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    posted a message on How to get Arm Magazine charges to work?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Sorry about that man I meant to have that as a reply to the guy who started the thread. And by what I read on his first question up at the top what I told him should work, as far as using a hanagar ability to limit the max number of a type of units it creates, and have the current number of active ones appear on the button.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to get Arm Magazine charges to work?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    To limit the maximum number you can have per building all you need is a requirement saying Unit complete at unit less than X X = whatever you want your maximum to be.

    Inside the hangar click on ability info - then the unit you are making with the hangar and where you set the cooldown and time use stuff down at the bottom is a drop down menu you can alter, under a section called management I think, if this is set to ignore the hanagar does not track how many have been created or anything it just makes em and sets em free, setting this to recall will give you the number on the button you want and make the requirement operate because the hangara bil will keep track of the units it has made. Destroy will kill the units if they leave the leach range I am pretty sure, either way you want recall.

    so make your req, and set the info manage section to recall, then play round with unit leash ranges and stuff, I gotta run ill check back later see if this helped.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Osama Bin Laden

    @Yaos01: Go

    Yeah but imagine if this is just an extremely elaborate ruse to get him to actually make a mistake and reveal his true location? I am just saying the whole thing seems like either they are outright lying about the whole thing or they are covering up a bunch of stuff with half truths and maybe he is dead but I cant escape the feeling that at least a large portion of their story is bullcrap.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Osama Bin Laden

    I vote for Government Conspiracy to get Obama re-elected, I simply can't believe that at a time when it seems a whole heck of a lot of people are not likin the president at all he magically kills obama with his "Critical Decisions" and a seal team, just 1 yearish from election time...

    Think about it seriously for a minute. They said he chose to go with a seal team to avoid obliterating the evidence with a bombing attack, and their plan once they got this evidence of his death (his corpse), which was preserved by not bombing his house is to rush the DNA testing and as soon as possible dump his body at sea where it will be literally impossible to ever find for any reason. Ohh thats right its so that none of his followers can come to mourn over his remains, its definitely not so that no third party can possibly examine the evidence, instead those third parties who might want to for whatever would only get to use the samples that were taken before he was dropped in the middle of the ocean. That is just tooooo fishy for me to just believe right off the bat.

    I don't want to seem un-patriotic, I love the united states and I like living here too, I even served my country in the Navy for 5 years, and spent time overseas. But I am not so naive as to just take the governments word on it either, and judging by their actions so far the whole thing just screams bullshit.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Tofu (Project TMA) Official Thread

    @vadremix: Go

    Thank you, and beta is creeping ever closer I am probably going to start a seperate thread with each persons name who has expressed interest at the top, and give it a day or so for more people to sign up just before beta starts so we can keep it as organized as possible once it gets going.

    <---- 100% Proud to be a Nerd

    ...Nerds unite!! 8-)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Stop/remove death animation via trigger

    @Dryeyece: Go

    I have no idea why those red lines are going through those sentences...=/

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Stop/remove death animation via trigger

    @BiweeklyAaron: Go

    the reason why is that the Death animation for that model is 14 seconds long, the first 7 of it you need then you want it to disappear, because the last 7 seconds of it is just a pretty blue crater.

    I would go to its actor and in the Combat - Death Effects field I would set the model for the Normal index to none, its usually at the top when you first open that field for manipulation and its the only one that says Artifact in the Model column.

    Then go into the actor itself and add a new event down at the bottom.

    Unit Death,Your ArtifactName, Any

    -> Animation Play, you can Label it Death, as that label isnt used anywhere else in this actor, Animation Properties: Death leave the timescale at automatic and -1

    Add another event

    Unit death, your artifactname any,

    -> Timer Set: I would label it CDT ( for cinematic death timer) and set the base to 7 seconds + however long you wish the crater to be visible. At 7 seconds exactly the explosion has only just finished disipating all the way. leave range empty

    Add a new event

    Timer Expired dont change source name or sub-name, then right click the event Timer Expired and select add term, that term should be selected and on the right now is things you can change about it, just change AnimPlaying to TimerName, then go to the message part of the Timer Expired event and set it to destroy and on the right where it says normal use that drop down meny there to change it to immediate.

    This should solve your problem I will test it in a little while if I dont hear back from you here that it solved it. Hope it helps

    P.S if I sounded condescending or anything I didnt mean to I just have no idea your skill level with the editor and actors 8-).

