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    posted a message on Creating Simple Effects

    the best way, is to learn why actors behave the way they do. in short; actors are the 'visuals/sound effects/ etcc EVERYTHING EYECANDY' behind a unit. units now are simply a 'class' of sort place holders for 'actors' if you will. so from what i get you want when a unit dies, X to happen VISUALLY, and Y to happen VERBALLY (maybe i just threw that part in but it entails the same part).

    the point of 'creating an effect' from what i gather is the same as war 3 world editor but they took the need out for 'dummy' units. if you unit has an effect 'shoot yamato canon' then by 'creating an effect on 'unitX' from 'unitY'' you are making unitY shoot a yamato canon at unitX without the need for a 'dummy unit'. this is quite enjoyable when you are making a unit shoot a 'shed spread' of missiles or osemthing like that as you wont need a bunch of dummy units to shoot it.

    so to do what you want, i would tell you to take a unit, say a marine. look at what happens to him when he dies in game. revert back to the data editor and click on the 'unit' then see all the actors attached. see what one makes him do what he does when he 'dies'. then you can 'copy' or 'duplicate' only the actor and model/sound(or both) attached, and look at the events / model paths that codes for what makes it animate the way it does and change it for your own.

    now in the sense of the world editor, the previous understanding of 'create effect' is NOW 'create actor'/'create model'. those are the eyecandy functions triggerable currently from my understanding. so memory wise, all actors have a default 'on death..... destroy(||)' command. and that takes care of 'memory leaks' so as long as you create an actor and it plays itself out to death, it will 'self clean' itself.

    so to summarize, the best way to handle this is to attach an actor

    AKA behaviors from what i get are simply 'buffs' from war3, but with much more power. its best to start thinking of behaviors as buffs, and just dig in until you realize that yes they are buffs, but soooo much more. especially when you get into validators IMO. and behaviors can cross BACK into effects.... they are so empowering once you realize their potential. but for basics, they are simply 'buffs'.

    sorry if this doesnt make sense, but you are asking a short hand answer to soemthing that has multiple parts to it. plus, the bottle of jim beam is gone, and this is the most sense i can make without posting an 'eye cancer' sorts of info. my suggestion HONESTLY; save your map, make a new one, and pull up the marine unit, and try to make it when the unit dies, different things happen than normal. keep playing and reloading and youll soon realize that when you change X, Y will happen. post a map of yours if you want specific responses possibly is all i have to say.

    IMO what you are asking is like saying 'how do i draw a person' welll.... it starts with the head, and then the ratio of eyes to mouth, then the lining of the mouth to inner eyelids etcc..... theres a lot entailed, but it ALL revolves around the basic 'actor' of your unit.

    when theres a marine, marine death, marine death fire, etcc actors, most are specific and the one you need to focus on learning about IMO is simply the 'marine' actor. look at the 'events' field as a good start. GL!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on FPcc(first person close combat)

    the left click from blue is set up as an event 'player licks left mouse button down' then you detect the point of where the click is 'mouseeventclickx(),mouseeventclicky()' etc.... and since the range is never going to be where you click you just 'command' your unit to click the point from the angle between your unit to where the point (x,y) mouse click event happened offset by say just 2 and make the spell a persistant etcc that makes him swing. does that make sense? im a bit tipsy, any question to clarify just ask, GL ive got maps doing this for my zealots but the animations suck in the end. until some1 comes up with a proper back animation at least IMO.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on clear cut memory leaks-

    good to know, kidna what i was thinking myself, but thanks for the input

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Destroy Persistent effect Crashes

    i will post one later tonight, its just a enffect with persistant, --> search --->set (dmg, suicide, destroy persistant)

    but i will post it later (not at home atm) maybe im just too thick to see whats really the problem-

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Regions and Mem Leaks

    whats wrong with using 'triggering unit' 'point of unit' etc???? if i were to use those functions multiple times in a trigger, i should make a local variable, assign it at the start, then just reference the local variable throughout the rest of the trigger??

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on clear cut memory leaks-

    im a bit confused on hte specifics of what does and doesn't cause memory leaks / bad performance in sc2 modding. how to global variables vs local variables effect speed and memory leaking? (im asking in reference to a few posts ive seen that apparently the community knows something i dont).

    from what i do understand is actors can create 'leaks' of sorts in that if you create one and dont 'kill' it or remove it then it stays in memory and seemingly 'leaks' of sorts. i see this auto-colelcted by the event manager of the actor, but you have to 'kill' the actor. there is an event> 'on death' action -> destroy {||} or something like that, that i see as auto put in for every actor kinda like the on birth event. so as long as you 'kill' it or it dies, you shouldnt have to 'remove' it as they are both connected provided you dont delete that event (im not even sure if you can as ive never wanted to try) anyone know anything solid here???

