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    posted a message on Creep Despawning?

    Is there a way to remove / despawn creep through the data editor? Currently Ive got a unit that leaves a creep trail, and another unit I want to be able to remove it. I tried copying/editing the creep behavior footprint to "no creep" for all cells & layers (mainly placement is what i think matters) but it doesnt remove / despawn creep.

    Im currently having to use a trigger to remove creep, but it removes it fast (doesn't look good) and triggers suck IMO. Any thoughts? :)

    Possible available workaround; make the unit leaving a creep trail leave invisible units that spawn the creep, then have the unit removing the creep auto kill nearby invisible creep spawners and set the map creep despawn rate to fast. This may be what I'll end up doing but im hoping theres a more elegant way to achieve this.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Opacity & Shadow on Attachments

    Further info ascertained;

    I play with my graphics on ULTRA. Cause I'm like that. I like to make maps pretty. Ultra is the only setting that allows for transparent shadows. Anything with less than ultra shadow settings will show a straight dark shadow for everything all the time, or the blob for low quality. These settings work as they are intended, at least for my purposes.

    Further info; When shadow settings are on ultra, and if i attach the same unit model to itself, the shadows transparency works correctly, (from my post above I had trialed and used identical models as attachements, so its not JUST that model, its ANYTHING OTHER than the base actor model it seems) but if the attachment is another type of model, the shadow always stays dark and doesn't fade with the base actor units opactiy / base unit shadow opacity.

    So, it's not a modeling thing / texture thing. Maybe im thinking my attachment doesnt have a host field or something set up appropriately to link the shadow opacity????

    Heres what im using;

    Main actor; UNIT - GENERICUNITBASE for brutalisk actor in the events i use a 'actor created - create actor BLAHBLAH"

    the attachment is set up as a MODEL MODELANIMATIONSTYLECONTINUOUS for attachment w/ hostsiteoperations ->attach BLAHBLAH

    Dr Supergood, its gonna take one of the attachment / editor gurus to understand this one, as i think its a problem rarely noticed / occuring as opacity with attachments on ultra shadow settings are not something people use in every map.

    In the meantime ill just stick to high graphic settings unless I can figure it out. Not a bad thing i spose, most people on bnet probably have it on high or medium anyways as the sloppy maps make so much lag. The lighting sure does look nice on ultra settings though.... :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Model Shadow Opacity

    Plz delete this thread as I figured its a data forum issue....

    with shadow settings on ULTRA shadows can fade with opacity. When I attach something to a unit that uses opacity the attached units shadow wont fade with the main unit, making a blob on the ground (looks very ugly). But, when I attach an identical model to itself it somehow mathes the opacity to all the shadows.... So, seems a data issue....

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Opacity & Shadow on Attachments

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I did that. Ive messed with this thing then after 20 mins I move on and come back to it. I tried playing with it again today, and it seems its the model itself from what i can tell. The model that the shadow is not changing with opacity is "infestedterranspawnmissile" (basic green egg thingy). I swapped it out with just the model with the main unit model and they all followed the opacity.

    So I used the same actor and attachments etc... I only changed the model "Art: Model blahblahblah" under the model tab. So without changing any variable / settings the shadows opacity works with some models and not with others.

    This makes me wonder if its something like the emissive layers etc... (one of those obscure model texture layers etc...)

    Alas I'm no good with custom model editing, heck I can hardly manage to get a texture to swap in game let alone pull a model out, edit it properly and put it back in....

    If any model gurus are out there I imagine this is a problem best explained by one of you at this point. I thought this was data, but Ill make this post in the model forum as well.

    Thanks for the reply (ive played with all those "cast shadow" inherit properties etc... settings on every tab I could find originally....)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Opacity & Shadow on Attachments

    I made a unit that has a couple attachments. When I send an opacity change to the main unit actor through events (i.c. set opactiy....) the main unit and attachments both change to the same opacity, but the shadow of the attachment is normal and dark while the main shadow has faded due to the opactiy. This makes the unit look weird....

