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    posted a message on (Solved) Swimming unit

    Nice. I just searched a little, and it seems impossible to force a unit to ignore terrain height with a behavior, so i'll have to make it morph.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Swimming unit

    I just had an idea, but I don't know if it is possible.

    So, is it possible to have an actor's height set at a fixed value, not regarding the ground height but the map height ?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Edit Teint of object

    It's done via the Send actor message action. Something like that.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Some questions

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    3) I'll try to find something about that, but I don't remember anything that could interfere.

    9) Well... Either I remove any doodads on the cliffs and their respective pathing, or there's no jumping enemies on the map. What a shame.

    And another question by the way :

    10) What exacly the Unified attack speed factor (Buff behavior, Modification, Movement tab) is supposed to do ? I assumed that it's a additive AS multiplier, but it seems that it only takes the greatest value. Note that stacking this with a single stackable behavior works and is actually additive (2 stacks of the same behavior with 100% results in 200% increased AS, but one behavior with 100% and another different with 50% results in 100%).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Some questions

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    3) It has all the standard actor events for a generic unit, plus the one I added to play the animation.

    7) I feel stupid to have forgotten that field. A second buff was required to prevent stacking the damage modifications, but not the attributes bonus. Everything works fine now, thanks.

    .8) Daaaaaaaamn. Well, I'll have to find a trick.

    And once again, another question :

    9) Is it possible for a Jump behavior to ignore pathing ?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Some questions

    1) and 2) okay, way more than what I may ever need.

    3) I tried either "UnitBirth" and "ActorCreation", same result.

    5) Okay, now I understand what this field is supposed to do. Sometimes, the editor's french localization is really weird.

    6) Not funny.

    7) There was a confusion here. Let's take an example : I actually have an item that increases all physical damage by 50% and decreases all others kind of damage by 25%. To do this, I need 2 behaviors whith damage response (plus one for the item's bonuses to have everything clear). But even i put those 3 behaviors in the item's "Equip behavior" field, it seems that only the first is really applied (in my example, only the attributes)...

    And here's another question :

    .8) Is it possible to have a useable item appear in the command card ?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Some questions

    Well, the first wasn't very clear.

    Is there a limit on the number of different behaviors a single unit can handle before the game can't actually add another ?

    BTW, 4) fixed. The actor wan't inheriting visibility.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Some questions

    Hello once again, gentlemen. This time, I have a bunch of "simple" questions.

    1) How many behaviors a single unit can have at one time ? 64

    2) Is it possible to add abilities to a unit (assuming there's already the button in the commande card) ? Nope.

    3) How can we set an animation to play at the birth of a unit ? When I try the "ActorCreation/UnitBirth + PlayAnim", there's still a short time where we can see the idle animation.

    4) I added a fancy glow-cloud-thing on items when they are on the ground, created by the item's actor when it is created itself. The problem is that the glow persists on the unit that picked them. That's ugly. Stupid error.

    5) Is there a way to have only certain effects apply a damage response ? I want some items to have on-hits effects on autoattacks, but I can't use other damage types for spells, as my map uses a Borderlands-like damage system (Physical, Corrosive, Lightning, Fire) which uses each damage type. Plus, there will be more than one hero available, and therefore different autoattack effects, so I can't set the damage response to ativate for one specific effect. Yup.

    6) Can damage response stack with each others ? Like, if one item increases physical damage by 50% and another by 100%, how they will react ? Yup, multiplicative

    7) After a test... Is it even possible to use a damage response from a behavior applied by an item ? If yes, how does an item reacts when you set it to apply multiple behaviors when equipped ? It is, but it's complicated.

    8) Is it possible to have a useable item appear in the command card ? Not directly.

    9) Is it possible for a Jump behavior to ignore pathing ? Nope.

    10) What exacly the Unified attack speed factor (Buff behavior, Modification, Movement tab) is supposed to do ? I assumed that it's a additive AS multiplier, but it seems that it only takes the greatest value. Note that stacking this with a single stackable behavior works and is actually additive (2 stacks of the same behavior with 100% results in 200% increased AS, but one behavior with 100% and another different with 50% results in 100%).

    Any ideas ?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on 3-states ability

    Nice idea, I'll try it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Editing problems

    Hello again, gentlemen.

    I recently managed to make 3DSMax working with the M3 addon. Yay, I can finally start model editing, thanks to Daara87. Note that I've already used 3DS Max during my studies, but we didn't started animation yet. Okay, that was mostly basics and texturing.

    My first test is adding teamcolor to the WoW's mantid, as well as normal and specular. And removing thoses pesky hairs that looks ugly.

    It was almost all fine in 3DSMax (I can't find how to show attachment points, bones, and helpers - I never used them atm), but in the game it's not the same at all.

    1) Specular way too stronk

    2) Right tiny arm's forearm and left leg's right toe all messed up (maybe a missing bone)

    Mantid 01

    Well, at least the team color is here and works as intended. Wheeee.

    Here's 2 zip containing about all you can need. The first is for the max scene (I had to compress it to lower the size), the second is all the m3 models and the textures.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Make a Spider mine explode when killed?

    It's the same way the banelings works, right ?

    So, just put on the mine a behavior that triggers the explosion effect (search area + damage) when it's removed.

    Don't forget to remove all effects on the weapon except the suicide, as it will trigger the behavior's explosion anyway. Or add an effect that remove the behavior before starting anything else.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on 3-states ability

    Hello gentlemen.

    This time, I had an idea about an ability ("O RLY ?") that constantly convert health to energy, or energy to health, and can be desactivated aswell. As it's for a RPG-like map, it will be levelable (more gain for less drain). The first time you use it, it goes on the Energy -> Health state, another use put it on the Health -> Energy state, and another reverts on the Energy -> Health, etc. When active (any state), the "Stop draining" button appears on the command card, and disable any state.

    It's simple but I have no idea which type of ability I should use. Specialize can't have levels, and Behavior only allows a single behavior.

    Any help ?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attribute scaling with ameliorations

    Okay, always good to know.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attribute scaling with ameliorations

    Hello, gentlemen.

    So, I'm doing another "will-never-be-finished-but-meh-it's-fun" map, which include (but not limited at) abilities scaling on attributes.

    I used the catalog trigger at first, it was fine until my brain screamed "OH GAWD IT SHOULD BE FUN IN MULTIPLAYER, too bad catalog method is bad for that, eh ?". Then I tried with ameliorations, with one for each spell that increases whatever I need as it was for one point of attribute, and a max level of 255. And I finished with the trigger that set the level of this amelioration at the number of points.

    Aaaaaand it does nothing.

    I thought it's because of the low scaling (0,2) but nope. Any idea ?

    (Edit) Nevermind. I should have looked on the wiki first. It seems that if the max level of an upgrade is >100, the upgrade won't work at all. Quite bad, as my main attribute can go up to 70 easily, not to mention items... Well, at least the other attributes will be fine.

    (Edit bis) Well, now the trigger that made the scaling runs too many threads. Quite strange, as I didn't touched it. It seems that "tracking" one attribute is fine, but more isn't.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Damages and bonus

    J'avais zappé ton existence sur SC2Mapster, en fait. Le problème est qu'avec les bonus aux dégâts par attribut, j'arrive à du grand n'importe quoi, les dégâts sont pratiquement toujours 20. J'espérais naïvement pouvoir régler le problème avec mes 2 effets à l'impact, mais hélas, ça aurait été trop simple. Tant pis, je me débrouillerais avec 3 effets (Et au passage, je compte pas le DoT dans les effets à l'impact).

    Je vais voir comment les switch fonctionnent.

    Posted in: Data
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