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    posted a message on Things preventing you from making awesome maps right now

    The fact that I'm making videos about my map making endeavors. It only takes me a few hours to finish one feature of the map, but more than a week to make a video about that feature I worked on. That, and a lot of other *insignificant* tasks in real life, like sleeping.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Where do you start when you start making triggers?

    @DuckyTheDuck: Go

    It's not necessarily the wrong way. Complex programs start out as simple programs that work, not complex programs that don't work. If you implement one simple feature that works, you can build on top of it to make it more complex.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on King of the Hill

    @Dalemil: Go

    I'm looking over your trigger right now. I have 2 questions: What is the trigger supposed to do? And what is the trigger doing right now? Basically, what is it doing that it's not supposed to be doing?

    EDIT: I think I spotted the problem. In the "Unit Leaves Hill" trigger, you have an event that says "Unit - leaver[(Owner of (Triggering unit))] Leaves TheHill". The problem with this is the event is registered when the map loads. At that time, I would assume all elements of the leaver[] array equal to "No Unit". The event is not associated with the variable itself, but with the unit it references at the time its registered. On top of that, "Triggering Unit" during the map load is "No Unit", so "Owner of (Triggering Unit)" would equal 0.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Colonial Line Wars review - the tug'o'war we've been waiting for

    Colonial Line Wars is the map I've spent the most time playing so far. I enjoy it a lot, but it did have its share of problems a few months ago. Remember when you could build an infinite amount of Wraiths and you could create a stalemate?

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Where do you start when you start making triggers?

    I start with the core game mechanics first. These are the triggers you make before you even touch the Terrain Editor; before you have pre-placed points, regions, and units. e.g. do you have a hero-based attack or special controls that requires triggers? This is how I'm doing it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hey everyone (Introduction Thread)

    I go by the name "SentryIII" and I been modding Blizzard games for over a decade. I've made maps for Starcraft and Warcraft III, and now I'm working on Starcraft II. I'm really surprised by the complexity of the Galaxy Editor. I haven't played around with everything yet, but I'm learning a lot. I used to make Warcraft III in JASS, so I was able to work with the Trigger Editor quite easily. I have a solid understanding of programming, so a substantial amount of posts will probably be about triggers.

    The map I'm working on right now is going to be an AoS-style top-down shooter, where I try to minimize the importance of money and hero experience and place emphasis on the skill of the player itself. But I'm not just making the map, I'm actually making a series of videos for the whole development process.

    I call this series "Deep Blue". It's only 4 episodes so far, and I don't know how many in total it will become. Funny thing is, the videos take more time to make than the map itself. But, I'm enjoying it, and it seems other people are enjoying it too. I also discuss gameplay theory; what makes games fun, and gameplay concepts such as the Skill Cap.

    Ep #01: "Diving In" -

    Ep #02: "Having Fun" -

    Ep #03: "Learn & Master" -

    Ep #04: "Lock & Load" -

    My Youtube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/GGBeyondcom

    I'm hoping to contribute a fair amount of stuff to the SC2 community. Modding is one of the things that defines PC gaming, and I always like to be part of it

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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