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    posted a message on Rotating a group of objects?

    Is there a way to rotate a group of selected objects (in my case, cameras) while keeping them in the same positions and orientations relative to each other?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Unit with the Forcefield model

    How can I make it selectable?

    I've got several units based off of the Destructible Rocks Unit, and I gave one of them the Forcefield model. However, it remains completely unclickable and unselectable in-game, and I can't figure out why.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Taking Trigger Questions
    Quote from obliviron: Go


    Yes, it is possible :).
    Create a beam actor and assign it to a damage actor. Assign the damage actor to a custom weapon and set the weapon damage to Zero.
    Create a new unit and check the "burrowed" and "concealed" flags, and disable any pathing. Disable the shadow and do not assign any model to the unit (This will give us an invisible dummy unit).

    Now to make the beam via triggers, simply create the unit at X,Y of any point, and create another dummy unit at the second beam point (So the beam goes from dummy to dummy2). Order dummy1 to attack dummy2, and there you have it.

    If you need help creating a beam, i cannot give you any tutorial that bests this one: http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/tutorials/3939-data-working-with-beams-beginner-difficulty/

    So, in other words, no, its not possible.

    Wc3 had its set of "Lightning" triggers, even if they worked terribly. I figured it should be possible somehow with Actor triggers, but if ^that^ is the only way to do it, then the answer to my question is "no".

    As for soundtracks, I didn't say it unpauses immediately. My triggers are very organized and of course I made SURE there were no other Soundtrack actions, let alone an Unpause, but none-the-less the soundtrack always starts up again. And look at the Tip for Play Soundtrack. It says "if this is NOT set to Continuous, it will repeat..."
    There's Set Soundtrack and Play Sountrack, which one is used for what? And I've made sure there is NOT ONE "Unpause Soundtrack" action in my ENTIRE MAP and it still unpauses after a while.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Taking Trigger Questions

    I've got questions.

    Can a Beam visual be displayed with triggers? How?

    What's the deal with Sountracks? Those triggers are confusing, and the hint text is contradictory. Also is there a timelimit on Pause Soundtrack? Because on my map it seems to unpause on its own, sometimes at really jarring moments while I'm playing some other one-shot music with a regular Play Sound.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on What's wrong with this Trigger?

    Alright, I found one problem. I realized that FigmentOrbitSeed needed to be a fixed value based on the number of iterations in the loop. I took out the variable and replaced it with a flat value of 36.0 degrees.

    Now, one of the units orbits properly, but for some reason, only one, no matter how many there are. That shouldn't be possible. Either they should all orbit, or none of them should, but after making that one change to the above trigger, one unit now orbits correctly while the rest run back and forth chaotically.

    So, what's still wrong?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on What's wrong with this Trigger?
    Quote from sdragoon7: Go

    1) You're going to have to take unit speed into account in your calculations. If the unit can't reach the targetted position by the time the loop continues and the next order is issued, it's going to get funky.

    I've already tested this with a single unit and much simpler version of the trigger, but essentially the same path, and the unit orbited perfectly.


    2) Every 5 seconds you consider the number of elements and do your calculations, then issue orders based off those for 5 seconds, and then after 5 seconds start another loop. Also I wonder if it's possible that at the end of the 5 seconds, a new trigger instance is created and starts doing this as the previous instance is still finishing? Their orders would conflict and you'd get random running.

    I tested this too and its not the case. As with the much simpler version of the trigger, I confirmed that it runs and completes exactly .5 seconds before the next iteration of the trigger.


    Also when the loop starts over, there's no continuity between the instances, so the orders between the loops won't match up and you'll again get some random running. Maybe thats why you're getting back and forth?

    As was proven with the simpler version of the trigger, the unit indeed makes one full revolution each time the trigger runs, and that is based off of an external global value. The orbits should only stutter when a unit is added in or taken out.

    With the single unit version of the trigger, it worked perfectly with no complications or issues. So the issue being with the unit is pretty much ruled out. Therefore, there must be something wrong with my math.


    Hope this helps :)

    It doesn't, but thanks for trying.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on A few general Questions
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    Answer to No.4 is under Fog of War Data you can adjust the fog of war masks (not that there is alot to adjust).

