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    posted a message on X-COM: Enemy Unknown

    Never really played XCOM, but have played games like it an understand the basic concepts, and I love this idea. I was trying out different ways of creating a turn based system before my hard drive failed, and had all but given up, but when I saw this I decided to give it a go again and I think it's very well possible to do most if not all of those things, among others inherent in XCOM and Jagged Alliance and similar games. If I end up making anything actually useful beyond experimental bug ridden half complete engines, I'll surely show you, and perhaps we can start a team for these kinds of games (I am sure the basic mechanics can be applied to many different scenarios/stories/genres.)

    So far, I have a basic time unit system, movement costing 1 per (distance between unit and move position) and attacks costing (movement cost+15) Units cannot interact after their time units reaches zero (No actual turn system yet) Units will attack once per attack click, as well. During a move, a unit cannot be reordered until the entire movement is done (No going back/changing mid order)

    That is about all I've got so far, and it has a few bugs and problems. The most obvious being that distance between unit and order position does not indicate how far the unit will have to move if an obstacle is in the way (if there is a long cliff that is only 1 cliff width wide, and you want to move around it, clicking the other side will only cost 3 time units, when in reality, the distance the unit has to walk around the cliff should be much much higher (30+).

    If you're still lurking around, I'll post the map for you to see, and see if you like how it works so far.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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