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    posted a message on Unit info pannel to dialog item

    The blue box is there because "yourImagePathWithinTheMap.dds" doesn't exist. Use an image of your choice or Assets\Textures\White32.dds with another property <Color val="colorcode like FFFFFF or 255, 255, 255"/> within the image frame. For transparency, use <Alpha val="255"/>.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit info pannel to dialog item

    So, your core problem is putting an image behind the default infopanel?

    UI xml code to add an image behind the InfoPanel. The low render priority causes it to be drawn behind the other elements. Default render priority is 512.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <Frame type="InfoPanel" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel" file="GameUI">
                <!-- custom image -->
                <Frame type="Image" name="InfoPanelImage">
                    <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                    <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
                    <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
                    <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                    <Width val="0"/>
                    <Height val="0"/>
                    <Texture val="yourImagePathWithinTheMap.dds"/>
                    <TextureType val="Normal"/>
                    <RenderPriority val="100"/>

    If you want to have the info panel as a dialog item, you would need to hook "UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel", so the path without the leading GameUI.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Loading marine to bunker
    Quote from joemart06: Go

    Unit - Order Bunker [105.50, 61.50] to (Bunker - Load (Bunker) targeting (Closest unit to (Position of Bunker[105.50, 61.50]) in (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, etc., with at most Any Amount))) (Replace Existing Orders)

    Are you ordering the Bunker to load itself in (target unit might be bunker)?

    Also, there is the smart command order, so you would always be able to grab 4 marines (pick each unit in (Marines in region .... with at most 4)) in that area and order them to use their smart command action on the bunker simulating a right click onto it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on New unit menu

    Here is some general knowledge about the categories:

    1. View the unit in the data module.

    2. Open the "glossary category". A window will pop up containing 2 fields:

    - Text Key... the storage name of the text value. The game is smart enough to not save hundreds of times the same text, if you use the same key. Blizzard uses the same keys for their categories. To add a new category, you simply add a new text key to a unit appearing in the glossary.

    - Value... the text that is stored behind the text key. If you change this, all texts with the same text key will have the text changed, too.

    So, to add a new category, you just alter the text key to something like "Unit/Category/ZurgUnits".

    Units having the same text key will appear in the same category.

    To remove units from the glossary, you remove the text key. If you remove all units from a glossary, the glossary won't appear anymore.

    Units can be linked to each other using the glossary alias. This will cause additional command cards to be displayed for the unit in the glossary.

    The glossary priority values of the units define the order of the units in the glossary.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on TriggerDestroy + Script Obfuscation

    1. create an action definition/function with the exact name (to be exact: same identifier) and enable the "native" option.

    2. use that function in GUI instead of custom script.

    -> no custom script => obfuscation should work

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Maximum Variables?
    Quote from gkill25: Go

    Whats the maximum number of variables? And does each Array take up several of those variable points? Also do local variables count toward this?

    Local and global variables use separated memory space:
    - Local variables can store 8191 values before the limit is reached. (Editor shows an error message.)
    - Global variables can store 4,181,407 values before the limit is reached. (Ingame error pops up when limit is reached when you start the map.) But you will have problems before that in your map as triggers require global variable space, too.

    If you use booleans, it's less as those only use up 25% of the space of another variable type.
    When you use a computer player, the global variable memory limit is lower (as the AI code uses up some of that memory).

    Arrays use up space depending on their length. If you define an array with Real[9] in the trigger module, then it has 10 variables within it using the indexes 0 to 9.

    The trigger debugger displays your global variable memory usage in percent in the bottom right corner of the window.

    @ the not appearing problem
    I've no idea, but worst case scenario is using custom script as descriped by BasharTeg.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Button tint by race, additions for custom races?

    I've tested how much we can alter to create a new race now, too.
    In editor tests, the texts, styles and UI stuff are working. here

    But the much bigger problem is: You can't select your added race in the bnet lobby (and hardcoding the selection of the new race doesn't work)...
    (Selecting "Random" however has a chance to use your new race...)

    -> It's not possible to properly add new races to the game.


    I've made a post about this in Blizz's forums.

    Also, it's not possible to add a new tech tree, it seems.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Localizing sound files

    Look at Blizzard's Aiur Chef. I remember that they added localized sounds into the mod.

