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    posted a message on (Solved) Help with Radar Filter

    Radar Sensor cannot detect any Cloaked Unit in the fog of war. Period

    If you really wanted to, you could attach a behavior on the Tower that searches for cloaked units periodically(and forever) within the Radar radius, which applies a hidden buff on the unit. Behavior: Validator (Remove) field on the behavior should have a Combine validator, which holds 2 validators, 1 like "Within Range of Radar" and 1 like "Outside Sensor Tower sight range". The periodic time should be very short, something like 0.0625(or is there a new minimum? 0.01? (Try it out I guess)).

    Create an Actor that filters only the player who has the sensor tower, attach a blip actor on the unit that has the behavior, which can be seen in the fog of war(the blip actor).

    I feel I am forgetting 1 thing...

    Oh, the Minimap... to get something to show up on the minimap you could...

    Create a new unit, invulnerable, no weapon, no move, no rotation, nothing. Just make it a bare bone unit. The Model should be invisible sphere, set a minimap radius in the actor of the unit. Attach this unit onto the cloaked unit, under the enemy's control. Unselectable, unclickable, basically make it look like nothing is there.

    Hmm... If you do the last paragraph I just wrote, you can probably skip having to attach a new blip onto the unit, since the created unit should be detectable to the radar from the get go.

    So basically. Create the behavior, with the validators, create the new unit, attach it to any unit that has the behavior, under the cloaked unit's owners control.

    EDIT: Eh, looks a bit messy how I wrote it.

    • Behavior 1 (re-use the Radar Tower Behavior, just add to it)
      • Stats: Period - 0.0625
      • Stats: Period Count - (-1)
      • Effect: Effect Periodic - Search Effect X
    • Search Effect X
      • Search: Areas+ - Arc 360, Effect (Apply Behavior Y), Max Count -1, Radius (this radius should match the Radar behavior's range), Radius Bonus 0
      • Search: Search Filter - Required: Cloaked, Buried
    • Behavior Y
      • Stats: Duration - 0.0625
      • Behavior: Validators(Remove)+ - Validator A
    • Validator A(type Combine)
      • Validator: Type - AND
      • Validator: Combines+ - Validator Minimum Range, Validator Maximum Range
    • Validator Minimum Range(type Location Range)
      • Validator: Compare - Greater Than or Equal To
      • Validator: Range - (this should match the Radar Tower's sight range + 0.5/1 - Test in game to match it)
      • Target: Location+ - (Apply Behavior Y):Source
      • Validator: Value+ - (None):Source Unit
    • Validator Maximum Range(type Location Range)
      • Validator: Compare - Less Than or Equal To
      • Validator: Range - (this should match the Radar Tower's Radar Detection range)
      • Target: Location+ - (Apply Behavior Y):Source
      • Validator: Value+ - (None):Source Unit

    For the Target:Location+ fields, I believe they should match those, though you may need to do some testing. Since the unit with the behavior(the cloaked unit) has to be within range of a Radar Tower, you need to specify the location, and we do that by pointing to the Source of the Apply Behavior Y effect, which is the tower.

    Hope that helps... ;)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mapster Mentoring

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    Well I apologize for my little rant, lol. I was pretty drunk when I got home last night, hahaha, and I think it took me almost an hour to write, correcting all the spelling mistakes :P

    Perhaps those people who face palmed and egged you on should read my post... I still think it stands mostly true to the fact that there's only so many names on the list. Perhaps it's time to get those little birdies to post their own names, and their preferred contact method being through IRC???

    Food for thought. ;P

    And, what do you mean about your rep got higher? With who?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Mapster Mentoring

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    Fact is, you and Dry don't have your names placed on the Mentor List. The guy's asking for a mentor. We each have our specialties. You and Dry want to focus on your project, go right ahead, I don't see anything being wrong with that, but you don't have to be totally balls to the wall overly passive aggressive towards DrSuperEvil.

    I've worked with Dryeyece and I know he's amazing. I've seen your stuff Dogmai, again, you are amazing at what you do. Me, I don't think I'm amazing, but I've got some talent no doubt for the amount of time I put into the Editor. I've no desire to spend MONTHS making a map. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I've turned down a few lead data editor positions from very strong projects(I've never told anyone before because it didn't matter), because A) I don't have the time for it/don't want to devote the time to it. and B) I do data editing as a hobby.

    I'm sure DrSuperEvil was referring to actual Mentors when he wrote "no better than X".

