• 0

    posted a message on Unable to select unit? (Model/Actor problem?)


    I had an existing unit which worked fine in every aspect. I wanted to set its model to the ForceField for testing new optics. The model shows correctly, but I can no longer select the unit. I compared the new model with an existing one, but couldn't find any difference. (I duplicated the forcefield model and set it as all models in the unit's actor.)

    What do I need to change in Actor/Model (somewhere else?) in order to make the unit selectable?



    Here is the model data entry:

    : Animation Blend Time	-1.0000
    : Animation Speed	1.0000
    : Animations (Optional) +	
    : Animations (Required) +	
    : Attachment Properties +	
    : Editor Categories	Race:Protoss
    : Editor Comment	
    : Editor Description	
    : Editor Name	Force Field Shakuras Maze Wall
    : Editor Prefix	
    : Editor Suffix	
    : Editor Texture Expressions +	
    : Editor Texture Matches +	
    : Events +	
    : Facial Controller	
    : Flags +	Fog Of War, Wait
    : Image	
    : Lighting	ForceField2 (Unknown)
    : Low Quality Model	(None)
    : Model	Assets\Effects\Protoss\ForceFieldImpact\ForceFieldImpact.m3
    : Occlusion	None
    : Physics Type	Automatic
    : Planet Panel Camera	Star2Camera01
    : Priority	32
    : Quality	1
    : Radius	0.7500
    : Scale Maximum	(0.400000,0.400000,0.300000)
    : Scale Minimum	(0.400000,0.400000,0.300000)
    : Selection Layer	2
    : Selection Offset	(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
    : Selection Radius	3.0000
    : Shadow Radius	3.0000
    : Squib Type Default	Rock
    : Tech Purchase Camera	Star2Camera01
    : Tech Purchase Speed	0.1000
    : Texture Applied Groups	
    : Texture Declarations +	
    : Texture Information +	
    : Tibability Width	0.0000
    : Tipability	0.0000
    : Tipability Length	0.0000
    : Unit Glossary Camera	Star2Camera01
    : Unit Glossary Variation	0
    : Variation Count	1
    : Variations +	
    : Visual Radius	-1.0000
    : Water Hit Damping	1.2500
    : Water Hit Friction	0.7000
    : Water Hit Maximum Velocity	1.0000
    : Water hit Restitution	0.1000

    And the actor data entry:

    Field	Maze Wall Shakuras
    Actor: Add To Proximity System	Enabled
    Actor: Aliases +	(_Unit|_Selectable)
    Actor: Copy Source	_Unit
    Actor: Filter +	
    Actor: Flags +	
    Actor: Fog Visibility	Snapshot
    Actor: Local Offset For 2nd Visibility Test	(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000)
    Actor: Portrait Actor	PortraitActor
    Actor: Proximity Position	Center Model Bounds
    Actor: Sharing	None
    Actor: Snapshot Actor	Snapshot
    Animation: Animation Blend Time	0.7500
    Animation: Animation Turn Duration	0.0000
    Animation: Baselines +	(Stand|Walk):(-1.0000|-1.0000):(-1.0000|-1.0000)
    Animation: Glossary Animation	Stand
    Animation: Stand Animation Turn Time Scale Minimum	0.0000
    Animation: Variance Window Stand	1.0000
    Animation: Variance Window Stand Intro	0.3300
    Animation: Variance Window Walk	1.0000
    Animation: Variance Window Walk Intro	0.3300
    Animation: Variance Window Walk Outro	0.3300
    Animation: Walk Animation Movement Speed	3.75
    Art: Auto Scale Factor	0.0000
    Art: Auto Scale From Selection Factor	0.0000
    Art: Model	Force Field Shakuras Maze Wall
    Art: Model (Build)	Force Field Shakuras Maze Wall
    Art: Model (Editor)	(None)
    Art: Model (Placement)	Force Field Shakuras Maze Wall
    Art: Model (Portrait)	Portrait - Artanis
    Art: Model Flags +	Allow Hit Test, Needs Volume Monitor, Update Visibility, Use Synchronous Seed
    Art: Placeholder Actor Model	PlaceholderModel
    Art: Placement Model	PlacementModel
    Art: Random Scale Range	(1.000000,1.000000)
    Art: Scale	(1.000000)
    Combat: Custom Death +	(|||):(Protoss Small Unit Death Low|Terran Small Unit Death Low|Zerg Small Unit Death Low|Zerg Small Unit Death Low):((None)|(None)|(None)|(None)):((-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)):((None)|(None)|(None)|(None)):(AntiGravProtoss|AntiGravTerran|AntiGravZerg|AntiGravGeneric)
    Combat: Death Actor Model	PylonDeath
    Combat: Death Actor Model Low	UnitDeathModelUnscaled
    Combat: Death Actor Sound	UnitDeathSound
    Combat: Death Actor Voice	UnitDeathVoice
    Combat: Death Effects +	(Death||||Death, Eat||Death, Eviscerate|Death, Fire||||Death, Silent Kill|Death, Squish|||Death||):(Pylon Death|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|ProtossWarpInDeath (Unnamed)|(None)|(None)):(Pylon_Explode|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|Pylon_Explode|(None)|(None)):((-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)|(-1.000000,-1.000000)):(MazeWallShakurasDeathVoice (Unknown)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None))
    Editor: Editor Animation	
    Editor: Editor Categories	DoodadType:NotDoodad
    Editor: Editor Comment	
    Editor: Editor Description	
    Editor: Editor Name	Maze Wall Shakuras
    Editor: Editor Prefix	
    Editor: Editor Suffix	
    Event: Event Footprint +	():(UnitFootprint):(MazeWallShakurasFootprint (Unknown))
    Event: Event Footprint Actor	
    Event: Event Sound +	(|BuildingWarpIn):(UnitSound|UnitSound):((None)|Protoss_BuildingWarpIn)
    Event: Event Sound Actor	
    Event: Events -	(UnitBirth.MazeWallShakuras|UnitBirth.MazeWallShakuras|UnitRevive.MazeWallShakuras|UnitConstruction.MazeWallShakuras.Start|UnitConstruction.MazeWallShakuras.Finish|AnimDone.*.Missing; AnimName ConstructionDeath|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit IsFlying; Option Shadow Low; CompareField ::Main UnitFlags[ShowBlobShadow] Eq 1|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit IsNotFlying; Option Shadow Low; CompareField ::Main UnitFlags[ShowBlobShadow] Eq 1|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsNotFlying|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsFlying|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start|PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop|CursorUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsFlying|CursorUpdate.*.Stop; ValidateUnit IsFlying; HasStatus FlyerHelper|ActorCreation; ScopeContains GroundLocalSelection|SelectionLocalUpdate.*.Start|SelectionLocalUpdate.*.Stop|StatusOn.*.Selected; ValidateUnit IsFlying|StatusOff.*.Selected; ValidateUnit IsFlying; HasStatus FlyerHelper|StatusOn.*.FlyerHelper; FlyerHelper All|StatusOn.*.FlyerHelper; FlyerHelper Selected|StatusOff.