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    posted a message on Sounds are heard across the map!

    Ahh, I've had this problem before. You need to go to the Sound in question, then pull up Volume Rolloff Points. This is a graph that controls the volume of a sound from the sound origin to the current focused camara for the player. If it is like what I had, it had been set to max volume up to 100 distance and the next point was 0 volume at 1000 distance (lol). All you need to do is adjust those 2 points to something more sane. You can, of couse, do some funky stuff, like make a sound full volume if you are close, or very far, but mute in between.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Turn off Auto-cast when an ability is disabled?

    Instead of using a buff to disable the ability, add 5 seconds to the Ability Cost - Time Start for the ability. This sets an intial cooldown for the ability, like how the Mercs in WoL start with a 5 minute cooldown, or Kerrigans super ability in HotS

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on RNG and Player Specific triggers??

    Alrighty, I think I can each of these

    1) This is "Create Ping Face Point" or "Create Ping facing Angle". You can set what player group this ping is visible too, so this can be a team, allies of a player, or a single player (there is a function to convert a player to player group).

    2) This is found in the data editor, specifically the Interact Ability. When casted, it gives control of the unit to the target. To create a War 3 Tavern, you would make the building have the Interact Ability and have it set to autocast, with an appropriate auto cast range. You can have it so any number of players can control it or only 1 (Exclusive flag).

    3) This is 3 fold. First you must make sure the controller for the player is set to Computer in Player Properties. 2nd you need to enable the Campaign AI, this is a trigger action in the AI category. Finally, you need to define the ability in the data editor Tactical AI. The tactical AI will instruct how the AI uses the ability, using validators to determine valid targets (in additon to the ability normal targeting restrictions). You can also assign a Target Find to the Tactical AI, this will allow the AI to choose how to use the Ability best (For example, the High Templar will never attempt to storm a single unit, it will make sure it hits at least 3 or 4, depending on difficulty), This target finds can also be run through validators.

    4) There are 2 trigger functions that will let you get a random integer or random real, and you can set the range. The key thing to remember is that since they are functions, they will only show up in the action list if you are using it as part of comparision operation in a condition or you are modifiying/setting a variable of the correct type, or using it in a place where the GUI expects the correct type (say like, pick each integer, you could have it pick from random ranges)

    5) This would be Pick Each Unit in Unit Group. In the place where it wants the unit group, you would put Units in Region matching Condition, and assing the region. Then for the action, use the Move command, for the picked unit, to the point you want.

    Hope that helps

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Condition to Graphic Settings

    Slight correction, you can not use triggers to determine a players graphics setting, however Actors can with Event Terms. So you could conditionally create an actor based on options set. For a transmission, the unit actor has a field to specify the model to be used in Portraits, so for a specific unit, you could create a duplicate actor, with all the same events, but have 1 use the static portrait model, the other use the dynamic one, and have a term in each actor checking for the player graphic setting (Failing a term = failing a condition, actor isn't created).

    That said, yes, the simplest solution is to just set the Image in the Portrait model

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Access comand card via trigger

    For the first question, I do not believe so, not as far as I can tell.

    For the 2nd, yes, there is a event for seeing what button is pressed on a command card, and you can then check in the condition if it is the button used to access a submenu (another command card) or if it a cancel submenu button (return to previous command card).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to auto-activate an ability when a unit comes close?

    Yeah, I THINK I understand how enumerate area validators work, but I need to teest to be sure... (I think they have basically 4 passes of stuff to validate).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Damage Response: Handled / Require Effect Array

    The require effect array for damage response is the effects (usually damage ones) that will actually trigger the damage response. While it is blank, any damage effect will trigger the damage response. It is also (much to my surprise at the time) a logical OR list (meaning that any of those effects will trigger the damage response).

    As for the attack miss debuff, although this may sound counter intuitive, but you can have the damage response apply a behavior to the target which has a damage response that has the actual modify fraction. In short the "dummy" behavior is the one that needs the damage response set to modify fraction to 0 and chance to 1. Since the damage response is still running while this effect is happening, the new behavior will also trigger its damage response.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Damage Display Flags

    You will find it under the damage effect.

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    posted a message on Ping problem

    If the ping was created via triggers, you will need to destroy it with triggers. The other alternative is to set the minimap icon in the unit actor data. This should disappear when the unit dies.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to auto-activate an ability when a unit comes close?

    The most straightforward way I see is the following:

    Set the Ability Auto Cast and Auto Cast Intially On flags. Set the Ability Auto Cast filters to only include Enemies).

    The ability will be effect instant. You will have a 2 second cast time (Cast Start Time).

    Depending on how you want to accomplish the HP drain, you have 2 options. You can apply a behavior to the ward itself which does a periodic effect of searching around the ward and running a damage effect. The other option is to do a search effect and create healer effect (with negative hp granted to the target, creating a life drain). You will need to use a validator with the behavior or the create healer effect ot shut them off (Location range for the healer, enumerate area for the behavior).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Transfer to another player cancels exsisting orders.

    Unfortunetely I was not able to solve this using pure data, both the modify player effect and placing a buff cleared the units existing order queue. My best guess is this will require triggers, by triggering on the targeting of a unit by the effect, and copying their existing order queue into a variable and then another trigger once the effect completes that adds all the orders back to the unit.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Ability Selection [Help]

    As for repositioning the UI, I believe you can do it in triggers by using Dialog Hooksups to access the builtin UI elements and then use Dialog triggers to move them around. However the optimal way is to use the UI editor and edit the game XML that defines the layout and thus avoid unnecessary triggers at start up.

    As for the command card shifting slots, no it won't. I am not sure if there is a method to rearrange the command card in game with triggers. You can place muliple buttons on the single slot and then use hiding and showing to only show one ability at a time.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on object explorer missing!?!

    Under the view menu, there is option for "View Object Explorer". Maybe its my personal experience but since the object explorere rebuild on every item, I find it a performance killer (Even on a i5 4.6 GHz processor). The visual Data aviator is a far superior tool IMO (Default hotkey is Ctrl-Space, try it out).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit as Ability Resource?

    You can accomplish this with validators. Have the effect of the ability include a Enumerate Area Validator. You would then set up an area for the validator to search, like a search area effect. In this case, you would set the search filters to look for only player controlled units (uncheck Enemy, Ally, Neutral). For each unit found by the area search, you would then run another validator that checks its unit type (Infested Marine in this case). You can set the comparison so you can require the number of units found be whatever you want (Greater then X, Less then X, Equal, etc.).

    Another option is to use requirements, you can create a requirement that looks for number of a given unit you control. Probably the more optimum solution.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hold Fire ability preventing enemy attacks - how to fix?

    Hold Fire is a behavior toggle. Check the behavior flags, it probably has the passive or benign flag set, which makes the unit with the behavior ignored by weapon scanning and acquisition. Another alternative is to set the flag on the unit "Always a threat to attackers" which I believe forces the unit to always be considered in weapon scanning.

    Posted in: Data
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