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    posted a message on Prozaic's Data Editor Tutorials (Week 1)

    I want linked Attachments/Site Ops!

    For example your Uberlisk has 6 spine crawlers on it in a 2x3 grid. I want to make the right one attack units on the right and the left one to attack units on the left. Any units in front of the Uberlisk or even behind it then it should alternate, however since there linked up with it's partner in the same row they can't attack at the same time!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Challenge] Make a map larger than 256*256

    It seems like it is some kind of hard coded option hidden somewhere, my attempts in forcing the Editor to force create a 512x512 map causes it to crash upon loading. So at the moment it seems we are stuck at having to scale everything down...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Stargate Galaxies - Recruiting! - UPDATES!

    @PatchOne: Go

    You can think of it as triggering however on a much more complex scale that does so much more.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Stargate Galaxies - Recruiting! - UPDATES!

    I might be interested in helping you out, I do custom coding using pure Galaxy an such.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Serialization

    @dra6o0n: Go

    deserializeAbilityCommand	0.04055
    deserializeBool			0.00975
    deserializeInt			0.0016
    deserializeReal			0.00295
    deserializeString		0.0145
    deserializeUnitFilter		3.48765
    serializeAbilityCommand		0.0201
    serializeBool			0.0009
    serializeInt			0.0064
    serializeReal			0.0051
    serializeString			0.01525
    serializeUnitFilter		1.0003

    All times are in milliseconds (1/1000th of a second), it is only getting hung on my Unit Filter stuff because I have to rework it so there is no while loop. Or even better to get the actual bit representation in one go.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Serialization

    Or better yet I re-ran the tests with more numbers and even discovered how to figure out how long it takes (in ms) for a trigger to run. For a simple variable it takes approximately 0.00900818 ms. And for more complex variables it takes approximately 1.4975295 ms. The most complex variable I am most likely going to have is either Unit Filter or Unit. Unit Filter is the only one of the two it supports right now and to either serialize or deserialize it requires 44 non-string function calls.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Serialization
    Quote from dra6o0n: Go

    If basic variables takes up to 0.001, and standard and the more complex variables ranges from a estimate of 100 -> 10k times that amount...

    I see very very laggy coding using object oriented designs, not because the designs are bad, but the source of SC2 isn't designed for using object oriented coding.

    Well you messed that up you know, complex variables aren't 100 -> 10k times 0.001 seconds (That is 0.1 seconds -> 10 seconds)....They take approximately 0.005 seconds.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Serialization
    Quote from s3rius: Go

    @7H3LaughingMan: Go

    Have you already done some stress testing how fast that conversion is?
    If the speed impact isn't too great it could be interesting, especially for maps with a lot of script.

    I have started to do some stress testing and so far it looks like basic variables take 0.001 seconds (this could be off, timers aren't this accurate), and more complex variables take a little more time.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Serialization
    Quote from Wikipedia:

    In computer science, in the context of data storage and transmission, serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object into a sequence of bits so that it can be stored in a file, a memory buffer, or transmitted across a network connection link to be "resurrected" later in the same or another computer environment. When the resulting series of bits is reread according to the serialization format, it can be used to create a semantically identical clone of the original object. For many complex objects, such as those that make extensive use of references, this process is not straightforward.

    This process of serializing an object is also called deflating or marshalling an object.[2] The opposite operation, extracting a data structure from a series of bytes, is deserialization (which is also called inflating or unmarshalling).


    For the past couple of days I have been working on a new project to serialize every type of variable that can be used with SC2, at the moment I have most of the basic types along with a two or so of the more advanced variables. If anyone has any comments, feedback, or even questions please post them in here. This will help me finish it up along with programing it for ease of use. Thanks and have a nice day!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on TLM AI Framework - Feedback

    @selons: Go

    Well there are some issues with the AI I implemented. Zerg & Protoss don't build Lairs/Hives or Cybernetics Cores so they can't go beyond a certain point.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on TLM AI Framework - Feedback

    Well I am posting this here so that I can get feedback on the new project that I am going to be working on. This new project is meant to be an easy to use Library that you import into your current custom maps and will allow you to develop complex AIs usable for either Melee Maps or even Campaign Maps.

    There current location of this Project is located.... http://www.sc2mapster.com/assets/tlm-ai-framework/

    The current features I am working on include

    1. Fully Customizable Build/Tech/Research Stages that follow one another along with being able to switch stages under certain circumstances.
    2. Attack Waves able to be sent after certain stages are completed or even on a periodic event (timing can be changed to make it shorter or longer)
    3. Options to enable complex Scouting/Expansions/Clearing Obstructions
    4. Tactical AI Scripting allowing you to change how units react to other units and such
    5. Setting Different AIs for specific computers allowing you to make different difficulties or completely different strategies.
    6. Fully Importable Via Libraries to make it easier to add to your custom maps

    If you have any other feature requests or comments please post them here so they can be read.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on TLM AI Framework - Recuiting!

    I am currently working on a Library users can use to develop there own special AI either for Melee or even in Campaigns they are building. This system is designed to be fully modular allowing you to develop complex stages that build up. At the moment I have a somewhat working proof of concept that was released early to help people along in there Melee AIs for the competition that is going on at the moment. http://www.sc2mapster.com/assets/tlm-ai-framework/

    If anyone is interested in joining this team please reply back with some programming samples that you currently have.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on [Video] Icon Tutorial

    @KorvinGump: Go

    Resizing the button is because of the fact that the standard button size to begin with is 76 x 76, is also saves SC2 one step of resizing to 76 x 76 since if you didn't SC2 would have to re-size it every single time it gets displayed. Cropping out the border is there for the fact that if you didn't do this then you would totally hide the background image used for buttons and would end up looking funny.

    Every step I made in this tutorial had a legitimate reason behind it.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Video] Icon Tutorial

    A quick tutorial showing you how to use Gimp and make usable icon for Starcraft 2.

    Check out my Icon Assets also! I have converted WC3 & WoW Icons and working on Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo 2, WC, along with WC2.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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