*.FlyerHelper; FlyerHelper Selected|ActorCreation; FlyerHelper All; ValidateUnit IsFlying|ActorDestruction; FlyerHelper All; !HasStatus FlyerHelper|FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelper None|FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelper Selected; HasStatus FlyerHelper; !ScopeContains FlyerHelperSplat|FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelper Selected; !HasStatus FlyerHelper|FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelper All; ValidateUnit IsFlying; !ScopeContains FlyerHelperSplat|UnitBirth.*.Normal|UnitFidget|UnitMovementUpdate.*.Walk|UnitDetectedByViewer.*.On; ValidateUnit IsHallucination|UnitDetectedByViewer.*.Off; ValidateUnit IsHallucination|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravProtoss|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravTerran|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravZerg|UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasEitherAntiGrav|Behavior.PhoenixAntiGrav.On|Behavior.PhoenixAntiGrav.Off|UnitTaunt.*.Start; Taunt|UnitTaunt.*.Stop; Taunt|UnitTaunt.*.Start; Taunt Dance|UnitTaunt.*.Stop; Taunt Dance|Abil.attack.ReadyStart|WeaponStart.*.AttackStart|WeaponStart.*.AttackStart; AnimPlaying Birth|WeaponStop.*.AttackStop|Abil.attack.ReadyStop|Upgrade.DarkProtoss.Add|Upgrade.DarkProtoss.Add|Upgrade.DarkProtoss.Add|Upgrade.DarkProtoss.Add|UnitBirth; ValidateUnit NoDarkProtoss|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit NoDarkProtoss|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit NoDarkProtoss|ActorCreation; ValidateUnit NoDarkProtoss|AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo MazeWallShakuras|AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphFrom MazeWallShakuras|ActorCreation):(|||||||||ModelPretargetGround||GroundPreSelection||||||||||||FlyerHelperSplat||FlyerHelperSplat|FlyerHelperSplat||FlyerHelperSplat|||||_HallucinationTinter|_HallucinationTinter||||||||||||||||||||||||||):(Create SoundEmitter MazeWallShakuras_Ambience|Create|Create|Create|AnimPlay ConstructionDeath Stand,Birth,Death FullMatch|Destroy|Create FlyerShadow|Create GroundShadow|Create ModelPretargetGround|Destroy|Create GroundPreSelection|Destroy|SetTintColorBlendPair 255,192,192 255,128,128 0.150000 Bounce Pretarget|ClearTintColor 0.100000 Pretarget|StatusIncrement FlyerHelper|StatusDecrement FlyerHelper|StatusSet Selected 1|StatusSet Selected 1|StatusSet Selected 0|StatusIncrement FlyerHelper|StatusDecrement FlyerHelper|Create FlyerHelperSplat|Create FlyerHelperSplat|Destroy|Create FlyerHelperSplat|Destroy|Destroy|Create FlyerHelperSplat|Destroy|Create FlyerHelperSplat|AnimPlay Birth Birth 0 0.000000|AnimPlay Fidget Fidget|AnimClear Fidget|Signal HallucinationTintOn|Signal HallucinationTintOff|DeathCustomize AntiGravProtoss|DeathCustomize AntiGravTerran|DeathCustomize AntiGravZerg|DeathCustomize AntiGravGeneric|ModelSuddenMotionStart|ModelSuddenMotionStop|AnimPlay Cheer Stand,Victory|AnimClear Cheer|AnimPlay Dance Stand,Dance|AnimClear Dance|AnimGroupApply Ready|AnimBracketStart Attack Attack|AnimClear Birth|AnimBracketStop Attack|AnimGroupRemove Ready|TextureSelectById GlowGreen|TextureSelectById PylonDarkDiffuse|TextureSelectById PylonDarkSpecular|TextureSelectById PylonDarkEmissive|TextureSelectById GlowGreen|TextureSelectById PylonDarkDiffuse|TextureSelectById PylonDarkSpecular|TextureSelectById PylonDarkEmissive|Create|Destroy|SetTintColor 0,88,176)
    Event:   Event 0 +	UnitBirth.MazeWallShakuras:Create SoundEmitter MazeWallShakuras_Ambience
    Event:   Event 1 +	UnitBirth.MazeWallShakuras:Create
    Event:   Event 2 +	UnitRevive.MazeWallShakuras:Create
    Event:   Event 3 +	UnitConstruction.MazeWallShakuras.Start:Create
    Event:   Event 4 +	UnitConstruction.MazeWallShakuras.Finish:AnimPlay ConstructionDeath Stand,Birth,Death FullMatch
    Event:   Event 5 +	AnimDone.*.Missing; AnimName ConstructionDeath:Destroy
    Event:   Event 6 +	ActorCreation; ValidateUnit IsFlying; Option Shadow Low; CompareField ::Main UnitFlags[ShowBlobShadow] Eq 1:Create FlyerShadow
    Event:   Event 7 +	ActorCreation; ValidateUnit IsNotFlying; Option Shadow Low; CompareField ::Main UnitFlags[ShowBlobShadow] Eq 1:Create GroundShadow
    Event:   Event 8 +	PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsNotFlying:Create ModelPretargetGround