    I'm sure if Dryeyece posted alot of maps and even participated in WDE's or just random shit on the forum, and had put his name up for Mentor, that he'd have been mentioned no doubt.

    What, are we supposed to refer people to you, Dry, ProzaicMuze, or even progammer? NO. Because that'd probably flood your inboxes and take time away from your projects and because you/they aren't on the fucking list.

    I've referred several people to DrSuperEvil and/or Kueken at times because they were asking for help with things I'd never explored before but I knew that either of them would likely know. Hypothetically, if someone would ask about some crazy, over the top ability that I couldn't figure out, I would reference Dryeyece without even thinking, IF he was on the list.

    So before you go "calling out people's bullshit", take everything into context.

    I was flat out surprised and shocked that DrSuperEvil even mentioned me, and I thought of Dry because he helped me out quite a bit in my early days. But you didn't see me post and suggest Dry because he ain't on the god damn list.

    Yes, you're better than me. GET OVER IT.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Equipment Array issues

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Already stated the weapon field is blank. If I put a weapon in the weapon field, I get Damage: 0, Targets: Ground and Air Units, and some other weapon stat shows up in the tooltip.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Equipment Array issues

    Well, some may not know what this is, but the Equipment Array is how you display the Carrier's weapon in game, that show up in the bottom center pane next to the wireframe and armor. The Carrier weapon is not displayed the same as a Marine's weapon because it is a Magazine. The Equipment Array is basically a way of "overwriting" the default weapon data, in a sense, and displaying what is truly going on with the weapon... The Magazine simply releases the Interceptors, which are the Carriers weapon, which in normal cases, holds the data like damage, period, range, # of attacks, etc and are displayed for all too see. But the real weapon is the Interceptor. You use an Equipment Array to show the Interceptors weapon stats, displayed when you select the Carrier.

    Anyways, I am having an issue, and perhaps someone has some insight, or a way of adding an extra bit to this screen.

    I'm working some more on my "Show me how you Build" WDE#19 entry that I never got around to starting until recently, and I want to add to the Nexus another UI Icon that shows you the Power Level being output by the Nexus. I got it working fine with the Equipment Array, but an issue...

    I added the button, name(Nexus Power Level), tooltip is left blank, weapon field is blank. But I cannot leave the 'effect' field blank. If I do, when I hover over the icon in game, the tooltip box will not show up. If I add just any effect in the effect field, again, the tooltip box does not show up. However when I add a damage effect in the field(I defaulted to 0 on ALL fields for the damage effect) when I hover over it, the tooltip shows up properly, however, I get the unsightly Damage: 0 showing up in the tooltip.

    Anyone know how to get rid of Damage:0 from showing up in the tooltip? Or, know how to add an extra UI:Icon some otherway??

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What makes preserver glow?

    @Kueken531: Go

    I swapped EVERYTHING. Glows, diffuse, specs. For each and every single attachment, which included Sentry, Interceptor(can you spot it?), Tassadar, Voidseeker, Urun(hero Pheonix), EyeofAdunCharge, VoidPrismImpact which happens to be attached to the center of the Voidseeker, and an interesting thing while I was playing around with the glows, I got this "curtain" effect to show up that spins around the globe, just by changing the texture of the swirly lightning. I'll post a video of it. It's a BIG change.

    Here we go... still processing, but i'll link it here anyways. Should be done in a minute, very short vid.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/jKFczdpZG-g?fs=1
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What makes preserver glow?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Let me dig a bit. It was a while ago when I was working on that "Uber Protoss" that I posted about in the TextureSelectByID tutorial thread(which I have since stopped working on because it was too much alike that other unit thing), and though I saw it and thought it was cool, I had my heart set on red.


    EDIT: So I went back into the map since I save every little map(I should probably clean my folder out) and for the red glow I was using animbloodsplat1.dds. So, real quick I just looked up "glow" in the textures and tried out GenericGlow64 and it looks pretty cool. A hint of gray, shimmers.

    Tried out aiurovermindcrater_glow.dds and there's almost no glow, except for a little trace of "spidery cracks" colored purple running over the armor of the Preserver/Tassadar.

    charbridge_glow.dds same as the overmindcrater glow, spidery/spotty orange.

    generator_glow/_glowred.dds have a cool shimmer pattern.

    another really cool glow effect, part white/pale orange/pale yellow, is t1_sm_mb_windowglow_e.dds, slightest hint of a shimmer, mostly "solid/specular" type coloring when the unit fidgets, black shows through.

