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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    @Nerfpl: Go

    I figured it out. The Ability and the Trigger was working fine but for some reason it didn't want to create a unit on lower ground. I had to reset the Terrain. When I went to go test the Map with someone else, I ran into a problem with the Voting System. Now I'm getting nested iteration errors...

    Ready Check
        Local Variables
            (All Players Ready) == True
            Dialog - Hide Vote Dialog for (All players)
            Timer - Destroy Timer Window
            Player Group - Pick each player in (Active Players) and do (Actions)
                    Decrypt Winning Vote()
            General - Switch (Actions) depending on Winning Vote
                    General - If (Vote Name 1)
                            UI - Clear Debug Messages for (Player group((Picked player)))
                            UI - Display (Text "Voting Complete!" with color (0%, 100%, 0%)) for (Player group((Picked player))) to Debug area
                            UI - Display ("Winning Vote:  " + (Text (Text(Winning Vote)) with color (0%, 0%, 100%))) for (Player group((Picked player))) to Debug area
                            Sound - Play UI_BnetGameFound (Unnamed) for (Player group((Picked player))) (at 100.0% volume, skip the first 0.0 seconds)
                            Player Group - Reset "Voting Players" Player Group[0] to have no players
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    @Nerfpl: Go

    Okay I resolved that. Another question:

    I have a simple Trigger set up which looks like this:

            Unit - Any Unit uses Merc Compound - Devil Dogs at Generic1 - Any stage (Ignore shared abilities)
        Local Variables
            Unit - Create 1 Merc - Challenger 1 (Merc Firebat) for player 11 at (Random point in Left Merc Push) using default facing (No Options)

    Basically, I have a Merc Compound, removed the Cooldown that's set in place when the map starts, as well as the Devil Dogs that spawn when you click the Devil Dogs button. So basically, I have a Trigger set up that says when the player clicks on the Devil Dogs Merc Button, it creates a unit for Player 11 at (Random Point in Left Merc Push).

    It's not creating a unit at Left Merc Push. Any ideas why it's not doing it?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    @Nerfpl: Go

    Will they be detected by detector units, or be obstructed by units attempting to move past them?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    @Mesden: Go

    I was able to replace the stale units with live-action units and modify them accordingly, but now I'm not sure what I would do with the Triggers to set them back to their original position before they turned live-action. You know, like how in that Squadron TD you have dummy unit which turn to life, and then they reset to their previous location after the fight. I'm trying to do that.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    @Nerfpl: Go

    Ahh. How clumsy of me -_-

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    I currently have a Trigger set up so that basically when a Timer Expires, all the units owned by Player 1 need to be replaced with another Unit. I've come as far as "Pick Each Unit in ((Unit Type of (Unit Attached to Region)) units in (Entire Map) Owned by Player 1 and Do Actions."

    ACTIONS Replace (Picked Unit) with a...

    It won't let me just pick any unit, it seems to only let me pick a unit that's already on the Map. However, if the unit isn't on the Map, if it's a Unit that the player must build with an SCV to be placed on the Map, it won't let me use that. I basically want to tell this Trigger that when the Timer expires, replace a specific unit owned by Player 1 with something else.

    Any ideas?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Building Placement Problem

    Hey does anyone know what attribute I would change to influence a specific unit's attack to ignore the target's shields completely? Basically, when the unit attacks the enemy, if the enemy has any shields, that value will be ignored and the incoming attacks will start depleting the target's life as opposed to his shields, then life.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on make a unit not being deselectible (Solved)

    @xKenneth: Go

    Unit Selection - Any Unit is Selected by player Any Player

    Did you mean Any Unit is Deselected by player Any Player?

    What if you add a Condition that says "Owner of Player = (Player #)" and another that says Triggering Unit = (Unit)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    @Mesden: Go

    What's wrong with this Trigger which would prevent it from working... Anyone..?