    I mean, the terrain fog, not the Fog of War. Specifically, I want to obscure the lowest cliff level like lowest level on whatever-tileset-metalopolis-is already is, and set the color.

    7) Can anyone explain in detail how to give a unit an aura that creates a Beam visual between it an nearby enemy units? Again, I don't want it to actually do anything; just display. Can beams be created with triggers?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What's wrong with this Trigger?

    I've come up with what I though was a good way to get a set of units of variable number to properly orbit my hero unit. So far, I have only made one of the five eventual types of units that will do this, which is why there's triggers there that don't do anything yet.

    However in game the units seem to run around and back and forth with one of them occasionally moving out to the outer orbit for a few increments and then. Well, I'm hoping somebody can spot the problem.

            Timer - Every 5.0 seconds of Game Time
        Local Variables
            ExistingFigments = 0 <Integer[10]>
            PlayerLesserFigments = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group[10]>
            PlayerGreaterFigments = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group[10]>
            PlayerAllFigments = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group[10]>
            OrbitStep = 0 <Integer>
            LesserOrbitOffset = 0.0 <Real[10]>
            GreaterOrbitOffset = 0.0 <Real[10]>
            OrbitOffsetMultiplier = 1 <Integer>
            ------- Counts
            Player Group - Pick each player in (Active Players) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Picked player) < 9
                            (Picked player) > 0
                            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Shadowy Figment units in (Entire map) owned by player (Picked player) matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                                    Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to PlayerLesserFigments[(Picked player)]
                            Variable - Set ExistingFigments[(Picked player)] = ((Number of Living units in PlayerLesserFigments[(Picked player)]) + (Number of Living units in PlayerGreaterFigments[(Picked player)]))
                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    (Number of Living units in PlayerLesserFigments[(Picked player)]) > 1
                                    Variable - Set LesserOrbitOffset[(Picked player)] = (360.0 / (Real((Number of Living units in PlayerLesserFigments[(Picked player)]))))
                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    (Number of Living units in PlayerGreaterFigments[(Picked player)]) > 1
                                    Variable - Set GreaterOrbitOffset[(Picked player)] = (360.0 / (Real((Number of Living units in PlayerGreaterFigments[(Picked player)]))))
            ------- Movement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            General - For each integer OrbitStep from 1 to 10 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                    Player Group - Pick each player in (Active Players) and do (Actions)
                            Variable - Set OrbitOffsetMultiplier = 1
                            Unit Group - Pick each unit in PlayerLesserFigments[(Picked player)] and do (Actions)
                                    Unit - Order (Picked unit) to ( Move targeting ((Position of playerCharacter[(Picked player)]) offset by 3.0 towards ((Real(OrbitStep)) * (FigmentOrbitSeed + (LesserOrbitOffset[(Picked player)] * (Real(OrbitOffsetMultiplier))))) degrees)) (Replace Existing Orders)
                                    Variable - Modify OrbitOffsetMultiplier: + 1
                            Variable - Set OrbitOffsetMultiplier = 1
                            Unit Group - Pick each unit in PlayerGreaterFigments[(Picked player)] and do (Actions)
                                    Unit - Order (Picked unit) to ( Move targeting ((Position of playerCharacter[(Picked player)]) offset by 5.0 towards ((Real((OrbitStep * -1))) * (FigmentOrbitSeed + (GreaterOrbitOffset[(Picked player)] * (Real(OrbitOffsetMultiplier))))) degrees)) (Replace Existing Orders)
                                    Variable - Modify OrbitOffsetMultiplier: + 1
                    General - Wait 0.5 Game Time seconds
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on # of players in game = # of units to create?
    Quote from s3rius: Go

    Active Players (this is a standard player group which will always contain all players who are currently ingame. No leavers and no computers.)

    I don't believe this is correct. Unless I am gravely mistaken, I have witnessed Active Players include computers. In fact, that was causing problems with a trigger I was just working on yesterday and I had to manually exclude the computer player with an IfThenElse to get the trigger to work right.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Problems and Questions

    Alright, I was just hoping for a cleaner way to do it.