    Event:   Event 9 +	PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop:ModelPretargetGround:Destroy
    Event:   Event 10 +	PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsFlying:Create GroundPreSelection
    Event:   Event 11 +	PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop:GroundPreSelection:Destroy
    Event:   Event 12 +	PreTargetingUpdate.*.Start:SetTintColorBlendPair 255,192,192 255,128,128 0.150000 Bounce Pretarget
    Event:   Event 13 +	PreTargetingUpdate.*.Stop:ClearTintColor 0.100000 Pretarget
    Event:   Event 14 +	CursorUpdate.*.Start; ValidateUnit IsFlying:StatusIncrement FlyerHelper
    Event:   Event 15 +	CursorUpdate.*.Stop; ValidateUnit IsFlying; HasStatus FlyerHelper:StatusDecrement FlyerHelper
    Event:   Event 16 +	ActorCreation; ScopeContains GroundLocalSelection:StatusSet Selected 1
    Event:   Event 17 +	SelectionLocalUpdate.*.Start:StatusSet Selected 1
    Event:   Event 18 +	SelectionLocalUpdate.*.Stop:StatusSet Selected 0
    Event:   Event 19 +	StatusOn.*.Selected; ValidateUnit IsFlying:StatusIncrement FlyerHelper
    Event:   Event 20 +	StatusOff.*.Selected; ValidateUnit IsFlying; HasStatus FlyerHelper:StatusDecrement FlyerHelper
    Event:   Event 21 +	StatusOn.*.FlyerHelper; FlyerHelper All:Create FlyerHelperSplat
    Event:   Event 22 +	StatusOn.*.FlyerHelper; FlyerHelper Selected:Create FlyerHelperSplat
    Event:   Event 23 +	StatusOff.*.FlyerHelper; FlyerHelper Selected:FlyerHelperSplat:Destroy
    Event:   Event 24 +	ActorCreation; FlyerHelper All; ValidateUnit IsFlying:Create FlyerHelperSplat
    Event:   Event 25 +	ActorDestruction; FlyerHelper All; !HasStatus FlyerHelper:FlyerHelperSplat:Destroy
    Event:   Event 26 +	FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelper None:FlyerHelperSplat:Destroy
    Event:   Event 27 +	FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelper Selected; HasStatus FlyerHelper; !ScopeContains FlyerHelperSplat:Create FlyerHelperSplat
    Event:   Event 28 +	FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelper Selected; !HasStatus FlyerHelper:FlyerHelperSplat:Destroy
    Event:   Event 29 +	FlyerHelperChange; FlyerHelper All; ValidateUnit IsFlying; !ScopeContains FlyerHelperSplat:Create FlyerHelperSplat
    Event:   Event 30 +	UnitBirth.*.Normal:AnimPlay Birth Birth 0 0.000000
    Event:   Event 31 +	UnitFidget:AnimPlay Fidget Fidget
    Event:   Event 32 +	UnitMovementUpdate.*.Walk:AnimClear Fidget
    Event:   Event 33 +	UnitDetectedByViewer.*.On; ValidateUnit IsHallucination:_HallucinationTinter:Signal HallucinationTintOn
    Event:   Event 34 +	UnitDetectedByViewer.*.Off; ValidateUnit IsHallucination:_HallucinationTinter:Signal HallucinationTintOff
    Event:   Event 35 +	UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravProtoss:DeathCustomize AntiGravProtoss
    Event:   Event 36 +	UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravTerran:DeathCustomize AntiGravTerran
    Event:   Event 37 +	UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasAntiGravZerg:DeathCustomize AntiGravZerg
    Event:   Event 38 +	UnitDeathCustomize; ValidateUnit HasEitherAntiGrav:DeathCustomize AntiGravGeneric
    Event:   Event 39 +	Behavior.PhoenixAntiGrav.On:ModelSuddenMotionStart
    Event:   Event 40 +	Behavior.PhoenixAntiGrav.Off:ModelSuddenMotionStop
    Event:   Event 41 +	UnitTaunt.*.Start; Taunt:AnimPlay Cheer Stand,Victory
    Event:   Event 42 +	UnitTaunt.*.Stop; Taunt:AnimClear Cheer
    Event:   Event 43 +	UnitTaunt.*.Start; Taunt Dance:AnimPlay Dance Stand,Dance
    Event:   Event 44 +	UnitTaunt.*.Stop; Taunt Dance:AnimClear Dance
    Event:   Event 45 +	Abil.attack.ReadyStart:AnimGroupApply Ready
    Event:   Event 46 +	WeaponStart.*.AttackStart:AnimBracketStart Attack Attack
    Event:   Event 47 +	WeaponStart.*.AttackStart; AnimPlaying Birth:AnimClear Birth
    Event:   Event 48 +	WeaponStop.*.AttackStop:AnimBracketStop Attack
    Event:   Event 49 +	Abil.attack.ReadyStop:AnimGroupRemove Ready
    Event:   Event 50 +	Upgrade.DarkProtoss.Add:TextureSelectById GlowGreen
    Event:   Event 51 +	Upgrade.DarkProtoss.Add:TextureSelectById PylonDarkDiffuse
    Event:   Event 52 +	Upgrade.DarkProtoss.Add:TextureSelectById PylonDarkSpecular
    Event:   Event 53 +	Upgrade.DarkProtoss.Add:TextureSelectById PylonDarkEmissive
    Event:   Event 54 +	UnitBirth; ValidateUnit NoDarkProtoss:TextureSelectById GlowGreen
