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    posted a message on Dibs!

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    Haha, well from what I've seen of your project, you do have quite the head start ^_-

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Dibs!

    @Galois1: Go

    No no no, you got it all wrong. See, the proper way to make a Final Fantasy mod is you need AT_LEAST 5 different people working on their own versions, none of which get past 10% complete.

    Or maybe you're trying to reverse the causality in that being the ONLY project might give you a better chance of success. Interesting...

    No but, to be fair, most of the current FF projects on this site do look great, and perhaps I speak too much from my experience with WC3 FF projects.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on My Game's Interfaces [WIP]

    Hey, watching the video now. Nice commentary, and I really like what you've done with it. It'd be a really great system for anyone doing "character creation" for an ORPG too. Just to be picky, I think you could make it look a little nicer in terms of where each area is laid out. I like the marine selection on the left and the stat display on the right, but the middle panels including where you're going to have skills set up seem a bit random. That's just my impression, though, and I'm honestly not to person to ask about it. Congrats on a really good looking start.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [WIP] The Rapture
    Quote from Shadowclaimer: Go

    Honestly I've given up on cliche'd material for things, I've come to the conclusion it will be almost impossible for me to create a solid story that does not seem familiar to something laid out beforehand.

    Hahaha I know exactly how you feel. But the trick isn't making it something that's entirely new and original - it's how you use the old material in new ways. Everything must build on what's come before it.

    For what it's worth, I actually like what you have so far a lot. So are you going to present the CEO's backstory as flashbacks or episodes in between missions set in the present? I like how he goes through a time of darkness or even potential madness (visions of the Archangel) before the prophecies finally come true, at which point he sort of has to regain his confidence and self-reliance when he realizes he's fighting on his own. You could definitely play off the idea that Heaven never comes and the questions of whether his visions were ever "real" in the first place or whether the whole point is simply that he must come to rely on himself.

    Anyway I didn't mean to discourage you re: the story or anything. I really think it's quite good, and my first post was more just to say, "I like this and I hope you avoid some of the pitfalls of a too-cliche plot." But ya, I like what you've written a lot and it rings authentic. Good luck with it!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [WIP] The Rapture

    I really like your concepts here in terms of both story and gameplay. The story is (meh) perhaps a little too familiar, but you present it well and I have faith (heh) that it will be compelling. I think you could definitely do a lot with the multiple mission types that you propose at the end, especially if the world ends up being as immersive as it sounds.

    In terms of the story, I was thinking that maybe you could be a bit playful with the script and missions. Obviously it's not a humorous map, but I feel like there are so many post-apocalyptic games that take themselves too seriously. And of course, when that post-apocalyptic world is Resident Evil, then you need that solemnity to play off the whole "scared shitless fighting for my life" thing. But as far as these "give as good as you get" type scenarios, I definitely think you could get a lot out of the whole, "this CEO is a totally ridiculous, over-the-top character whose strategy of capitalist domination is only a front for his secret obsession with creating advanced modern weapons out of holy artifacts," rather than the much re-hashed and overused, "do not scoff at us. We are part of a centuries-old-secret-church-assassin-priest-organization whose sole purpose has been to combat evil where it appears and blot it from this Earth!" You get the idea :) . Just a suggestion, though, and obviously it's totally dependent on what kind of aesthetic you're going for.

    Anyway, looks promising, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for the release :) .

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Train System (Monorail Movement)

    @Colawaffle: Go

    Good call about the performance. I actually have no idea since I only intended it for a single player map myself, but my guess would be that it would be fine since not that much is going on during each loop, and you could always just increase the increment and decrease the positions per track variable to achieve the same effect (albeit slightly choppier). Previously I had the trigger fire at 0.05 and 0.01 second increments, and that was before I added the speed parameter. I only changed it to 0.00 because it could handle it, but with the new speed parameter (positions per track variable), you could definitely go back to 0.05 and just decrease the positions per track.

    As for changing the speed mid-game, I'm not sure how possible it is at the moment, but that's definitely something I will be adding in the next few weeks. However, if you want to just experiment on your own I recommend doing a simple test trigger where the player types "speed x" and it changes the positions per track variable to x. I'm pretty sure that should be fine as long as you leave the positions per track as an odd number between 5 and the train position array value. Hope that helps. Glad to see someone else hacking it already :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Train System (Monorail Movement)

    Haha, yea, I just realized that, despite my meticulous commenting in the Trigger Editor itself, a lot of people are just going to run the map, so I'll upload a version with a load screen that covers all the basics sometime today. Thanks for all the feedback!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Train System (Monorail Movement)

    @RobbleRobbles: Go

    Ooo, that's a great idea! You could even just randomly generate the tracks on the fly - wouldn't be too hard with a little bit of work.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Train System (Monorail Movement)

    Hahaha, you don't want to see how it works trigger-wise. But you can! (Did you see the download link?) Anyway, I just made the link bigger for anyone who missed it at the bottom of the video.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Train System (Monorail Movement)

    Version 2.0 release!

    Big updates, guys!

    Note: I haven't made a new video for this one, as I think that the original still fairly accurately demonstrates the concept. However, I've added 8 new track pieces so that anything you can do with the monorail doodads you can now do with this system, and mostly importantly you can now have multiple trains (uncapped within reason)! Do check out the map; it's really much improved.

    Project Link and Download

    And, as before: If you do release a map that makes use of this system or some modified form of it, please credit "The Hegemuffin," and I'd appreciate if you'd let me know about the map so that I can see what you did with it (contact me on this site via PM).

    Original video below (no longer accurate representation of current map state):

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/vcD31ugh29A?fs=1
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Terrain Artist! [Picture Heavy]

    @TimeIbis: Go

    Hey, the Char terrain is magnificent, especially for having completed it in 5 minutes!

    I've been trying to replicate the effect somewhat because I might be using the Char tileset for my map, and I was wondering: How did you get the boundary between the lava and the base of the cliffs to look so good? Yours has a nice glow that makes it look like the whole lava layer is extremely hot. When I tried to recreate it, though, the border between them was jagged, which in turn made the lava look extremely two-dimensional. Is there some trick you used with the lighting or water settings? Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Custom Inventory System and UI

    Looks great. Nice work.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How to make a video tutorial???

    @LhaN999: Go

    I assume you've already figured this out or given up, but for future reference: File >>> Preferences >>> Test Document Tab >>> Check "Run Game in Window"

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Trigger module bug: "Within Bounds" operator

    @Thalassicus: Go

    Thanks, this bug wasted about 20 minutes of my time. Good to know.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Resident Overmind

    Congrats on a really great first map. This is an awesome example, I think, not of any particular innovation in the movement systems or special / atmospheric effects alone, but of just using some really simple techniques amazingly well to create a totally immersive experience. This is what good mapping is all about - making the most of what you choose to work with.

    Also, as a side note, I like the keyboard movement system, if only because it makes movement surprisingly smooth through camera changes (whereas spam clicking a direction could easily lead to frustration at points when the camera reversed). I would recommend, though, if you ever use this kind of system again (I know this is just a mini project), that you add a run button for 1.5 or 2* movespeed (people would still use walk in approaching ambushes etc.), and also that you put in some sort of subtle tracer that shows the marine's facing (it's a little hard to tell where he's going to shoot based on his default stand animation). Oh, and one last thing: The cameras made it a little hard for me to navigate the interior of the garage on my first try; for some reason I had trouble finding the Infestor area based on how the cameras switched. But that's a really minor point and the switching cameras is hard to do. In general I thought it was effective and rarely felt disoriented.

    Grats again. Look forward to your future projects.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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