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Tofu (Project TMA) Official Thread

    @Nashadun: Go

    When I say I knew we would get some negative feedback I was thinking along the lines of people saying yeah you shouldn't have done that, or heh that was a bit cocky but not that some people would actualy appear to get truly angry over it, or be put off. If we thought it would put people off just on the basis that one of the last images is a bit cocky or arrogant then we wouldnt have done it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Tofu (Project TMA) Official Thread

    @Mozared: Go


    I totally understand bro, and yes TMA will be a challenge to balance but thats ok because all pvp games are. Don't worry though there is no healing really in Tofu except the healing powerups you can run over to pick up. Other than that there are 3 ultimates out of 18 that can produce healing effect, and only one of them can heal anyone other than the caster and thats Wydow and if she heals herself its reduced by 50% than if she were to heal an ally, but its also a nuke she can smack an enemy with, since it is an ulti though it has a hefty cooldown to counter its power. Violences can heal himself with his ultimate as well you will see in the video and his is dependant on their being multiple enemies around him to be effective which is adverse to healing yourself as it kinda makes you a bit of a target, and Pyro's heal requires him to be damaging himself also, which requires him to be above 30% life also so once he has dropped under 30% no more heal for him.

    So you see theres really very little and very conditional healing in Tofu other than what is available for anyone to simply walk over before the next guy, I played a lot of WoW arena also and even more Warsong Gulch so I know the ramifications of having healers running around, and I didnt want whether or not this teams got a healer and that one doesn't to be such a major factor in victory.

    Who doesnt like bursty damage? hehe crits r fun. But you are right it requires balancing, but I prefer it that way really, I would rather a hero produce a range of dps rather than 1 constant amount, as it adds variance and a certain un-knowability about the outcome of a fight, which to me is the way it should be, everyone should go into a fight believing they are going to win thats just a given for success but the actual outcome should not be decided before the fight has happened.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Tofu (Project TMA) Official Thread

    Funny that the only things in TMA that you see that are NOT custom are the visuals like explosions etc... for abilities, the models that are the heroes, and the art on them few of which were left stock btw. Ohh and we use a good bit of blizzards sound FX, but we also use custom sounds. The simple fact is creating those things takes more time than anything else in the whole process. Not to mention the actual cost, and we simply can't afford it 8-).

    There is no rule anywhere that says you can't make a great game that revoutionizes the mindset of a genre or creates its own with the assets provided by the editor. I am not saying that Tofu is that game but I for one believe it is. Either way thats not something the creators can decide, all we can do is pour into it all the creativity and ingenuity we have at our disposal and see what the world does with it.

    A lot of people say "Overhyped", it's been thrown at a game that almost no one has ever played like it's beads in a parade but the fact of the matter is you don't know, no one does. The popularity system will undeniably reveal the merit of that. Apparently Sixen was impressed enough that he agreed to put us on the front page. I don't know about any of you but I personally respect his opinion on custom maps as I am sure we all know he see's quite a damn bit of them come and go. I believe him to be a truly impartial third party in the matter who has been nothing but honorable about it all, especially with not leaking any information we could not thank him enough, truly. For the record we didn't hype TMA up, you guys did, everyone who has made a comment about the game, anywhere has contributed to the hype, all we did was present our game to Sixen, ask him what he thought, and asked him if he would post images on the front page which he did. If no one had commented on the 1st image, or at least by the 2nd or 3rd you can believe Sixen would have told us no, we had to wait until release or more info was available before posting anything else, but thats not what happened, tons of people started commenting, even started their own threads to discuss it. Admittedly we got the ball rolling but its the community which sustains it, and I truly hope they continue.

    Quote from alexbis: Go

    Advice: you've dissapointed a lot of us here with the overhype, I'd suggest more modesty (eg. dont write "impressed?" and "this is not starcraft"). Let US tell YOU if your project is awesome, it shouldn't be the other way around.

    I don't need someone else to tell me whether or not its awesome before I start thinking its awesome. I have been forming my own opinions about things for a long time now and I don't intend to stop now. I was very impressed with the video when I saw it completed, as I am impressed with what we have achieved in so far with Tofu. I tell you right now I knew we would get some negative feedback on the Impressed part at the end, but that's ok, my feelings aren't hurt and neither are Dogmai's. You guys are absolutely entitled to your own opinions, and the right to express them, but that means we are too, and we proudly expressed ours with the Trailer.

    Proverbs Chap 23, verse 7

    As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

    Maybe you aren't christian or w/e, I don't mean to offend but that is one thing that I live by.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Tofu (Project TMA) Official Thread

    @apple321: Go

    Muhahahaha wait until you guys see the vids for the rest of the heroes 8-).

    Now granted Morbius is one of the more complicated of all the heroes, his potential dps reflects it though. But there are 16 more heroes to do vids for and you guys haven't really seen anything yet. As different and unique from each other as those 2 heroes are, is the exact same kind of unique quality each hero shares among themselves.