    Event:   Event 55 +	ActorCreation; ValidateUnit NoDarkProtoss:TextureSelectById PylonDarkDiffuse
    Event:   Event 56 +	ActorCreation; ValidateUnit NoDarkProtoss:TextureSelectById PylonDarkSpecular
    Event:   Event 57 +	ActorCreation; ValidateUnit NoDarkProtoss:TextureSelectById PylonDarkEmissive
    Event:   Event 58 +	AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphTo MazeWallShakuras:Create
    Event:   Event 59 +	AbilMorph.*.Finish; MorphFrom MazeWallShakuras:Destroy
    Event:   Event 60 +	ActorCreation:SetTintColor 0,88,176
    Event: Macros +	(GlobalLoopMacro|DeadAnimationMacro)
    Event: Remove +	
    Event: Terms	
    Hosting: Host +	Implicit:Implicit:(None):Disabled
    Hosting: Host For Properties +	Implicit:Implicit:(None):Disabled
    Hosting: Host Site Operations +	Disabled:Disabled
    Hosting: Host Supporter +	Implicit:Implicit:(None):Disabled
    Hosting: Hosted Attachments +	
    Properties: Accepted Property Transfers +	Cast Shadows, Cloak Effect, Decal, Local Tint Color, Opacity, Physics State, Scale, Team Color, Time Scale, Tint Color, Visibility, Warp Group
    Properties: Accepted Transfers +	Animation Properties, Position, Rotation, Textures, Status
    Properties: Inherit Type	Continuous
    Properties: Inherited Properties +	
    Sound: Ability Sounds +	
    Sound: Group Sound Threshold	2
    Sound: Group Sounds +	((None)|(None)|(None)|MazeWallShakuras_GroupWhat (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_GroupYes (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_GroupAttack (Unknown)|(None)|(None)|(None)|MazeWallShakuras_GroupBoard (Unknown)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None))
    Sound: Placement Sound	Protoss_BuildingPlacementSmall
    Sound: Sounds +	(MazeWallShakuras_Birth (Unknown)|Pylon_Ready (Unnamed)|MazeWallShakuras_Help (Unknown)|Pylon_What|MazeWallShakuras_Yes (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_Attack (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_Pissed (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_Movement (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_Turning (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_Board (Unknown)|Protoss_ConstructionWhat|MazeWallShakuras_Click (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_ClickError (Unknown)|MazeWallShakuras_Highlight (Unknown))
    UI: Addon Indicator	
    UI: Bar Distance	34
    UI: Bar Height	7
    UI: Bar Offset	90
    UI: Bar Width	90
    UI: Cooldown Display +	
    UI: Errors +	
    UI: Group Icon +	(Assets\Textures\wireframe-destructible-debris.dds)
    UI: Group Icon Variations +	
    UI: Hero Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-building-protoss-pylon.dds
    UI: Hero Icon Variations +	
    UI: Highlight Tooltip	
    UI: Info Text	
    UI: Life Armor Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-armor-protoss-buildingplating.dds
    UI: Minimap Icon	
    UI: Minimap Render Priority	Normal
    UI: Name Offset	30
    UI: Select Ability Command	
    UI: Shield Armor Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-upgrade-protoss-shieldslevel0.dds
    UI: Status Bar Flags +	
    UI: Status Bar Groups +	Owner, Allied, Enemy, All, Replay
    UI: Status Colors +	((255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)|(255,0,0,0)):((255,80,80,80)|(255,80,80,80)|(255,80,80,80)|(255,77,60,15)|(255,80,80,80)|(255,40,40,40)):(((255,0,0,255))|((255,208,34,0)|(255,208,34,0)|(255,229,129,0)|(255,229,129,0)|(255,229,221,0)|(255,229,221,0)|(255,22,229,0)|(255,22,229,0))|((255,150,40,220))|((255,255,255,255))|((255,0,200,200))|((255,120,120,120)))
    UI: Unit Border Normal Color	(NULL)
    UI: Unit Border Subgroup Color	(NULL)
    UI: Unit Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-building-protoss-pylon.dds
    UI: Unit Icon Variations +	
    UI: Unit Kill Rank +	
    UI: Wireframe +	(Assets\Textures\wireframe-destructible-debris.dds)
    UI: Wireframe Shield +	(Assets\Textures\Wireframe-Protoss-Pylon-Shield01.dds|Assets\Textures\Wireframe-Protoss-Pylon-Shield02.dds|Assets\Textures\Wireframe-Protoss-Pylon-Shield03.dds)
    UI: Wireframe Shield Variations +	
    UI: Wireframe Variations +	
    Unit: Unit Flags +	Show Blob Shadow
    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Second Version of Map appeared? How to get rid of it?