    I've tried playing with the inherit properties etc.... I've tried turning off the core model shadows (low quality blobs I mean, though I'm not using low visual settings). I've tried playing with about every field I could that would impact it. I've sent change opacity events in the attachment actors....


    I've tried a lot of things, all of which seem to not work.

    Does anyone have any insight on how to control opacity change of both the actor model & shadow?

    (I changed another units opacity and both the main unit and attachment unit shadows are dark, while the models have faded, how can i fade or control the fade of the shadows in relation to opacity change?)

    What I'm wanting is to change the opacity to fade for both the visual actor units and shadows simultaneously.

    Hope you can help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Funny bug, abilities randomly deleting

    No, i actually don't use any comments at all. Since i have changed the above thing everything is working properly. Sometimes i swear theres a weird bug / auto change of things (the prisoner zealot is a strange unit to me for some reason) or whatever, but nothing that cant really be altered / explained. thanks for the reply though-

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Funny bug, abilities randomly deleting


    It was because the 32 ability cross sharing of the morph ability.... What a junky bug!

    its actually the abilities, not the command card. I tried to run the ability via trigger which you can do with the command card button missing. No go, so its the abilities.

    My workaround atm; My core morph unit morphs into a 'dummy' unit that is instantly replaced via trigger. You can make the new unit accept life / energy / etc.... of a unit. It does not accept values such as hero level, so you must make shift around with more trigger work for anything not allowed thus far to my knowledge. Triggers are so ugly IMO...

    • The good thing to this work around is if / when it is fixed you can just replace the dummy unit with the real unit in the data editor and remove all the triggers and it would work flawlessly then.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Build Bug - Structure missing in Command Card

    @Robbepop: Go

    any update to a find?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [solved] Funny bug, abilities randomly deleting

    So for no apparent reason, certain abilities on my units dissappear / reappear. I think the issue is i started working with just editing the base units, but now ive duplicated them so they have a unique / different set id, and it still seems to be r everting to the original units in game. Such as a edited Ultralisk will gain that 'frenzy' ability that makes them immune to stuns etc... (from the core game)

    My current way of dealing with this has been to duplicate the units and base actors and the 'unexplainable' change goes away, with no further editing. Currently ive got 3 tiers of the same units due to having to copy / replace them as they 'bug' back to their original settings. The custom abilities on these units randomly wont show in game while this is going on.

    Ive read online and saw some similar talk about the requirements and dependencies. But its not the requirements, and with the dependencies I got Liberty (mod) and Liberty (campaign) as the 2 sole dependencies. Liberty (mod) is the one first listed....

    So im deleting all the old 'tiers' and just having a fresh single layer of units so to speak. About half the units are working as intended, the other half are 'bugged' with their custom abilities missing. I'm open to ideas please!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Difference between Dubstep and Hip hop?

    dubstep is generally classified by the 'wobble bass' to put it in generic terms, from what ive heard most reputable sources say. IE producing tutorials etc...

    hip hop is generally classified by well..... general larry platt said it, "pants on the ground"

    that is all...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Difference between Dubstep and Hip hop?

    oh yeah, heres some really good hip hop dancers that mix a lot of styles as the vid one and theyre ON BEAT, break dancers a lot of the time do just do 'tricks' off beat, but the good ones, dance and throw tricks in on beat, and THOSE are remarkable to watch....

    heresthe sizzler; hes got a lot of similiar styles he pulled from like the dub step dancer in vid #1, this is the guy i tried to learn from for YEARS....... im heavy on the waving / gliding too....

    another good hip hop style, very clean; something i aspire to attempt to be as good as out on the floor.... hah, yeah right

    'cliche' dub step dancing IMO;

    i really dont like what i currently am seeing of the younger crowd actually grinding to dubstep..... get a room and just fuck already.... leave the dance floor to the dancers.....

    dancing from a drum n bass awards; that nerd can GET DOWN (the 2nd guy)

    heres an old man dancing at a fiddle festival this looks a lot like EARLY RUDIMENTARY shuffling.... haha!

    and watching that 2nd vid from post #1 i see some 'jerking' such as pin dropping and stuff too.... it all evolves, grows, borrows, and learn from other styles.

    ill stop with this one, one of my favorites; truly shows the joy of pure dancing (no matter the style to what music)

    dunno why i posted these, maybe you enjoyed a few... :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Difference between Dubstep and Hip hop?

    you seem to be talking about dancing like Nerfpl stated. Thats a fair bit more involved to talk and really requires a discussion. The music istelf is obvious for the most part between dubstep and hip hop.