    I'm currently trying to check it out, but horribly slow internet is slow...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making behaviours modify the actual vitals

    Trigger everything -> full control.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    Aside from that, while it seems easier to upgrade in general, I've still had some roadblocks. I had a level 60 Barbarian that I got up to roughly 600.000 toughness and 45.000 damage, but he's been at that point for roughly 5 hours of gameplay now without me finding any upgrades whatsoever. This status quo has been similar for all my characters. And it's not like my gear outlevels the content I'm doing: in general, I've got problems soloing Master difficulty yet I do just fine in a group on Torment 2. I tried to check the Blacksmith to see if I could craft something useful, but the couple of legendary plans I found are all pre-level 60 items =|.

    I'm not sure what's going on here, but I'll have to fiddle with this regardless; either I'm doing something wrong and I should be able to solo at least Torment 1 with ease, or I need to be finding upgrades left and right.

    I didn't hit one with my DH. Are you using elemental damage bonus bracers fitting to your main damage skills?

    I started at around 20k damage and 400k toughness on my DH 3 days ago and now I've 75.6k damage, 900k toughness (I had 1 million at some point), 18% poison skill damage and 29% on rapid fire & 13% on entangling shot both using a poison damage rune. In solo, I've no troubles in masters now (I'm at the end of act 2 atm, I'm stepping up slowly with laggy laptop and horrible internet connection).

    So, maybe you aren't identifying the real damage boosts (skill damage boosts) or you are unlucky. Also, I don't know how many hours I've played... well, I leveled from paragon 20 to 44, so you could use that as a source. Btw, the diamond gem is a great source for resistance, so great that I think that it is too good. So, don't mind about that on your items, just focus on +skills, main stat and vit. Also, I've read somewhere that doing all quests and using the reset quest button gives you a legendary after killing diablo, so you might consider doing that, if it's really in the game already.

    I've bought RoS recently. I've played enough D3 to justify its costs and 2.0 made the game much better, so it's a must buy for me.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Hiding tooltips / moving command card offscreen

    1. Open the UI module.
    2. Right click in the left panel and pick "Add Layout". Type a name and click ok. I personally like to start its name with a "_", so the layout will appear at the top.
    3. Select the layout file you've just created. It's green while the original game's layout files are gray (which we can't edit).
    4. Copy this code and paste it into the right field overwriting what was standing there before.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    	<Frame type="CommandPanel" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/CommandPanel" file="GameUI">
    		<Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="9999"/>

    This code moves the panel offscreen via changing its bottom anchor's offset to a ridiculous high value.
    5. Click the button with a green XML and a white downarrow on it. It checks if the code itself seems fine.
    6. Save the map & test it.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on In-game UI Editor Questions [SOLVED]
    Quote from TheLazzoro: Go

    I have three questions about the in-game UI Editor, since I've been unable to find anything concrete.

    1. How can I save any changes I've made? I can't find any save button or even a hotkey to save.

    2. How do I remove the default UI borders around the UI frames (you know, the Terran, Zerg and Protoss art around the buttons n' such)?

    3. How can I add my own UI borders?

    1. because that functionality isn't inside the ingame UI editor. It is unfinished, but they were kind enough to leave it in the game for us to debug our UI and better understand the existing UI and its capabilities.

    2. Usually that is done in frames with the type "Image". They contain a "Texture" property where you need to enter the path to the texture you want.
    So, you would use something like:

    <Texture val="Assets\Textures\White32.dds"/>
    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on League of Legends Damage Scaling [SOLVED]
    Quote from TheLazzoro: Go

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    Nothing happens when I use the catalog action. The damage stay the same in game. What's wrong with my trigger?

    Because you are combining strings instead of doing arithmetic (real).
    That results in the attempt to write a value like "42.00.8" which is obviously not a valid real value. ;)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Will you switch to modding Heroes of the Storm?

    Since it has been confirmed that Heroes will come with an editor 4.5 weeks ago, I will certainly code an observer UI for it (because I can) after I figure out which features an observer might require and what the game supports.

    I might make a custom battleground for it in case I will have a good idea as I really like objective based maps. But I guess the editor's impact will be much smaller than the impact the sc2 editor has just because the not-Heroes games should be on the arcade and not on Heroes and since Arcade is now free, that won't be a reason to put everything into Heroes because it's easier to get access to.
    The only problem is that the sc2 arcade doesn't receive the assets. I really wish that they would share archive files, so we could more easily use Heroes stuff in the arcade. I assume most people using sc2 will even download Heroes, so that might not be a big problem. =/

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Timed burrow

    Add a buff behavior to the burrowed unit that has a duration and an expire effect which orders the unit to unburrow.

    If you have abilities that can stun/disable the morph ability, you need to enable this ability to avoid unlimited-burrow bugs.

    Posted in: Data
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