    The blue/green/teal/aquamarine/whatever shimmering is zhakuldasprison_glow

    @Kueken531: Go Is that pearlescent shimmering texture in the editor by default or did you import it? The one that is at 32 seconds in your video.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Model Variation - Probability

    @shardfenix: Go


    This thread I linked is on the first page of the Data forum, right at the bottom, which is solved.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What makes preserver glow?

    @Kueken531: Go

    I really like the pearlescent texture, seems to shimmer multiple colors. I put a white glow while testing this a while back and unit was pure black, looked pretty badass.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved]: Picking out model variations

    Here. This is so much quicker and requires no model editing and can be used on any unit/model with multiple variations, and all you need to do is have 1 extra Event in your actor.

    Actor Events+

    • UnitBirth.InfestedCivilian ]
      • ModelSwap InfestedCivilian (variation)1 }

    ]The unit you are looking for is Infested Terran (Campaign)(ID is InfestedCivilian) to have it show up as InfestedCivilian

    }the model is actually called InfestedCivilian

    Variation 0 is tentacles on both sides, variation 2 is tentacle on the right only.

    Model swapping to itself allows you to force a variation.

    You now get the Infested Terran showing up with only the tentacle on the left. The texture swaps are still in so they get the varying textures so they all don't look the exact same, but the base model is.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attach an actor to an actor

    That should work...

    You CAN specify that on UnitBirth.Boat -> Create. Since the Human actor is created on birth of Boat, the hat will also be created on birth of Boat, but be attached to the Human because you specified the Actor as the Host. Why it doesn't work... well there's probably a tiny little mistake(I've done plenty of tiny mistakes that screw everything up and after going over it for a good little while figuring it out). Take another look at it, make sure it's how it should be.

    A Video of 1 base battlecruiser with 1 attachment, which has 1 attachment that has an attachment that has an attachment(it is possible)

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/P2hCyiundK0?fs=1

    Care to post the map so I(whoever) can take a look at the actor(s), or PM me if you don't want it public?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attachment not following attachment point when adjusted with imported model

    Are you sure that attachment point, you are attaching it to, has a full motion? Some attachment points are simply there and do not move up, down, left, right, during any animation.

    I'm very curious to see where you are attaching your stuff, so I am going to download the map, but I'm pretty damn sure you're attaching them to "static" attachment points. I'll edit what I find...

    EDIT: Very odd. There's likely something a bit off with the Murloc model, or maybe even the goggle model... I've attached plenty of things to moving attachment points and everything worked.

    Maybe find someone who can re-extract the murloc model from WoW MPQ for you?

    EDIT :: Wait, what the F*? Did you... you necro'd a thread from over a year ago? Jesus... well, eitherway, there's my answer. I'm really gonna have to start looking at dates again... too many necros in the past couple months.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Misery of living and dying Magic - A Shadowrun adaption

    Shadowrun was one of the most fun and innovative online FPS. I always played Troll with the big guns, or an Elf with a Katana, haha. Blocking sniper bullets with a sword...

    the good old days

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Data] Custom Techtrees

    Create a "Train" Ability, custom for that structure.

    In the Train Ability, find the Info+ field and double click on that, and you will get a window that pops up. You just click on Train01, choose the button, the unit it trains, the time it takes, etc.

    Then, go to the Building in the unit tab, add the ability in the Abilities+ field, and then modify the Command Card+ field.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Favorite movie scene or short clip?

    @Mozared: Go

    How's something that cannot be real, be scary? That's not something I've ever understood.

    I've been watching the goriest horror movies(A list and B list) since I was 7. Avid horror movie watcher. The Shining was always one of my favorites, but perhaps my experience with my father basically losing it a few years back, and several of my extended family was threatened with death by him(even threatened to murder his own god-son to his face, with the knife in his hand), wondering when he's going to show up next, being harassed all the time, eventually having him committed after several calls to authorities(the hospital/psych ward were always too busy to do a proper evaluation so they would send some half rate retard instead of an actual psych doc to evaluate, then release him(My father worked in psych hospitals as a nurse for many years(over 11 years) when we were young, he knew how to fool cops & stupid doctors)... and whatnot just made horror films dealing with psychosis/mind break truly horrifying.

    Thankfully he recovered after spending over a year in a mental ward and working through his problems, and he's 100% now.

    Just my opinion that lame-o horror monsters aren't scary in the slightest bit and that true horror is what people do to each other.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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