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    posted a message on How to import custom textures/icons?

    @thomulf: Go format: dds or tga
    Import the image and set the button's image to that image.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Imported Character Hard Points
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    Tried making your own Site Operation (Attachment) actor and set the index value in the Attachment - Attachment Query - Methods field to 13?

    Yes, do that and make sure that you go into raw mode (ctrl + d) when you edit that value because the gui's popup window only accepts values that aren't higher than 4... :(
    I'm using hard point 07 and it's working fine.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Preference: Listed Items vs Icon Items vs Image Items
    Quote from yukaboy: Go

    Images are currently impossible in sc2, please prove me wrong if I am. (Atleast not like d2 style images) However, icons usually fit on 1 page, usually they say everything about them when hovered over, and are VERY possible in sc2. So I'd go with icons. Of course it might be different in another editor.


    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Moving Unit that doesnt exist om the Map from the start. And erasing timer window.

    @Lucyher: Go "Last created unit" is a reference to the last created unit that has been created directly with a trigger action.

    in pseudocode you do the following for your move-trigger:

    Event: myTimer runs out
    - unit (unit) = no unit
    - unitGroup (Unit Group) = empty unit group
    - set variable: unitGroup = All units in region 'myRegionWhereBarracksIs' matching conditions: 'someFilterOptionsThatExcludeBuildingsAndHiddenAndDead'
    - For every 'unit' in 'unitGroup' do the following actions:
    - - - move 'unit' to randomPointInRegion('destinationRegion')

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Different Units in same Array Position

    Create a function (action definition) and call it with a random integer and a location as parameter.
    Then create your possibilities based on the parameter value like:
    1: 2 Marines
    2: Photon cannon + Zealot
    3: nothing
    4: Ultralisk
    5: Tree
    6: Archon + Toilet

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Compressing TGAs
    Quote from Terminator8: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    what? That doesn't seem to work at all.. It just shows spheres

    Sphere is a model, not a texture.
    It works very well. I'm using that and I'm only using dds images with that.
    It's really just renaming the file ending from a legit ".dds" file to ".tga". The editor will throw errors because he expects a tga file, if you select the texture in the editor, but it works ingame and even on the imported model without restarting the editor as long as you didn't select/click on the model file before.

    I don't know what you can do wrong... just rename the file ending, import, save, done.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Revived!] Map Night

    Today, I will throw in my diablo map again. I've added charges on staves, dungeons aren't empty rooms anymore, arrows have now a chance to hit decrease due to flight time, made 17 functional spells which I will try to balance out today, overall speed was raised by 15%. I'm currently playing with formulas etc and will implement them later...

    So I'm on a good way to release a public version next month.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Moving Unit that doesnt exist om the Map from the start. And erasing timer window.

    @move units You can get the units that are within a region in a unit group. You have to go through all units within that group and perform the actions for each one of them.

    @timer window I think you can destroy them. You might need to use a global variable (in the left list) to save a reference to the timer window. At least you can hide them for sure.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Are you a true sc2mapster? Find out here!

    Even if I was only an observer for a long time... :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Problems Publishing w/ Dependencies

    Problem is that your map links to your local mod file and not to the mod file that you uploaded to the battle.net.

    How to publish maps with mod files:
    1. Publish mods.
    2. Modify the dependencies to the published mod files from battle.net to your map instead of your local files.
    3. Upload map.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Compressing TGAs

    You can even rename the file ending, if for example a model from WoW wants a .tga texture. So save it as compressed .dds and rename the "dds" to a "tga" and import it into your map. The editor will throw errors, but the textures work ingame. That's better/easier than using the "texture select by ID" only to apply a dds texture instead of tga.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Hive Keeper - Dungeon Keeper Mod

    Keep up your excellent work! :D

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Trigger Challenge: Structure Visibility

    This is hiding the units during the process for 1 game frame. So every player might notice that.
    I don't know if there is a cleaner way. This just popped into my head and I had to try it out and it works.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Reasons for leaving SC2 mapping

    If you have worked with a huge editor like sc2's one, you show that you are able to use complex systems that you didn't know before and which other people created.
    I think that should be the case, if you create game content for a company. You won't create the engine, you most likely use what people give you. You can only ask nicely, if they could look into adding this or that mechanic to the engine to allow new or simplify existing aspects.

    As an example most people from Starcraft 1 mapping were scared away from the data editor. They hadn't the pattience to learn a new system. You could transfer pretty much no knowledge because the whole trigger system works differently [if-then-checks every x game frames <-/-> event based system]).

    And after the custom game lists hopefully will be changed that non-popular maps with existing lobby can be found, you can actually get an audience for testing your map.

    If you created tools/engine yourself, it might be better for you, if you want to create tools/engines. But you can see positive aspects in pretty much everything you do as long as you do something.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map Size Limit

    The limit was raised to 20mb per map and 100mb per account now.
    If you exceed a limit, you can't upload the map to the battle.net system.

    Posted in: General Chat
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