    The way I see the dancing vids;

    Vid 1- LOTS of different styles Robot, gliding, waving, locking, ticking, liquid, probably more diverse genres on and on.... (this guys pretty incredible) Youtube any1 of these styles and you should see how each is incorporated into the style of the video. IMO yes, MJ started it all, maybe some1 else really did, but MJ brought it to the masses and for everyone to enjoy and be a part of FOR THE MOST PART. GREAT dancers don't do ONE style, they usually take from all styles and make their own movements out of them by putting them all together with varying patterns.

    Vid 2- Lots of different styles as well (less ones that I know about TBH though as im an EDM dancer) break dancing (all the specifics of windmills, 7 point steps etc...), tutting, acrobatics, dunno wtf else as i don't investigate this 'style' too much

    Dubstep is very much heavily influenced by hip hop. at all the edm parties (most people say raves) i grew up going to the 'drum n bass / break beat / dub step' tents / rooms would be very much dressed with a hip hop style. Its a great music to mix with hip hop as the BPM are so compatible. this would be an analogy your mom would most likely agree with; hip hop is to dubstep as hip hop is to trip hop OR hip hop is to rap as hip hop is to dub step

    point being there is a hip hop influence. dub step grew from breaks and drum n bass, which came with a heavy reggae influence, and blah blah blah..... its art. just dig it. :D

    truth be told you can talk with any friend and while discussing music one of you will disagree on the 'style' of a certain song, albeit rock, rap, techno, coutry. IE (progressive house vs progressive trance, trance vs house, indie rock vs indie dance, blah blah blah)

    This hwole discussion is just diahreah of the mouth to me. like politics or religion, each has their own opinion in the end. better off to just listen and enjoy, forcing others to accept your opinion is one TOUGH COOKIE!



    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What to change in the Galaxy Editor

    probably already posted but to add on what i feel are the biggest things to help;

    arithmetic functions from within the data editor values (instead of static dmg values able to reference equations and variables)

    a way to track the mouse without having to click

    a built in wasd/arrow key movement system similar to wow for the sake of all rpg games (so we know the BEST and FASTEST FOR NETWORK way blizz could make it for us)

    ability to manipulate the UI more (such as use their built in minimap, and ability buttons thus would change the cursor splat etc....)

    more tilesets allowed per map (i dont get why they wouldnt be able to allow all tilesets from within the map)

    ability to use the built in physics more (everything from simple 2d movement/racing physics to pinball type physics), i know if this were implemented people would want to change things that may not be 'customizable' after blizz implemented and would get scruitinized for it but it would be nice none the less

    BASICALLY free up the editor to be a more stand alone game engine designer such as microsofts XNA GSE, or torque etc.... just really unleash the power of their user friendly game editing with a little more 'universal' type implementation and not so forced to the RTS framework. they made a GREAT engine that could handle a lot more than theyve already given us, but hey, theyve given us A LOT with this editor. maybe when wc4 comes out itll have everything we wish for here, and more....

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [Help] Actor Scan Animation?

    @jakpe: Go

    check out the tutorial section of the forums, specifically the 'UBERLISK' one by proziacmuze.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WarCraft 3 custom models

    correction, as of now YES

    you can ge te trial version of 3dsmax. then reinstall after the month of use for later uses. you can use tools by nintoxicated to impot the model into 3dsmax then export it as a .m3 to sc2. people have already imported many wc3 modes into sc2, even updated some to look good like the built in sc2 models.

    the standard wc3 models when in game look really shoddy, once you get them in there next to other models / doodads that have all the better textures etc..., they jus look like crap IMO. but yes, it can/is/has been done and can be done for free.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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