    Now I am not saying every hero I made was totally unique from any other hero ever made because they aren't, by any means. A lot of what they do should be familiar to many. Many of us who are familiar with Project TMA right now are custom map makers, and we all know there is a limited amount of stuff you can do to produce damage which is basically what most abilities do, its an intrinsic quality if you want to do more than stand there autoattacking someone to death. What I tried to do was think of interesting ways to do it, and most of all to find ways to motivate players to do more than just spam 1 ability over and over, because I didn't want to put giant cooldowns on every ability, but if you have X ability that has basically no cooldown whats the incentive to use any other ability? So I asked myself that about everything, whats the incentive to use this over this, or this and then this. From there I would design how they would interact with one another for the most part, .

    Also featured in Tofu is a new kind of battlefield control, allow me to explain. See in World of Warcraft you have Warlocks, who can cast a spell called "Fear", I am sure many of you know what it is and does but for those who dont, you cast it at an enemy and it forces them to run around randomly "in fear" for X amount of time. There are Druids who can cast Entangling Roots, which removes your ability to move at all, but you can still fight. I would make you guys some Dota or Smashcraft, or other custom Warcraft/SC2 map example of these battlefield control abilities but to be honest I don't know jack diddly about them. So in these cases there is no choice on the recievers side of things, they get the fear and they have to run around, they get the root and they have to stand still there are no 2 ways about it. While I am a fan of these types of battlefield control and I even have some very very similiar abilities in my game I also designed some very unique ones that I am particularly proud of.

    An example would be Vorkan and his ability Kinetic Field. Kientic Field puts a powerful debuff on the target and if they stand still, they dont take any damage and the effects of Kinetic Field are reduced dramatically, although Vorkan can still access bonuses on some of his abilities regardless. However if you are moving you take tons of damage, and you also send out Kinetic Shocks that deal damage to any allies near you at this time. This is a root spell, but it doesnt root anyone, it makes the reciever choose, to either stand still, and be rooted, or to move freely but take loads of damage. Now I am not sure if any other game uses non-enforced roots such as that as I have never played a game that did, that or I just didn't notice which is possible. This is just one of a handful of my own personal blend of abilities that are designed to take the game out of the computers hands and put it back into the hands of the player, as well as add some real time deciion making to the combat process aside from who to attack etc...

    More will be explained in the hero video's as this is already getting to be a big ass post lol.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Items dropping all on top of each other

    @HatsuneMikuMegurine: Go

    I would give the item a collision, say set all the items in your games Movement - Collision to Unused Land 16, one that no other unit you use in your game has, that way no one collides with the items but they colide with themselves

    Then set their movement radius to what you want the sepration to be, basically making it more like a normal unit in those regards. If you need a more detailed explanation lemme know, but I am assuming you follow what I mean until you say otherwise 8-)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Zerg Hunter RPG: Escape Beta coming (4/30/11)

    Thats awesome bro! Congrats on getting part 2 into beta and release soon.

    I don't have the time to help beta 8) but after release I will drop in for a few games check out the new stuffs, been a while since I dusted off the Myrmigod =p

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Tofu Discussion
    Quote from DogmaiSEA: Go

    Starcraft II's engine is not the best for this type of game, because of how the AI reacquires targets, and unselects your hero after specific commands are issued. To over come this we have enabled a work around, which is turned on by default but can be disabled via hotkeys or the menu, which will automatically reacquire an enemy hero, and automatically reselects your hero every game loop - which is why you never saw us selecting an enemy hero.

    To extend on that a little bit,

    When you use an ability, any ability that is not transient, which doesnt work well at all for most abilities, it interrupts the casting units standing attack order, in other words it clears your current target. So if you are near other units, creep, heroes, pets etc... Your weapon may not re-acquire the same target so you could end up attacking someone or something else nearby, which is annoying. I am sure most of us have experienced this in one game or antoher where units with weapons and abilities target hop requiring you to re-issue an attack command on your target after each ability used. Well in TMA you can turn on auto-reacquire, and any enemy you use an ability on that requires you to have a specific target will also issue the attack command eliminating the target bouncing of using abilities and losing your target.

    Also sometimes when using abilities that you activate, then choose a target for, you end up selecting the target instead because you didnt push the button down all the way, or it was just a hair from being off cooldown but was still cooling down, any number of reasons, for this we implemented Auto-Reselect, whereby anytime your hero is deselected within the time frame of one game loop it is reselected for you, this is of course can be turned on and off. And at any time you can hit [Tab] to instantly select your hero and center the camera on them.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on We are TIRED of the damn Advertisement video

    Thanks you guys, I will check those out asap as this is of course not the only web-site I have this issue with so it would make sense to seek out means of removing it on my end ;-)

    Posted in: General Chat
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