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    posted a message on how to deal with broken command cards

    well yesterday i just said screw it and turned the murloc marine into the new ghost

    copied all the sound and art data over, all in all it took me like 20 minutes maybe until the new ghost was perfect. and that was after spending at least 5 hours trying to fix the old ghosts command card

    im still confused about inheritance of values tho, since duplicating the old ghost just resulted in the same problem

    anyways, i still have 2 open problems with command card, and those i can ask in detail:

    my dependencies are: wol campaign, hots campaign, lotv campaign

    - when i add parasitic bomb to the viper, it always gets displayed in row 2 column 3 (bottom row, second to last button) as well as in the place where i added it

    - i cannot delete the "flying locust" button from the swarm host

    if anyone could help with these two specifically, id be grateful, i dont want to create units from scratch again just because of two stupid buttons :((

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on how to deal with broken command cards
    Quote from Forge_User_04585675: Go

    If you are using the campaign mods then you must not use the "multi" mods. Equally well you might have issues if you use the "Left2Die" mod as that is not too compatibly with LotV campaign.

    Run through all the XML and manually determine what the command card should be. You may find that the editor is generating stupid XML with regard to what already exists for the entry.

    For nested command cards to work you need to use the appropriate naming convention as used by the editor when naming the command card pages. Using any other naming convention for the pages can cause it to bug to some extent so the buttons do not work correctly or do not show in the editor.

    i only used the campaign mods :/

    anyways in the meantime i solved it by turning the murloc marine into my new ghost. took a fraction of the time i already spent in uselessly trying 30 ways to fix the command cards

    Quote from fishy77: Go

    @summerloud: Go

    It could be that you have requirements linked to the ability which would cause it to be locked. Also if you placed multiple abilities in the same spot, it will take the first unlocked one to show. You could have also forgotten to put values in all 3 of the drop down menus for each ability, which would cause the ability to not show up.

    dude. seriously. dude. even tho i was almost sure someone would post something like this i cant help but get a little bit angry.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on how to deal with broken command cards

    is there any way to deal with bugged command cards in the editor?

    i think its a problem that comes from multiple dependencies, but im not sure. basically it moves/hides abilities and/or buttons for some command cards without any logical pattern

    the unit worst affected is the ghost, i cannot for the life of me give it the command card i want him to have, my abilities always get shifted around, disappear, get hidden by other buttons etc

    i even tried completely deleting the buttons in xml, then building then anew directly in XML - this worked for some units, but not for the ghost. buttons are still duplicated or appear in different places than i specified, or link to the wrong abilities.

    i even tried duplicating the ghost unit, but the command card on my new ghost is just as broken. if i copy the command card to a different unit, it works without problems...

    where does all that confusion come from? is it multiple dependencies?

    i have other bugged command cards as well, some where buttons appear that i cannot delete in the editor (swarm host flying locust button), some where abilities appear twice once i add them in the editor (viper parasitic swarm), and other messy stuff

    is there ANY way to deal with this in this broken piece of crap blizzard calls an editor?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on create attachment points on models that dont have any

    edit: thanks for the help, i solved it by giving the unit the model of the drone, but with a scale that basically made it invisible, and then attaching the feederling model on top of that, via actor events

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on create attachment points on models that dont have any

    in my mod i am using the feederling model for the workers of one faction. the problem is, those do not seem to have any attachment points where the carried mineral model could be attached to

    is there any way to create attachment points on that model?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (kinda solved) cannot get addons to work properly with copied buildings

    some more information, maybe someone can work with this:

    when i try to create a techlab with a barracks where there is no space, it will work like this:

    1) it lets me place the barracks+techlab in another spot 2) after placing it, it shows the placement building model for both barracks and tech lab on the destination site 3) it lifts off, flies there, lands there, and builds the techlab

    when i do the same with my copied barracks, it will let me place the techlab, but instead of showing the green translucent building placement model for both the barracks and the tech lab, it only shows it for the tech lab. then it lifts off the barracks, plays the error sound, and stops there

    is someone competent enough to at least verify my supspicion that this should be an actor problem? ive been looking through actors for days, but cant find whats missing

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to change resource icon?