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on sc2mapster to take over hive, take advantage while you can!

    so once the first site really starts pushing a 'model' / skin type colletion, it will take over as the 'main' website for modders most likely. id like to see sc2mapster initiate this type of uploading / searching etc.... section to stay ahead of the game. its pretty obvious that from all the other sites sc2mapster is the cream of the crop atm. and models / loading screens etc... are just starting to come out. if there was a section to upload them it would really push sc2mapster into the lead for a long time to come. heck, it may even allow sc2mapster to endorse some advertising revenue off it. anyways, people help me bump this so the site moderators can get on this aspect and keep our community thriving for the coming years. i know people are already allowing people to 'upload' them and whatnot but a whole section with links at the top right next to 'maps' and 'asset' be like 'multimedia' or something like that... thanks

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Destroy Persistent effect Crashes

    everytime i use this effect, it crashes the game. sometimes it will take 2 or 3 clicks of the ability, but inevitably using the effect crashes the game. ive tried using it in pretty much every concievable way and every time same result; crash. :(

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on local variables / triggering player / and inner trigger loops

    i cant get on bnet to check, but do you still have to assign the triggering player to a local variable if withing your trigger you have a 'loop while' kind of function? like part of the trigger continues to run, will i need to assign a local variable to the 'triggering' player or is that function auto saved from within each trigger now? hopefully im makin sense-

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Movers..?

    its a brain teaser! if / when you figure it out let us know the exacts you find out! ive been messing with the parabola functions in there, but get bored with that after so many tries of not seeing any change....

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 'optimizing' triggers

    i hear ya, it just seems futile to make a map work at a level then it will when it is 'at its worst / full map loaded etc...'

    small crappy example; in dota or some other map like that, someone makes a huge spell, anims and blasts everywhere. looks pretty etc.... so they test this and its all fine n well, just the map maker. then the map maker gets a bud or two and they test it and its all fine and well. so then, in small games, when theres not much going on, the map is fine, but when the map is a full house, and stuff is going off everywhere, the spell makes the game a bit choppy or whatnot. i guess im thinking id rather know its gonna be choppy, and if it is then it may as well be choppy with 2 people playing to let me know to better work it, than to 'get by' and when its a full house and lots of fun, it starts to play like crap.

    but thanks for your input, i really have no idea. just my random theories on the subject, so i enjoy the comments!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 'optimizing' triggers

    ive got a 'tech' type question if any computer savy people can answer it;

    i see people 'optimize' triggers (mainly talking about movement) where the movement loop that occurs very fast like ever .01 or .15 seconds it only runs it for players that have 'initiated' movement by pressing a key. like youll add them to the player group of 'moving players' so only the people pressing keys the trigger is really ran for. while this seems like a great way to optimize performance, isnt this just inevitably 'hiding' bad performance? like i'd rather my map be buggy or slow ALL the time, than only 'some' times when everyone is moving, so i can tell or know if the map overall needs to be reworked. does this type of 'optimizing' help with lag?

    my current method of optimizing is simply like if a calculation such as movespped+sprintspeed is calculated multiple times throughout a trigger, ill just calculate it once, set it to a local variable, then just recall that variable throughout the trigger so it cuts back on the # of calculations. this may be 'negligible' but i would think it would be a guaranteed way to help with performance during a calm/low processing time of the map or during the hustle and bustle of the most busy/chaotic of times.

    does anyone get what im saying? id rather it be slower with only 3 players while calcualting for the full 14 so i can tell if when the full 14 players are in there it still runs smoothly or whatnot. does this make sense?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Healing specified unit on unit damage

    i see your dilema, the way i would currently go about this through the data editor only (im still learning a lot of workarounds from within the data editor so this may be a barbaric method) but possibly you could give the unit that shoots the projectile a buff, say one that lasted -1 (forever duration) then make it when the projectile explodes it does a search and targets only the units with the buff and does a healing effect. you could group this up with the damaging effect in a set from the projectile.

    the fallback would be if multiple units (of the 'mother' class) were around, then they would all get healed. as well as a possible range factor depending on how far you wanted to make the search for buffed unit to heal effect reach.

    to possibly further this one to 'lower' errors (but the errors will become more chaotic, just fewer) would be if when the projectile was launched, it applied the buff to the mother unit, then when the projectile died, it did the search/heal, and removed the buff from the mother unit, to try to lower the number of 'mother' units around that could recieve the healing buff. if only we could assign specific/unique 'buff tags' (kinda like local variables) it would help with some stuff.... other than that the good ol trigger editor;

    with a trigger editor i would make it when the unit is created (spawned etc... or missile is created etc..) then give it a custom value associated with the specific unit that 'created' it through triggers. then when it explodes make another trigger that event detects it and conditions (mother/custom tagged unit is alive) then to heal it for x life. (or just set unit property w/e)

    not the best way but its a way, albeit possibly crappy. i hate doing stuff with triggers, even custom scripting, i dont like it. gotta keep pushing into the data editor i say! but, i dont know how to target specific units through the data editor either. though i saw some fields that played with that idea in the interceptor ability. when its launched its issued an order to attack the same unit the carrier is attacking i believe. so there is a link between effects / other units. but it may be quite limited, at least from what i know.

    but i gotta be honest with you, i dont like ANY of the above methods. the trigger way seems the most accurate, but triggers fuckin blow imo-

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on actors of type action & end point targeted attachments

    Im trying to get a flame thrower to show the effect with or without a target. the dmg always happens, but only when a target is there willthe animation show up. I started from a 'fresh parent' action actor, did not copy or duplicate like i have in the past, so what ive got in i know what is doing and why, but i am having a hard time gettingthe anim to show up from;

    the attachment point on the model (its working where its sposed to currently from the weapon) to the target point. there are work arounds, but i hate doing that. there must be a way to make this work with just simple data editor stuff. im assuming its the impact point site field i need to work with? im kinda workign with them all.... anyone got any good guesses??

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Terrain textures

    i like that texture, mind if i use it?

    Posted in: Terrain
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