    @BlacKcuD: Go

    The "normal" speed map has surfaced again -.- What the f*ck? I cannot actually proof it, but it seems all time spent on the correct version is counted towards the crappy version in regards to popularity which is NOT GOOD. Any ideas anyone? I wrote two tickets already, but this didn't get me further then "Use repair tool".

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on (Solved) Passive Behavior Actors?

    Well then you did overlook something :) With this code the actor won't show at all. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time and not a very high understanding of how actors work so I am not inclined to experiment a lot. However, if you can get it to work please let me know. Thanks again and here is the modified event list in its current state (which seems to not work at all :/):

    Event:   Event 0 +	SupporterDestruction:AnimPlay Death Death
    Event:   Event 1 +	ActorOrphan:Destroy
    Event:   Event 2 +	Behavior.SoulFlame1Aura.On:Create
    Event:   Event 3 +	Behavior.SoulFlame1Aura.Off:Destroy
    Event:   Event 4 +	ActorCreation:TimerSet
    Event:   Event 5 +	TimerExpired:TimerSet 8.000000
    Event:   Event 6 +	TimerExpired:AnimSetCompletion Lifetime
    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on (Solved) Passive Behavior Actors?
    Quote from Kueken531: Go


    Create Behavior.X.off

    Destroy ActorCreation

    AnimPlay "Lifetime" Stand (check Play Forever) ActorCreation

    TimerStart TimerExpired

    TimerStart 3.00 (set based on the animation length, as high as possible, as low as necessary) TimerExpired

    AnimSetCompletion "Lifetime" 0

    I just tried to implement this, but unfortunately there is no msg type "Time Start"?! TimerSet and TimerKill are the only ones I could find.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Unit uses "Cost" from some other unit? WTF?

    Hi all,

    so I am making this TD and all is working well (thanks to you all around here :) I created a completely new tower and for some reason this tower's gas cost is required to build some old tower. I checked all requirements and costs, but I couldn't find any error on my part. It seems that if the "old" tower has no (0) gas cost set it will take on the value from this new tower. For the lulz I set the gas cost of the old tower to a negative value to "counteract" this strange behaviour but then the old tower would cost -9 gas :E

    Could this possibly have something to do with my build ability? But on the other hand, you can build the tower via morph upgrade and then it will still take on the gas cost if you choose this route.

    I have absolutely no idea what causes this and I fear that this effect will occur again if I continue to create more new towers :/

    • edit I recreated the button and used a slot in the build ability which was unused before by all races. I still cannot reproduce the error, but all works now. Whatever that was :o
    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on (Solved) Passive Behavior Actors?

    @JuvialsRequiem: Go

    I feel like reviving the thread since I've got a very similar problem. I have a debuff which does burning damage over its duration (lasts like 15 seconds). I managed to attach the "ghost collateral fire nuke" model via an actor to the behaviour. Unfortunately the actor vanishes after a certain amount of time (which is less than the behaviour duration). I guess it has something to do with the stand animation play time? How can I make the model play for the whole duration until it I destroy it manually?

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on deal damage of x percent of current hp
    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    Yes, basically. Not sure, if the base damage or the percentage is calculated first, though.

    Ok I did some extensive testing. Here are the results:

    • If you want a damage effect to deal % hp damage add the value as a fraction of 1 to the desired fields in the damage effects (30% = 0.300).
    • If the damage effect is triggered only the amount which would deal the most damage is applied! Afaik there is no way to change this. It is possibly connected to the fact that a damage effect always tries to maximize its effect. For example if you have an effect dealing 10 (20 vs armored, 5 vs bio) and it would encounter a "bio+armored" unit, the effect would deal 20 damage. Example 2: If your damage effect deals 10% life damage and 10 damage a unit with 5000 hitpoints would suffer 500 damage. A diffrent unit with 10 hitpoints would die.