    Melee Initialization


    Game - Map initialization

    Local Variables



    Unit - Create 10 Drone for player 2 at Point 001 facing 270.0 degrees (No Options)

    Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Last created units) and do (Actions)


    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Owner of (Picked unit)) == 2

    (Unit type of (Picked unit)) == Drone


    Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to Drone Group


    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Number of Dead units in Drone Group) == 5


    Unit - Create 5 Drone for player 2 at Point 001 facing 270.0 degrees (No Options)


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    Does anyone know if this Trigger Setup would work properly? I have a Trigger and a Variable tied in together so that when a Player leaves the Game, it adds +10 to a Variable (it starts at an Integer of 1.) So if the Variable is set to 1, that means all Players are still in the Game. Each time a Play kills a unit owned by the Attack Force (Player 9), it adds an Integer of 1. So if the 'Player Leaves Game' Variable is set to 1 and the entire mass of Unit Deaths of Player 9 = 240, then Round 1 Ends and Round 2 Timer is triggered to start. If the 'Player Leaves Game' Variable is set to 11, then the amount of Unit Deaths needed to advance to Round 2 is set to 210.

    So the Trigger would look like that which has been indicated below. I realize the approach seems a little complicated because if even a single unit remains on the map, the Trigger won't fire. However, if a single unit remains on the Map, then that means the Players haven't completed Round 1, so there's no reason to advance to Round 2. Would this setup work? Or would something in this Triggerset choke into a spiraling loop?

    Trigger Round 2 Timer


    Unit - Any Unit dies

    Local Variables


    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 9


    Variable - Modify Player 9 Unit Deaths: + 1

    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    Players Remaining in Game Variable == 1

    Player 9 Unit Deaths == 240


    Trigger - Run Round 2 Classic Timer Starts (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Building Placement Problem

    I initially edited my last thread and then realized I'd be posting within the Triggers Forum so I thought it'd be better to post in the Data Forum.

    Anyways, I'm able to place a building within the Map now as I've adjusted all the values within the Data Editor. I've also added a button that a player can click on to sell a unit, but when it activates the Trigger "Any Unit is Sold".

    It seems to add over 75 Minerals, where the Trigger clearly specifies to Add 26. If I remove the Trigger in it's entirity, nothing is added to the Mineral Display. I've uploaded my Map for anyone who would like to take a look. All you have to do is activate Core Mode, pick the SCV, then build a Marine and sell it to reproduce the results.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Building Placement Problem

    I'm still having trouble with the Data Editor for anyone who can offer some assistance. Basically all I want to do is create a duplicate of the Marine who is unable to Move or Attack, then add a command to the SCV which allows him to build a Marine. I don't have any problems duplicating a Marine, but it's not enough that when I open the Object Editor and try to change what the SCV can build, it doesn't show up.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Building Placement Problem

    Thanks. I'm still mucking around with this Data Editor, I can make a Marine Dummy, I just can't set it to appear in the SCV's Command Card. Is there anyone who can provide me with a Tutorial to show how I can make my SCV build a Marine? Once I have a general idea at how to do that I can figure out how to make an SCV build all the other units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Building Placement Problem

    I've hit a problem with the Data Editor in my Map, but I'm not sure if this involves Triggers or the actual values I'm using within the Data Editor. I've increased the size of the Command Center immensely. I've created a Trigger to spawn three sets of 10 Zeglings to attack the Command Center. They're doing that, but when they reach the Command Center, they head streaight for the top of it and the Zerglings start to struggle to find room to attack. They're attacking the Command Center, but the problem I'm trying to deal with is preventing them from struggling. They should be swarming around the Command Center as there's plenty of room to which they aren't taking advantage of.

    I'm posting this in the Data Editor Forum because I'm pretty sure there's a value in the Data Editor I haven't set up properly. The Trigger itself seems to be working as it's supposed to.

    I've attached my Map to see if anyone can help me pinpoint why it's doing this.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trigger from Assets Section Not Working Properly

    Man Kenneth,

    I'll be sure to add you in the credits when this Map is done lol

    Posted in: Triggers
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