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    posted a message on [Solved] Combine text & text from script

    You should post your discovery so others searching the forums (like good little trolls) can benifit from your revelations ;)

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on [Events] attempting to create events

    @Klishu: Go

    Yes, but you can define and call a custom function or action etc (you can even define your own bitflags which I think is awesome... but I haven't tried yet)

    You cannot register a new event with the event handler... which is unfortunate... Any one know of any good workarounds? I mean, it's not a critical thing, but it would make mine (and I'm sure a lot of other) libraries a WHOLE lot nicer looking and easier to use.

    I'll probably have to include some sort of "fake event trigger" and just run it... but that means requiring users to actually modify your library which kinda defeats the purpose...

    Are we SURE that the event handler is locked to Blizz only events??? I have tried several times at guessing the syntax and forcing the event to run in a custom script... but like caspersc says, I'm not getting anywhere without proper functions...

    Right now, when you "define a new event" it registers it as a function (which makes sense), so then in it's actions, couldn't we manually add our event if we could figure out how the event handler works? I have little expperience with Blizz's policies with their editors, so I don't know if this is a speculation that should be made.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on [Events] attempting to create events

    So I've discovered events are impossible in the trigger editor (unimplamented)

    Have they been implamented, or has someone figured out the naming convention for events in scripts? I'm writing a library and I'd like to have some events that users may attach triggers to.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Small Guy, Big (Camera) Problem

    the camera offset is a height variation from the unit. If your unit is too small, try setting it to a negative value

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is it bad to use a while loop without any wait?

    I would recomend a workaround of simply putting a "refresh button" there... then the player can deal with it (piss less players off when it switches just before they try to buy something)

    If you want to update it automatically still, find an event dealing with their income and attach it to the event. Events will be MUUUUCH less overhead (read: "lag") than a constantly running contiuous timer like that.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Pick each player in player group/Current player

    @EFoG: Go

    Without looking at it too hard your issue probably lies in the fact that the player index of player 1 is 1, but the first element in an array is 0.

    (Player 0 is "Neutral" and player 17 is "Hostile" unless you change that)

    If you have a one player map, I highly recomend just making a variable and sticking the player in it...

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Referencing Dialog List Items

    I have not worked with dialog lists but I am going to guess, if there's no built in indexOf() type function, you are going to have to itterate through all the elements, keeping track of how many you've seen until you get to what you want...

    aka pick each element in the list, elementIndex = elementIndex + 1, if this is the element I want, return elementIndex

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Is it possible to force an event?

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    In the trigger editor?

    Can I jump into Custom scripts and use em? I'm trying to avoid custom scripts because I'd like to release the library and keep it as transparent as possible, but if it's the only way to throw an event, I can easily jump down into script if that's what it takes.

    Would it be as simple as calling the event function??? Without having issues with the (hidden) function pointers/ delegates??? It can't be that easy...

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Is it possible to force an event?

    @Atl0s: Go

    Thanks for the quick response, but that won't work. I am creating a library, and I want the event to "happen", so that other map makers can use that event to trigger their own triggers.

    I do not know what triggers they might be using from the event, I only wish to notify them the event has happened so they can use it to perform their own actions.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Small Guy, Big (Camera) Problem

    @KrayzBlu: Go

    Try... Action: Set Camera Object Property - Property: Height Offset

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do YOU do dialogue?

    This doesn't work for complex dialogue (such as decision making)... but this is a fun trick I used in a lot of my WC3 maps...

    • Event: Unit - Any Unit Enters regionSignIntroSign
    • Action: Text Tag - Create a text tag with the text "There are many signs to help guide you along your way" for (All players), using a font size of 24, at ((Center of regionSignIntroSign) offset by 0.0 height) and height offset 4.0, initially Visible, and fog of war enforcement set to false

    Hrmm, I think I have a little redundancy in that trigger... but it works and you'll get the idea.

    Anyhow, then what I do is place a region around what ever I want my "sign" (or person speaking) to be. Unfortunately, you then need a trigger for Unit Leaves Region to turn it off (although if it's dialogue, you could simply use a timer).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Lagless TPS Solution?

    Graphical lag can be solved easily. Look at

    Action - Camera - Set Camera Object Property - Property - XXX

    You can manipulate things such as Depth of Field, Fall Off, Clip Plane, etc

    The other lag (delay from button presses due to server queries) is still being worked on.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Is it possible to force an event?

    Do we really need to label our Titles anymore with the new divisions? o,O

    Anyhow, I want to create an event for other players to be able to attach triggers to, but I want to be able to force the event from other code I am using...

    Aka, I have a function that begins a repeating timer and repeats a fixed number of times (user assigned). When that loop counter reaches <= 0, I pause the timer, and would like to force an event so that users of my library will be able to attach any sort of actions they wish, to this event.

    Heck... for that matter... can we force other events? (aka fake an pre-defined event?)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Resolved] How are variables passed

    oh yeah... no pointers... booo... just a quick follow up... in terms of the compiler... do you know if it inlines functions or not? I wrote a quick function "pickedPlayerminusOne()" because I was tired of doing "Arithmetic (Interger): Pick Player - 1" Is this going to give me a lot of problems with a heavy load on calling this function? is it worth taking the extremely long time to inline this function myself all the time?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Resolved] How are variables passed

    this is a prety basic question, but are variables passed to functions (a few I wrote) by reference? or are they isntanced and passed by value?

    Posted in: Triggers
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