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    posted a message on Ability that consumes Energy over time when activated.

    I'm pretty sure you just add a behavior that changes the energy regen rate to be negative.  You can check out the Ghost's Cloak ability for details of how to implement this.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Different Abilities for Different Players from a Single Structure

    I recall reading the tutorial on hooks, but at the time I didn't really understand their use.  I'll have to go back and look at it again.

    This is the solution that I started considering last night.  If the hook method can't be implemented for some unforeseeable reason, this is probably what I'll end up doing.

    I have a final exam tonight, so I probably won't be able to implement anything until tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes then!

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    posted a message on Different Abilities for Different Players from a Single Structure


    I tried this, however, the ability requirements depends on the owner of the Barracks and not the person who is trying to use the ability.  This is what led to the situation I described in the first post where if Player 1 owns the Barracks, both players can train Marines, but not Marauders and when Player 2 owns the Barracks, both players can train Marauders, but not Marines.

    In order to allow multiple people to use the Barracks, I gave the Barracks an interact ability so that everyone nearby can use it.  With 5 players who may be trying to use the Barracks simultaneously, I don't think switching control of the Barracks to one player at a time would work for this.

    edit (59 minutes after post): hmm..  I wonder if I can create an invisible unit for every player, which would have the same radius as the Barracks and and be located on top of the Barracks.  Then I could make a trigger so that when a player selects the Cerebrate, it will select the invisible unit instead.  I can transfer the upgrades over to the invisible unit and because everyone has their own copy of it, the Upgrade thing would work.

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    posted a message on Different Abilities for Different Players from a Single Structure

    Yeah, I considered alternatives with multiple Barracks, though I couldn't see how to get that behavior to work when both Player 1 and Player 2 are selecting the Barracks at the same time, especially given at the beginning of the game, all Players will be using the Barracks and there can be up to 5 players using a Barracks at a time (To simplify the original post, I only mentioned two players).

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    posted a message on Different Abilities for Different Players from a Single Structure

    I'm trying to find some way so that when player 1 has a Barracks selected, he can train Marines, but not Marauders and vice versa for Player 2 (can not build Marines, but can build Marauders)  While the Interact ability allows for both players to build from the Barracks, you can only build units based on whoever owns the Barracks and not based on who is trying to use it (ie: If player 1 owns the Barracks, both Player 1 and Player 2 can build Marines.  If Player 2 owns the Barracks, both Player 1 and Player 2 can build Marauders).  Not to mention, this has another problem that I haven't been able to solve of allowing Player 1 and Player 2 to build from enemy Barracks, which is highly unwanted.

    I'm now assuming that this can't be done in the Data Editor and am looking for a trigger solution.  Is there any way to manipulate the command card with triggers or will I need to use dialog buttons for this?  I'm a dialog button noob, so if I use dialog buttons, can you arrange them in a way where it appears that they're on the command card even if they're not explicitly attached to the command card?  Or if anyone has an alternative I haven't considered, I'm all ears.

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    posted a message on [Contest] Wallpaper - Vote 3/3

    Anakin and Kenobi get my vote!  Epic scene!  It took me a second to realize that I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be them.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Life Drain Ability

    7MM3, with your solution, I bet you can add a validator to behavior Z so that it will not leech life unless the target you are damaging has behavior X.  I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it'll work, I'm gonna test it and report back.  I'll be using the behavior-buff "damage response" thingy.

    What the heck?  I'm getting really, REALLY odd behavior...

    Edit: For some reason my test ghost is mind controlling the test reaper when I cast the ability...  o.O  It's a new map and didn't duplicate anything, I created the ability, effect, and behavior from scratch...

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    posted a message on Building a Building after one Complete (Help)

    Might help to see your trigger...  it's not easy to help when no one knows where ya messed up.  There's an event "Unit Construction Progress", set it to "complete" and then put in the action for a worker to build the next building.  Beyond that, I dunno what to tell ya.

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    posted a message on Starcraft II DotA: Storm of the Imperial Sanctum

    DotA created waay too many items and Heroes.  The difference between a game like StarCraft and a game like DotA, StarCraft you can get into a couple of games and gradually figure things out on your own.  DotA on the other hand... is like trying to find dry sand at the bottom of a lake.  I had a buddy trying to teach me DotA and he kept saying "ok now go back to the merchants and purchase this item".  1 minute later.  "What was the item called?"  "xxxxx"  "It's not here..."  I never bothered playing DotA again after seeing how steep the learning curve is.