    However, this mechanic will make for a very cool balanced oh-sh*t-button-nuke worker ability in my td map :)

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on deal damage of x percent of current hp
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    Under the Damage effect the Effect - Vital Fraction Current field.

    Can't test this right now, but if I were to set the Effect - Vital Fraction Current to 0.1 every time this damage effect fires the target would lose 10% of its current health in addition to its current effects right?

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Terratron Unit Dies after given time?

    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to use the Terratron model for a unit in my td, but after a given amount of time (one minute roughly) it just explodes. I guess this is some kind of actor event? Or is it something completely else? Anyway I need to fix this and have no clue how to. (I made a duplicate of the original terratron and removed all of his abilites etc). Has it possibly something to do with the fact I made it invulnerable?

    best regards,


    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on How to: Attacks hitting model everywhere


    I want a unit (which is very big) to be hit everywhere if it is fired uppon, not only in the center (seems to be a fallback value). What do I need to change in the unit/actor/model so that projectiles and beams hit the model at random places and not just the center?

    best regards, BlacKcuD

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Stopping Mineral transfer from ally leaving

    I just got this working for Icecrusher TD 2:

    I made all players be enemies and then I added Teamchat Alliance Aspect for every player. If you need non-agression or regular resource trading this may be enabled in the same way as well. The list of possible "Alliance Apsects" is quite long.

    Code is as follows, assuming human players are 1 to 4:

            Game - Map initialization
        Local Variables
            i = 0 <Integer>
            i2 = 0 <Integer>
            i3 = 0 <Integer>
            ------- Alliance Settings
            General - For each integer i from 1 to 4 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                    Player Group - Add player i to HumanPlayers
            Player - Make all players in HumanPlayers treat each other as Enemy
            General - For each integer i2 from 1 to 4 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                    General - For each integer i3 from 1 to 4 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                            Player - Turn player i2 Allied Chat On towards player i3
    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Second Version of Map appeared? How to get rid of it?

    Hi everyone,

    if you play on EU and select "Tower Defense" maps you will likely see my current project "Icecrusher TD 2" somewhere on the first page. A few hours ago a second entry with my map appeared.

    Exactly the same map, except the game speed is set to "Normal" (which is awfully slow and terrible to play). The problem now is, that people only join this slower version (since it is a little further up in the popularity). This s*cks for multiple reasons.

    Now my question: How do I get rid of the normal speed version?

    I didn't upload any changed variants of the map. I tried uploading the map again with other game speeds hidden etc, but so far no effect. Would uploading the map with a diffrent name/private help? However, that would crush my neat popularity I have going which really helps me test it. I'm kinda at a loss here. I will try to play up the faster version with a friend but as of know the diffrence is already above 30hours and rising -.-

    best regards,


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on (Solved) How to: Damage over Time (DOT) (De-)Buffs?
    Quote from TheAlmaity: Go

    Create a damage effect which deals a fraction of the damage you want (Either half or a quarter or so, depending on how smooth you want the damage to be) In the behavior, instead of a negative regen, set the periodic effect to the one you just created and set it's period to whatever number you need (If the damage effect does half the desired damage, set period to 0.5, if it does a quarter of the damage, set period to 0.25, etc. so that you have the right DPS) If its a fire trap, you can set the damage effects death type to fire so that units that have a fire death model use it.

    Thank you very much for this very quick and very detailled answer.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) How to: Damage over Time (DOT) (De-)Buffs?

    Hi everyone,

    I want an aura which applies a damage-over-time debuff on enemy units passing by (flame trap sort of). I got an aura which applies a working behaviour, but how do I make the behaviour deal damage to the unit over time? The only way I came up so far is changing the "Uni Life Regeneration Bonus" to something negative, but in this way I cannot catch the unit's death via trigger (which I need for mutliple reasons).

    Question: How to create a damage-over-time debuff?

    (Or if all fails: Can someone catch a unit's death (easily+efficiently) via trigger even if it dies from its own negative regen?)

    best regards,


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Requirements: Show Passive Upgrade
    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    I would use a requirement, which you probably did. Requirements have 2 different nodes you can use: Show and Use. If you use Show, the icon will disappear, if the requirements are not met; if you use Use instead, it becomes greyed out. You can also specify a tooltip, so it doesn't just say "Requires: XY" but something like "Requires: Research of XY at your research building" or whatever.

    All working now. Thank you.

    Side note: If you have a show AND a use requirement node set and they are the same, the show takes precedence (everything under use is ignored).

    Posted in: Data
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