    the solution was posted here a couple of years ago, i used it recently for my mod, to change the standard terrazine icon into something more dinstinctive, so it still works


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (kinda solved) cannot get addons to work properly with copied buildings

    for my multiplayer mod heptacraft (www.heptacraft.com) i had to copy buildings since it has 7 factions

    one terran factions now has the copied barracks/factories/starports

    i got everything to work, including addons, except for one thing about them:

    if i try to build an addon from a flying barracks/factory/starport, or in a place where the building has to lift off in order to build, it will just play an error sound, show now error message, and stop in midair

    i get no placement error, it accepts the buildings placement, it just does not actually move the building to the build position, land it there, and start building the addon

    if i manually land the building anywhere and build the addon it works fine, as does landing next to already completed addons

    i looked through validators, footprints, actors, abilities, units, basically everything, but i cant find what is amiss

    from my understanding, it must be an actor telling the lifted off structure to go to the building place and land there?

    any help would be greatly appreciated, its basically the only bug i cannot get rid off right now

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HeptaCraft - a SC2:LotV multiplayer mod

    im going to post videos and screens next week, too busy right now and im going to be away for the weekend

    edit: i added the video, it shows the dynamic vision system and other features. im going to post around the community in 2 days, hoping to generate some interest then

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on HeptaCraft - a SC2:LotV multiplayer mod

    im nearing completion of my mod for HeptaCraft, and searching for pre-beta testers for some additional input

    you can find information about the mod at www.heptacraft.com

    basically its a 7 faction multiplayer mod that aims to incorporate many of the ideas that popped up over the years in the sc2 community

    one feature that needs testing right now is the dynamic vision system im using - units can see further in the direction they are facing than behind them

    this created some performance issues on some systems with ppl i tested it with. however, it seems that it runs much better if you disable shadow effects in the gfx settings

    if you want to test it, just search for "heptacraft" on EU or AM as an extension mod. please post feedback either here or at the heptacraft forums at www.heptacraft.com

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on external ladder for an extension mod

    im currently working on an extension mod for starcraft 2: lotv

    outdated project info: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/starcraft-2/500313-heptacraft-sc2-mod-project-preview not yet updated website: www.heptacraft.com can be found on b.net AM and EU by searching for "HeptaCraft", is in a playable state with 6 of 7 factions basically complete

    however, i have one feature im a little bit unsure about:

    i want to create an external ladder

    since bank file only work for saving in extension mods, thanks to a known but unfixed bug, this would work this way:

    - game writes a bank file - tiny client running in the background uploads bank file to central server - when player wins another bank file is created and uploaded - ladder is calculated on the server

    im fairly confident i can do this, however the central question im unsure about is:

    is this legal or against blizzard ToS?

    if anyone knows for sure, plz let me know, either here or on www.heptacraft.com

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Banks cannot be preloaded in an extension mod

    just if anyone was wondering - lotv DID NOT FIX THIS

    very depressing for the mod scene :(

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on flying buildings addons

    im currently making a mod with two different terran factions, and had to copy a lot of terran buildings for that reason

    getting all the morph abilities to work again was a pain in the ass, but now lift off, raise/lower depot and addons are working as they should, with one exception:

    when my copied buildings are flying (flying barracks, factory or starport), they will not build any addons

    i cant place the addons and i do not get any error message, but the flying building will not fly to the location, or even just land if i try to build in the spot its already at

    anyone got any idea where to look for a solution?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on realistic momentum-based movement for big spaceships?

    i already have that flag set, it doesnt really help, movement still gets initiated before turning is complete

    tbh i dunno why this flag is even there

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on realistic momentum-based movement for big spaceships?

    im working on a mod where i want capital ships like BCs or carriers to move more realistically

    i can get halfway where i want by decreasing acceleration, turning rate and lateral acceleration

    the problem is - if you issue a move order in the exact opposite direction the unit is currently moving, it will instantly reverse its direction while conserving its momentum, ignoring acceleration. if turn rate is low, the unit will just turn while already actually moving into the opposite direction

    what i want is to make it hard to reverse directions, but so far i havent found a way to do it in data editor

    is this possible at all?

    Posted in: Data
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