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    posted a message on Different Button Shape

    @gorjdesign: Go

    There's currently no function that supports it afaik. But there is a workaround. Multiple rectangles slices too fill a circle shape

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [Potential Spoilers] Predictions for HotS storyline

    Sweet mother of God the suspense is killing me. I've been baited into getting a digital copy from a local retailer, but it hasn't arrived yet.*insert Wilhelm scream*

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on The strongest race? (A scientific study)

    Not sure if anyone would be interested in this read, but I found a link to a scientific study about which Starcraft 2 race would come out at the top in a prolonged war (?) in the Korprulu sector. The study was done by running simulations of the colonization and conquest of Korprulu by 6 factions (2 T, Z and P) which use either micro or macro strategies. To what I understand, these are somewhat based off data acquired from the results of matches played on a professional level.

    Warning: It's a long read.


    tl; dr; Terran's who micro had the best chances of survival and expansion.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Potential Spoilers] Predictions for HotS storyline

    @zeldarules28: Go

    Methinks Kerrigan will get her revenge on Arcturus, but at the cost of her recently restored humanity

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Using HotS stuff after the launch

    Just thought I'd share.

    I've been scouting, and the best buy I've found online is Amazon UK, going for 26 Euros. I think it's a digital version, not too sure. And it could be a pre-purchase promo. This is about 5 USD off the price of the blizzard stores digital download. (12.5% discount) Sadly, I ain't got no paypal nor credit card, So I won't be able to leverage.

    The temptation to get HotS just for the new assets and campaign story is immense. Gee, I'm such a sucker for these things.

    @zeldarules28: Go

    It's good that they had the foresight. Faith in Blizzard partially restored after the D3 Disaster.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [2.0.4] Editor hotkeys bugged for custom script

    Always nice to know I'm not the only one.

    Quickest non-mouse moving/clicking workaround I can come up with is to alt+tab to another open editor window, saving, testing, then moving back.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [2.0.4] Editor hotkeys bugged for custom script


    Open a new custom script, try to press any hotkey combination, Ctrl+S, F9 etc.

    They all fail. This is not a critical bug, but it is a nuisance as it hinders productivity for script enthusiasts.

    Before 2.0.4, this was not the case. Now everytime a map needs to be saved, it has to either be done by clicking on the save button or clicking on an entry in the trigger list before pressing the hotkey.

    PS: Could anyone please confirm this?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Dynamic Content - Possible?

    If I'm understanding your post right, the dynamic content should work while we are in game. I.e. shop inventory should be able to change based on the program.

    I don't think it's possible because of the way banks work (According to some tests I ran a long time ago). Disprove me if my observations and theories are wrong, but here is what I discovered (About 2 years ago).

    1. Banks can only be preloaded at the map start. Attempting to do this during the game will result in complete failure to read the data. Closing a bank file, then reopening it again, will result in a broken bank file with empty sections and keys.
    2. Once a bank is preloaded, a data buffer is created and the bank contents are unloaded to it. When you call the save to bank function, the buffer will commit the contents to the bank.
    3. Modifying the bank file while it is preloaded will not result in the bank data being changed in game, one would need to modify the data in the buffer, and to do so we would effectively need to have the 3rd party program detecting the bank data in memory and modify the values there, this might not exactly be legal since Blizzard discourages the use of 3rd party programs that modify the game state (?).
    4. Proof of the point above is that I could change the values in my bank, then run a trigger to read that value in game. Presto, the value loaded is that which was in the original bank commit (save) that was done from the game, not the one that was done from the bank file itself.
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Using HotS stuff after the launch

    I really hope they had the foresight to either filter or tag maps that require HotS for people that won't be getting it so soon. Guess we might be seeing multiple versions of certain maps being published. The WoL version and HotS one. Community segregation. Yay!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Key Input starts to not work for no apparent reason in the middle of the map

    @Crainy: Go

    Could it be battlenet latency? I noticed a similar problem with key input lag whenever I play online (Usually a few seconds), but when I test offline in a test map, no problem. The keystrokes aren't completely disabled though, it's more like they're delayed.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved]: Stacking Images and Slowly Removing Top Image

    Not sure if this'll help or if it's what you're looking for, but I just logged in after months of inactivity to point you to this link:


    Signing out.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on New Battle.net UI

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    @progammer: Go

    Yeah, I think you guys are right. Seems I (slightly) misinterpreted what was said in the article.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on New Battle.net UI

    I'm liking the changes. Kinda feels like they were purposely holding back to give more reason to the general public to upgrade to HoTs though.

    On another note, was sort of expecting the UI to have more of a Zergy look to it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How do I script?

    It is possible to override the MapScript.galaxy file, but opening the trigger editor and saving your map would probably recompile it back to it's blank state. And it is definitely possible to script entirely in galaxy.

    I believe the function called upon map initialization is InitMap, which initializes all libraries, triggers, events and custom scripts. Can't help you confirm it now as I don't have access to my editor, but pressing Ctrl+F11 on a new map should make it clear where the starting point is since you're familiar with script.

    Thus, to script in pure galaxy, on Notepad+ + or what not, you'd just have to use InitMap as your starting function and work from there.

    Edit: Welcome to the scripting club :) We're a rare breed over here.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on [New Small Question] Code Elegance Question

    Changing nothing and switching to a while loop fixed the issue.

    Mmm.. Really not sure why the for loop wasn't working :/ Is there any problem with just using the while loop? I honestly don't see a reason not to since it works.

    PS: Sorry I couldn't help you with this one.

    Posted in: Triggers
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