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    posted a message on Cargo/invetory ability brainstorming, please give a few ideas/thoughts

    @ibebusiness: Go

    New update, got the turret moving without using "attack" commands, next step is to make it pure data driven, does anyone know how to input camera rotation under "Yaw+ query" under the Si turret for the siege tank? Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Triple Axis Unit Movement

    @CriscoCube: Go

    I got my part to work, just to update you. Much better quality and no jumping.

    Btw, if you want pm me your map and give me a task :) Im usually good at getting a lead quick.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on ModernWarfare 'like' game need help

    I would like to get together and work on the map, add our stuff and minds together

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Triple Axis Unit Movement

    @CriscoCube: Go

    You can use SetRotation to do that. I am working on figureing the rest of it out. But if you look at this vid you will see the turret of a tank, hovering above the tank rotating on all axis's. Also the Z position (height) is a part of that

    If your interested in working with me, I would love to get this all together finally, as i am also making a map, that will have flying units you can get into. and fly. and shoot. and control a turret.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tired to Answer the Same Question Again and Again? Edit the Wiki

    I would like to add a part in there about rotating turrets, on tanks for starters. Right now I just have some basic info, that allows you to actually move the turrets. Still working on adding camera support to it. But its a big door to open for all the other users as many have accepted that it doesn't work. Till now.

    Btw, that wiki looks hard to navigate... filters instead of a index/chapter side bar....?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Can someone take a look at this please?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    :P I loved your very long run on sentence there dear sir. My hats to you.

    Btw, your trigger works fine, if you sit there and let them come close enough they WILL attack. Your "problem" is in your data editor. Your other one is being stubborn when another way works just as fine but you demand its the trigger.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Working! AttachSetRotation(no fake attack/aim)

    I've spend about 30+ hours on just that alone. No lie. DrSuperEvil seems to understand the input parameters, and I seem to understand how to use those parameters, so we will be working together I think to combine the two, and I will integrate that with a camera function in my map. Once working I will release a blank map with only the needed triggers. And of course a an explanation of how to set up the turret in the data manager. As you need to "disable" the link between the tank and the turret to get the turret to accept the rotation/position commands.

    I would eventually like to give something back to this community as I have found so much information here. I just started learning this editor about a week ago. (I used to map for starcraft and warcraft)

    I like to take things to the limit, when people say you cant do this or do that, I say bullshit. I had made a FPS for WARCRAFT. With rather poor mouse support using ... uh... forgot what they were called, but basically you put invisible units on the map, and when the mouse goes over them it would detect it and move the screen. But it really sucked. There had to be hundreds if not thousands of these. Plus the map took awhile to initialize to put all these units down using math.

    There is another person on here, doing the same thing but with tiles and using that for detection.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Turret rotation solved - just one question.

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I am not using camera input right now, just looped "real" integers.

    I explained the behavior here in detail, and provided a video http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/triggers/21677-working-attach-set-rotation-no-fake-attack-aim/#p4

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Working! AttachSetRotation(no fake attack/aim)

    @GodsFury: Go

    exactly, however I still dont "understand" the numbers it accepts, right now I have it on loops turning the turret, will post link to tech vid soon. give me 10 mins.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Working! AttachSetRotation(no fake attack/aim)

    Ever wanted to move that turret thats on the tank?, I have AttachSetRotation working now, and I had a few questions before I released it as an asset or something.

    What kind of input does AttackSetRotation accept? Right now I have set it up to use 3 numbers, with the following behavior... (I am assuming these behaviors are because im using regular numbers, no Sin Cos or PolarPoint, ect....

    -1 for the first number makes the whole thing point in the general direction of left, the second number will adjust the rotation from that point. 0 for the first number will make it face ABSOLUTE north if the second number is positive, or ABSOLUTE south is the second number is in the negative 1 for the first number will make it face in the general direction of right, the second number will adjust the rotation from that point.

    So the first number will tell it to either face left or right (with the second number making adjustments) or up and down, (but the second number doesnt effect it)

    also the second number, the farther it is away from zero, the SMALLER the effect. So while 5 would make it turn 5, 10 would make it turn 7, and 15 only 10. and 30 only 12 and 60 only 13... get the drift?

    Also, the range for the second number seems to be -60 to 60

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Turret rotation solved - just one question.

    @ibebusiness: Go

    Is there anyone else who understands the data AttachSetRotation accepts?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Can someone take a look at this please?

    @BudSMoken: Go

    "Dude" (Improper form of address) I still don't understand why it matters what makes your unit attack as long as it does. I was playing the map and got those goldbanelings to do it.(Incomplete sentence, using information from a prior sentence to complete the idea) Why does it seem your being picky as to how it does it? And I'm sorry but your sense of sarcasm makes you seem like a child with a college degree talking shit "cuz" he thinks hes better than everyone else.

    If I wanted to be grammatically correct and have perfect sentence structure and be around other people who give a shit I would go to my local english teacher and slap the hell out of em. (Very long run on sentance; and "incorrect sentence structure")

    P.S. I would love to help, but your last post made me punch my English teacher.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on WASD 3rd person movement, from unit selection menu.

    @baca25: Go

    Send the map to me again, NOTHING should ever have a grayed out option. I need to change those triggering player lines to For loops to individually update every players movements. How many players will be controlling units on the map?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Can someone take a look at this please?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    he has those GoldBaneling attacking random points on the map, and his problem is he wants them to attack when they come within range,

    The issue was they were attacking at a range, just a very small range, which was set to 1, and changing it to 10, they act as he wanted.

    He has regular banelings that he was using as a test, and they behave the correct way. via the exact same triggers.

    Posted in: Data
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