP Lab. After opening the program, go to Tools -> Batch converter.
    4. Under Source formats check "TGA" and make the destination format "DDS". Also change the source and destination folders so that they are directed to the ALL TEXTURES folder you created. Just to be sure, check that the File Format Options are set correctly in the .DDS tab (compressed DXTC with 1 mipmap count) NOTE: You might not want to convert lighting textures (like glow, candel light, etc) so you can just take them out of the ALL TEXTURES folder and then paste them in after you've converted them.
    5. Now Navigate to the ALL TEXTURES folder and select all of the .tga files. (You can do this easily by sorting by file or searching for ".tga"). Once selected delete them. (this is when you'd add any .tga files you didn't want to convert).
    6. Now open up your file extension changer. Select all of the .dds files and drag them onto the extension changer program. Then typ tga and press "change".
    7. Now Open up the Sc2 Editor. Create a new MOD file. Click through and then open the Import tab.
    8. Right click and select "Import Files" and then click on "Browse".
    9. Navigate to the ALL TEXTURES folder and import all the textures. Save and close the mod (make the name unique and descriptive), and then reopen the mod file. This time import the models by navigating to the ALL MODELS folder. You can move the models to their own folder in Sc2 if you want by right clicking -> Move Files (select "new path").

    Data Entries

    1. Now for some data work: Open the data editor and navigate to the models tab.
    2. Change the Data Source to your mod only.
    3. Right Click and select "add model". The name and ID do not matter as this is just going to be a template for our XML work. Change Model Type to "Generic" and Parent to "CModel", then click OK. IN the model info to the right, go to the variation count and change it to 2. (This creates the XML entry that allows us to change the variation count). It should all look like this:
    4. Now click on the XML View button
    5. You should see the data in the right hand console now. Here's where having two monitors is nice, however you can do it with one. Make the data window half of your screen, and open up the Import tab and make it take up the other half.
    6. Next change the text in quotes next to the line that says "CModel id=" in the XML view to the exact name of the first model in your imports tab, ignore the _00. (For example if your first model was WorgenAfgan_00, you would put WorgenAfgan)
    7. Change the text next to "Model value=" to the file path of the model. If you put the models in a folder you put the EXACT name of the folder followed by a forward slash and then the same text you put next to "CModel id="
    8. Then change the Variation Count value so that it will include all the variations for that model. (if there is only one, delete this line AFTER copying everything from CModel to /CModel)it should look like this:
    9. Now copy the four lines of code (From "<CModel" down to "</CModel" and paste it. Repeat steps 6-8 for every model (NOT for every variation)
    10. When done, press the Commit XML Changes button and switch over to the Actor Tab. (Make sure to switch off of the XML View for now)
    11. Create a new actor (I set a keybind in the preference tab to be Shift + Space) and make the name just like the first model (like you did in the models tab), but the only difference is you can add spaces in between words (keep the capitalization the same). Then hit Suggest and Okay (don't change anything else).
    12. Continue creating new actors for every model entry like this.
    13. Once done, switch back to XML View and copy all of the actor xml code.
    14. Now open up Excel and past the code into Excel.
    15. Go to "Find & Select" and click "Replace"
    16. In the "Find What" box, type CActorAction; in the "Replace With" box type CActorDoodad. Then click "Replace All" and hit OK.
    17. Do this same thing again, but type parent="GenericAttack" in the "Find What" box and have nothing in the "Replace with". Replace All and hit OK.
    18. Copy this data and replace it in the Editor. Click on commit changes and you're done!! Go through each Actor entry and make sure they all link up with the models and that everything works.
    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Can't use editor!!!

    @Bommes: Go

    thanks! first thing worked!!!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can't use editor!!!

    I've opened the editor, and the stupid thing says I need to log in, however once I do it says I need to install an update, but the update always fails and says it can't access some required file... it says I should disable my anti virus stuff which I did but it still doesn't work..

    what do i do?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Warcraft Model Library

    @Bibendus: Go

    I don't know about Warcraft 3 spell effects (as I've only exported a very small amount of models from it, most are from WoW) but WoW spell effects don't usually work well in the Starcraft 2 editor. Most of the crashes or bad looking models are because they have special effects and animated textures etc.. I'll still try. You can make some really good terrains with these model packs though, here are a few pictures to prove it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Warcraft Model Library

    @Foronisus: Go

    Unfortunately I've been extracting as many of the same types of models from the WoW Model Viewer as possible, but yeah I agree it feels like there aren't a lot of really "good" models to work with... the main problem is environment doodads, like good tree, rocks, bushes, etc... they all look so shitty in Sc2 because WoW models really weren't made to be viewed from a top-down perspective...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How to update an asset file?