    Now for another question, this one a bit more conceptual. I already have a unit that "orbits" the player's Hero, but it is very crude and merely a placeholder for now:

            Timer - Every 5.0 seconds of Game Time
            General - Pick each integer from 1 to 9, and do (Actions)
                    Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Shadowy Figment units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching Required: Air; Excluded: Heroic, Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                            Unit - Order (Picked unit) to ( Move targeting ((Position of playerCharacter[(Owner of (Picked unit))]) offset by 3.0 towards (36.0 * (Real((Picked integer)))) degrees)) (Replace Existing Orders)
                    General - Wait 0.5 Game Time seconds

    What I WANT to do, is quite a bit more complicated.

    I want to, without ever referencing an individual unit, create two separate equidistant (meaning, each unit in the orbit is the same distance from the other units in the same orbit, rather than clumped together like the above trigger) orbits for a variable number of units, with the first orbit containing three units of any combination of three unit types, and the second outer counter-rotating orbit containing any number of any combination of two other unit types.

    This needs to happen procedurally, with the Unit Types being the only fixed value in the trigger, since the orbiting units will be created and removed on the fly, unpredictably. And, it needs to adjust the orbits for added or removed units without visibly disturbing the orbits of the other units, IE it can't just calculate a new orbit each loop.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on A few general Questions

    Quote from 250199 »
    5. Select the ability in the data editor. Look for the "Cost +" field. Double click, scroll down some. There's places for cooldown, energy/mineral/vespene cost, charges, anything you want.
    Which field is it? Time Start or Time Use?

    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    2. Go to the unit's command card, hit the little green button and the right, choose an icon, and then set the button type to 'submenu'. You can switch sub menus with the little drop down menu in the top right corner.

    Obviously I already did that, which is why I asked how to get said button to "show up" not how to set it in the first place. I guess I should have been more specific. The button is set up on the command card already and is set to Submenu and the second command card it links to is also set up, but it doesn't show up in game.

    Quote from Cbasz95: Go

    1. Actor for your unit, Events +, create event: Actor Creation, Action : Set tint color , change the color to black, (you can also drop the HDR to .1)

    Could you explain this in more detail? The Events stuff confuses the hell out of me. Also, what's HDR?

    Additional Question:

    6) What type of Actor is to be used for a permanent buff? Also, how do you create said buff? (what kind of Behavior? It is a behavior, right? Are Effects involved at all?) I don't want the buff to do anything except display. Specifically, I'm trying to use the colored Light doodad model as a buff I can give to units so they glow a certain color, with triggers.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problems and Questions

    Ah. Thanks. I hadn't even considered that because I had no clue what that field did.

    Another question: Is there a way to select a specific set of unit types, instead of just one or "Any" when Picking Each Unit?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on A few general Questions

    1) How do you tint units? The only thing I've been able to find is a "Color" field on the model in the Data Editor, but changing that doesn't seem to do anything. (Specifically, I want to make a unit all black, like a silhouette.) Answered. Thanks

    2) How do you get a submenu-type button to show up on a Command Card? Solved, though I'm not sure exactly how. It just started showing up and I'm not sure what caused it to.

    3) As far as I know, you're not supposed to set player's race or color or starting point in the Map Settings because it'll mess up when you publish. What about the player name in the Map Settings? (Specifically, I have one computer player I want to rename from "Player 9" to something else.) Will that potentially mess anything up?

    4) How do you adjust the fog properties? I know you can do it through triggers, but you have to do it blind that way. Is there any way to change the fog within the editor?

    5) How do you give an ability a cooldown? Answered. Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problems and Questions

    Firstly, why does this:

            Unit - Any Unit uses  Dreamer - Resonate at Generic1 - Any stage (Ignore shared abilities)
        Local Variables
            sanityPoints[(Owner of (Triggering unit))] > 0
            Unit - Make (Triggering unit) face (Center of AscensionCircle) over 1.0 seconds
            Sound - Play WarpGate_What for (All players) at (Position of (Triggering unit)) with Z offset 0.0 (at 100.0% volume, skip the first 0.0 seconds)
            Variable - Modify sanityPoints[(Owner of (Triggering unit))]: - 1

    set the sanityPoints variable to 0 when the variable has an initial value of 6? This is driving me spare.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Waterworks [Multiplayer FPS-deathmatch map]

    Last time I checked lag and fps don't have anything to do with one another.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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