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    posted a message on A Door from a Set.

    @Captincronic: Go

    Shameless self bump.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on A Door from a Set.

    I want to make a kind of space station building in a single player TPS map, but I can't find a good spacey looking door :P

    There is however, one thing that I found that would make a really good door, and that's a set item "SMHyperionCantinaStage1ExitHS (SM Hyperion Cantina Stage 1 Exit HS)". It has the animations required, open, stand open, close, stand closed, and looks PERFECT. The problem is, I don't know how to implement this into my map itself.

    I took the actor/model and made a unit using it's graphic. The first problem was that the actor was on an angle, and since it was considered a structure I couldn't rotate it. The next problem, was that even though it had animations, I have NO idea how to use them :S The only thing I can think of, is: " Animation - Play _ animation for (Actor for 'door name here' ) as Default, using No Options options and Default Time blend time" but I still don't know how to implement it. I've spent awhile trying to figure it out but with the data editor I just have hundreds of copies of non-working door models / metal gate models that don't have the same model as intended D:

    My final problem, is that even if it's a structure, how would I make it so you can walk through it after it's lowered? I was thinking of just copying and pasting another gate with a similar mechanic like the Metal Gate's, but I didn't know how to change the animations.

    Anyway, if someone knows how to fix this problem that would be amazingly helpful.

    Cheers, Bored.322.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 3 Quick questions, any help would rock.

    @Captincronic: Go

    Shameless bump.

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    posted a message on 3 Quick questions, any help would rock.

    Just a few quick questions I have regarding terrain.

    1) How do I make terrain invisible? Some doodads don't have built in collision paths, so what I did was raise the terrain and add pathing blockers in to simulate the pathing for the doodad. The problem with this, is that now I have giant spikes of land popping out, and it really ruins the illusion I was hoping to create. I tried the 'Hide Terrain Cells' button, but it did nothing >.>

    2) My terrain objects are broken D: (Apparently I'm not the only one having problems with them x.x) I can see parts of them, like when I place my Subway Station entrance, all I can see is a rectangular outline of it and part of it that sticks out of the ground. The rest is covered by my terrain. Last time I checked it was hard to get into a subway station via a cement floor >.>

    3) Does anyone know how to create a cave type building? I thought of using rocks and archways, but that might look a little weird in my map. It's a TPS for what it's worth >.>

    I really appreciate any help; hopefully others viewing this thread will too.

    Cheers, Bored.322

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Invisible terrain / Terrain objects!

    So for certain doodads they don't have any sort of collision path, so what I did was heighten the terrain to give the illusion of you walking on the object. The problem now, is that there are random spikes of ground that clearly ruin the illusion ._. I see a button titled 'Hide Terrain Cells' but it doesn't do anything, and there is no visual when I use it D:

    Also, I seem to be having an issue with terrain objects (Apparently I'm not he only one.), when I place things down like the sub entrance, there's grass over top of it. It just appears as a rectangle border with a stick sticking out >.> How do I hide that?

    And bonus points to whoever can tell me how to make a cave type area.

    Cheers, Bored.322

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on TPS Camera Shaking... Do not want D:

    So I'm making a third person game, and pretty much everything works including the camera and the movement. The problem, is when the player gets close to a new terrain level (not via raise / lowered heights, but levels) then the camera starts going up and down randomly, not far, but repeatedly so it eventually ends up really high in the air.

    I'm not entirely sure if the terrain levels are the source of the problem, but it's REALLY annoying and definitely takes away from the game. I took off Camera Displacement and Camera Smoothing, which I heard from someone else to be a potential cause. Has anyone else had this problem, and does anyone know how to fix it?

    P.S. in the editor, my terrain levels also have raised ground surrounding them even though they disappear in-game; a fix for this would be awesome :> but not mandatory.

    Cheers, Bored.322.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Camera Height Issue

    @Beffyman: Go

    What was it? >.> I have the same problem.

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    posted a message on Refer to a unit type in trigger. o.o

    @Captincronic: Go

    Does anyone know how to make it so that when my unit steps on top of an item it destroys the item, or picks it up if possible? :(

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Refer to a unit type in trigger. o.o
    Quote from Fellius: Go

    Uhhh, you can just use the Unit Type of Unit function and place that in a condition statement?

    But I can't find any relevant sort of condition for it, when I implement something like " (Unit type of Pickup - Mines [104.21, 45.86]) == Value 2" the second value doesn't have any sort of usable commands.

    However halfway through typing this I think I found a useful comparison. I'll leave what I put before in case someone is running into the same problem I am >.> "(Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Pickup - Mines" All along I've been too focused on doing it backwards >.< Gonna test it out and see if it works.

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    posted a message on Refer to a unit type in trigger. o.o

    Hey, first time posting here (Although apparently I've had an account for 2 years now :s) but an avid reader as of late.

    I'm relatively new to map making, so I'm sorry if this problem is painfully obvious. I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure it this out, but I'm not sure how to do it. I've looked through the forums, but so far my searches for items + variables have come up with little to no results.

    First, I'll tell you what it is that I want. I have a spider mine item, and I want to make it so that when a unit walks over to it, it's automatically picked up since it's in a third person view and the mouse is locked for camera scrolling. I'm not sure whether or not you can make it so you can pick up an item automatically or not, but I had a different system in mind. I tried to make it so if a unit died and the unit (seeing as how items are considered units) was a spider mine equipment piece, that it would add +1 to the global spider mine count array for the given player (If that's hard to decipher that's because I don't know how to refer to it in technical lingo >.>) .

    Now the problem is, I don't know how to check if the unit is a spider mine or not. I can do the check to see if it's one that's already placed on the field in the editor, but it's also a recurring spawn and the trigger won't affect the ones that spawn afterward. Now if that makes no sense (because I'm terrible at explaining things) then in short, what I want to know is how can I make it so that it checks what unit is involved (whether it already exists or not) instead of what unit is involved that already exists (the one's usually on the 'Value' tab that have coordinates x.x)?

    Any help would be great, the way to do this would help a LOT of things in my map, and even simplify things I already have done.

    Cheers, Bored.322

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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