    @Terminator8: Go

    no one knows?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Wow models textures no applying help plz ;]
    Quote from Rakarth802: Go

    If you are porting them to SC2 you need to make the texture files into a .dds format then 3ds max it to reapply it.

    If you are using models you downloaded, make sure you import everything EXCEPT the .m3 model file, save, close sc2 editor, reopen then import the .m3, then save, close, and reopen. Should work, if not then the person who made it screwed the model up.

    They don't need to be .dds but it's way more efficient. And if you don't have 3ds Max there's a workaround to still get the great filesize of .dds files.

    First, you'll need BlpLab. After getting this, either open each texture up in BlpLab, or use the batch converter tool to convert all the files to .dds.

    After you've converted them to .dds, you'll have the greatly reduced filesize, but the problem is the models will look for textures with the file extension ".tga" or ".blp". In order to fix this, you'll need an extension changer like this one. Now all you have to do is use the extension changer and put ".tga" or ".blp" (whichever was the file type of the original texture) and then import them into Sc2 like you'd normally do. You'll get errors if you try and select the textures in Sc2 because it won't know how to view them, but it still works on the models.

    For the extension changer I linked, all you have to do is select all the textures and drag them onto the program and type in the new extension you want. It works well.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Warcraft Model Library

    NOTE: The assets can be found HERE

    Warcraft Library: General Information


    - Northrend (Part 2) (by Terminator) - Version 1.0: Uploaded 8/82012

    What is Warcraft Model Library?

    The Warcraft Model Library is a project with the intent to make creating Warcraft themed maps even easier. This library includes several Mod files that will be uploaded and updated on Battle.net for everyone to use. All you need to do to use these mods is download the mod file and place it in the mods directory in your Starcraft 2 folder (I will put a link or create a tutorial on how to do that later). Currently this library consists of DOODAD models only. However, I hope to add units and tree resource models soon. In addition, myself and a team are currently going through each model and enhancing the detail by adding normal maps.

    If you decide to use any of these mods, I only ask that you give proper credits on the loading screen or in the map itself. In addition, anybody can add mod files or update current mod files by using the Warcraft Model Library site set up. There are detailed instructions on how to do this in the Instructions document.

    If you have any questions or would like to work with me more closely in making this project more robust, please contact me at [email protected].

    Here is the link to and alternate download for the Warcraft Model Library Database: HERE. Note: Not all Mod Files are currently uploaded to Battle.Net. If you would like to help me upload and maintain these mod files, please contact me!

    How to Use the Mods:

    For a walk-through go HERE.

    Library Descriptions

    Azuremyst Library

    List of Azuremyst Models Models:

    - There are currently 36 models in this mod map. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Azuremyst Library includes models that would fit a Draenei styled map.

    Barrens Library

    List of Barrens Models Models:

    - There are currently 116 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Barrens Library includes models that would fit a desert/red styled map. Models are from the Barrens, Blades Edges, Durotar, Redridge, and Badlands areas.

    Blood Elf Library

    List of Blood Elf Library Models:

    - There are currently 109 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Blood Elf Library includes models that would fit a blood elf themed map. Models are from various blood elf areas and the netherstorm region.

    Forest Library

    List of Forest Library Models:

    - There are currently 140 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Forest Library includes models that would fit a green, foresty themed map. Models are from Darkshore, Dustwallow, Ashenvale, Elwynn, and Un Goro areas.

    Human Library

    List of Human Library Models:

    - There are currently 49 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Human Library includes models that would fit a human city styled map. Models are from Stormwind and Elwynn.

    Moonglade Library

    List of Moonglade Library Models:

    - There are currently 36 models in this library. ALSO CONTAINS A GROUND TEXTURE SET! (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Moonglade Library includes models that would fit a Night Elf styled map. Models are from the Moonglade region.