    So no, DotA is not "just like any other game".  In other games it's usually easy to figure it out.  In DotA, if someone is holding your hand you can still be doing it wrong.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Retrieving Damage for a Hero to display somewhere else

    I didn't realize that the effect was changing, I thought it was just an upgrade.  I dunno then.

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    posted a message on Retrieving Damage for a Hero to display somewhere else

    I am kinda sleepy, so I hope I understand this right.  You want your Dialog Item to say "8 (+2)" to reflect the upgrade?  I haven't worked with Dialogs, so there's a very real possibility that I'm dead wrong but...  If on the dialog, instead of "8", replace it with:

    <d ref="Effect,#EffectID#,Amount" />

    I think it should work.  For instance, if your Zealot's damage effect ID is "ZealotHeroU", then it would be:

    <d ref="Effect,ZealotHeroU,Amount" />

    As an aside, if you want the "8 (+2)" to simply say "10", in the damage effect object of the data editor, find the "Display Flags" field and select "Collapse Buffed"  A similar flag is found in the unit object under "Life Armor Display Flag" for the armor value.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Cerebrates


    After the events of the Brood War, Kerrigan sought to seize complete control over the Swarm. To do so, she needed to destroy the remaining Cerebrates who held sway over some of the Zerg. Using manipulative tactics, Kerrigan convinced two twin Cerebrates that she was not the threat, but rather their twin Cerebrate was. This is the story of the final days of those Cerebrates...


    Choose between commanding either the Infested Terrans, Infested Protoss, or the Elite Zerg. As the game progresses, you can purchase additional units to add into your squad. While your main objective is to kill the opposing Cerebrate, there is a vast battle happening. The players themselves will not be strong enough to take out the enemy Cerebrate on their own. Players must ensure that their own Cerebrate is able to expand their base to eventually overwhelm the opposing Cerebrate. The more bases your Cerebrate controls, the more reinforcements your Cerebrate will provide.



    In order to allow your Cerebrate to expand, you must first destroy an enemy base. Once control over the expansion site is secured, your Cerebrate will begin constructing a new base from which additional reinforcements will be provided. Do not expect the enemy Cerebrate to sit back idly at the loss of an expansion, however. While the expansion is still vulnerable, the enemy will do everything in their power to regain control of the expansion site. Without a proper defense from the player, the enemy will surely re-capture the expansion.

    Special Expansion Sites

    There are several high-risk, high-reward expansion sites. Expansions containing high-yield minerals will have increased reinforcements while expansions containing vespene geysers will allow for the production of stronger than average units, such as Devouring Ones and Hunter Killers.

    <u>Playable Units</u>

    Each race creates a small army which can comprise of 3 casters and 8 combat units. As the game goes on, your Cerebrate rewards you with minerals the more that you kill. These minerals can be used to purchase additional units or research upgrades for your units.


    Map Concept: 100% Done Map Layout: 60% Done Map Doodads / Aesthetics: 1% Done Triggers: 75% Done Trigger - Base Building 95% Done (recent error popped up) Trigger - Unit Attack/Defense Groups: 60% Done Data: 15% Done Data - Cerebrate structures/units: 15% Done Data - PC unit balancing: 15% Done
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Is there a Condition 'Point is buildable' / sliding trigger

    There is a point is pathable condition, which is the same thing that you're asking.

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    posted a message on Making A Graviton Beam Tower

    @ProzaicMuze: Go I find it kinda strange that you were saying the above solutions were overcomplicating the problem and then turn around and suggest pretty much the same thing that I already suggested. What you're specifically saying (second solution) ignores that if the tower has 1 unit left within range, the tower will indefinitely lift off the unit unless another tower kills it, however, if there is no damage tower in range, then it will continue doing this forever with no way to kill the unit, which is why I added the "always allow at least one unit in range to travel" validator when I posted.

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    posted a message on Resource ability

    @Roguedragonx: Go You want the ability to subtract resources from the person who cast the ability or do you want to subtract resources from whoever owns the unit that the ability is cast upon?

    If the former, Adjust the Cost+ field in the ability's object.

    If the later, make the ability have an effect of type "Modify Player" and adjust the field "Effect - Resources".

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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