    Night Elf Library

    List of Night Elf Library Models:

    - There are currently 88 models in this library. ALSO CONTAINS A GROUND TEXTURE SET! (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Night Elf Library includes models that would fit a Night Elf styled map. Models are from various Night Elven regions.

    Northrend (Part 1) Library

    List of Northrend (Part 1) Library Models:

    - There are currently 92 models in this library. (Some are enhanced with embedded normal maps; view model list to see which ones)

    - The Northrend (Part 1) Library includes models that would fit a snowy themed map. Models are from the Argent Dawn, Vrykul, Dragonblight, Borean Tundra, and Snow Furbolg regions.

    Northrend (Part 2) Library

    List of Northrend (Part 2) Library Models:

    - There are currently 59 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Northrend (Part 2) Library includes models that would fit a snowy themed map. Models are from the Icecrown, Crystal Song Forest, and Titan regions (mainly Ulduar).

    Orc and Troll Library

    List of Orc and Troll Library Models:

    - There are currently 66 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Orc and Troll Library includes models that would fit a Horde Styled map. Models are from various Orc and Troll regions.

    Trisfall Ghostlands Library

    List of Trisfall Ghostlands Library Models:

    - There are currently 80 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Trisfall Ghostlands Library includes models that would fit a haunted themed map. Models are from Ghostlands, Twilight, and a few Worgen regions.

    Uldum (Part 1) Library

    List of Uldum (Part 1) Library Models:

    - There are currently 62 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Uldum (Part 1) Library includes models that would fit a desert style map. Models are from Uldum and a Desert Twilight regions.

    Uldum (Part 2) Library

    List of Uldum (Part 2) Library Models:

    - There are currently 59 models in this library. (None are enhanced with embedded normal maps)

    - The Uldum (Part 2) Library includes models that would fit a desert style map. Models are from the Uldum region.

    Want to Help?

    This project is completely open source. Anyone can use these mods for any project. All I ask is for proper credits somewhere. This also means that anybody can help improve this project! Whether you'd like to help host a mod file, report bugs, update/improve existing mods, or even add your own model libraries to the mix, it is all encouraged. By helping with any of these things, you will receive proper credit and my tanks :)

    Currently, we need help hosting all the model libraries. Because of the restrictions Blizzard has created, I alone cannot host every mod file. If you would like to Sponsor a Mod file, you will be given credit in the actual Mod name on Sc2 Mapster or any other Website with the mod.

    I also would appreciate feedback on the Libraries themselves. Any activity and posting helps keep this project relevant.

    If you would like to help, contact me here or at [email protected]

    Using the Mods

    Downloading the Mods

    1. First, you need to download the mod files either here at Sc2Mapster, or at the alternate site here.
    2. Go to your downloads folder (or wherever you downloaded the Mods to) and move them to your Sc2 Mod Directory. (This is usually at C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Mods or C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Mods)

    Adding the Dependencies

    1. Open up the Starcraft 2 Editor and then open up your map.
    2. Go to the top left and click on File -> Dependencies...
    3. A new dialog will appear with a few options. Click on the "Add Other" button at the bottom left part of the dialog box.
    4. This will open up another dialog that will show all the mods you have downloaded and put in your Mod Directory (the thing we did before). Click on the mod you want and press "OK". If you want to add more than one mod, just repeat steps 3 and 4.
    5. After you have added all the mods you want, press "OK" on the dialog box and save your map.

    Using the Mods in Your Map

    Now you can use all the models in your own map! All you need to do is open up the doodad pallet and search for the models. (Searching for "(W)" will filter all the Warcraft Models!)

    It's also important to know that you don't need to upload any of the Mod files in your Mods Directory. They are already uploaded to Battle.net! All you need to do is upload your map and when somebody plays it, Battle.net will load the dependencies along with your map!

    In Association with: Warcraft A New Dawn project

    If you would like to join and help out with this project as well, please PM me here!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How to update an asset file?

    I have an asset file with a mod map that I uploaded to Sc2Mapster. I just made an updated version, but I can't seem to find out how to update the exisiting upload. Can somebody help??


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 3ds Max Script Error

    I fixed it, I redownloaded and got updated script/plugin files and it works. For the record it never showed the destination dialog, and I got an updated link from an outside source, I'm not sure why I didn't have the most up to date ones. Thanks all!

    Posted in: General Chat
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