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    posted a message on Automatic Ability

    @TheLazzoro: Go

    I'm not sure about right clicking the structure itself can be checked via data editor, but I know for sure that you can have an ability that is auto-cast, and exactly when it is auto-cast is checked by the ability's Auto Cast Validators. Man, the more I mess with the editor, the more I realize how powerful and important validators are... but I digress.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Wow Races Extension Mod

    @lemmy734: Go

    Thanks for that, that is a bit helpful. On the whole team colors thing, I've actually been using emitters to show which units are apart of which team, and it actually stands out more than just making the units team colored. As for the AI, it's a lot more complicated for my project since extension mods are unable to use triggers.

    I was thinking about getting 3dsmax and downloading the necessary plugins myself, and then just figuring out the whole AI situation, but I figured if I can get others to do that, the project will go a whole lot faster and I can focus on design, gameplay, and balance.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Wow Races Extension Mod

    What region do you play in? - North America

    What time zone are you, and what hours are you available? - UTC/GMT -7 hours (Pacific Time, think Los Angeles)

    What are some methods of contact(msn, skype, AIM, etc..)? - Kik, PM, Email

    What are you doing for this project? - Mostly everything, there's only a small portion of things I need someone else for, but they're important jobs.

    What roles do you need filled? - Two roles: someone that can use 3dsmax or a similar editor to fix model animations and similar issues that I can't do on my own, since i don't have an editor like that, and someone that can make a melee AI for the newly created units and such, so that the extension mod can be played with computer players.

    What do you have done on the map up to this point? Please try to include images or videos.

    Tons. Replacing models, fixing and tweaking attachment points, adding in new mechanics, new buttons, new units; However, it's nowhere near finished.


    A description of the project/team itself so people know what they're getting into. - First, I'm not looking on hiring anyone. If you plan on joining in on this project, it won't be a pay-based endeavor. I'm looking for people that are interested in the idea and wish to see it come to full fruiton. That being said, the project is an extension mod that replaces the three stock races with World of Warcraft based races: Heroic, Draconic, and Elemental. For the most part, they'll be similar gameplay-wise to the three stock races; Draconic will be swarmy like Zerg, Heroic will be techy like Terran, and Elemental will be powerful but expensive like Protoss. A few gameplay tweaks and unique flair will be added to each race, however, and some gameplay mechanics will be modified, toyed with, modified again, or even scrapped completely.

    How much time are you willing to invest in this project per week? - Nearly every day, at the very least I can pitch in 7-8 hours, sometimes consecutively, sometimes not. Other days I'll be working on the game non-stop. It really depends.

    Who else is working on the project? - No one else, at the moment. At the most, it will be 3-4 members, including myself and whoever I end up recruiting.

    Please take note that this is a serious project and I only do the highest standard; what I mean by this is that nothing would be half baked. Every tooltip, every model, every little detail, every animation, every hotkey, wireframe, doodad, etc. will be modified, tweaked, and worked on until it is perfect. I don't want players to say "Oh, I guess he couldn't change that" or "Oh, he forgot to change the tooltip", I want them to say, "wow, he really thought of everything. This is completely different." On top of all that, I plan to be finished with the project within a month or two. Let me know if you're interested.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Effect on unit Kill[Solved]

    @MasterWrath: Go

    Ah, I see. Must be why it has never worked for me for attackers. Thanks for that information.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect on unit Kill[Solved]

    @Aaternus: Go

    You're very welcome, glad you found a solution.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect on unit Kill[Solved]

    @Aaternus: Go

    They do. It's called Unit: Effect+ containing -Create, -Birth, -Death, and -Revive.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect on unit Kill[Solved]

    @Aaternus: Go

    A no go on making upgrades affect other player's units. While possible, it's just a mess and there are simpler ways of going about it. See, I'm under the assumption that you don't want the unit to give you resources every time you kill something else, but you DO want units you kill to give you resources and the amount is dependent on the unit? Upgrades would affect each AI unit's bounty individually, but it would be the AI's upgrade. Most likely you'll have to use triggers to issue the order to the AI every time you use an ability set do to nothing. While issuing the order, have it deduct the necessary minerals from you.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Burrow / Bunker

    @Narudek: Go

    Are you referring to something like the bunker already in-game? Ranged ground units can enter the bunker and have it attack, and when there's no units in the bunker, the bunker cannot attack. If so, try duplicating or modifying the bunker for your needs.

    Edit: Sorry, forgot that you mentioned peons. Might be best to have them able to enter the bunker and then use validators on the attack to make sure there's a certain amount of workers.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Leveling Problem

    @Narudek: Go

    What type of document is this? Is it an Extension mod? or just a regular melee map? And what changes did you make to it? Some changes will make the editor flag the map, unqualifying it as a true melee game.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit goes up

    @VisionElf: Go

    I probably won't be able to figure this out without the additional information. Is it possible I could see your map? or at least take a screenshot of both the events tab and the object linking tree. Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Selecting multiple buildings with doodads models

    @VisionElf: Go

    Most likely has something to do with your model. Usually caused by the selection circle fields not being set properly. Have you messed with those?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Effect on unit Kill[Solved]

    @Aaternus: Go

    Damage Response is called when the unit takes damage, not when it deals damage to another unit. You can use upgrades to achieve what you want more simply. Upgrades are player to player basis.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on WoW Races Extension Mod

    Wow Races Extension Mod

    So I went ahead and took a screenshot of my mod, to show the seriousness of this project should anyone wish to join in its creation. What you see in the picture, from left to right:

    Regular Protoss geyser - It'll be changed in a later version to an Eternus Well

    Funky looking gray minerals - Elementium Ore, a replacement for mineral fields

    Giant runic portal - Great Portal, replacement for the Nexus

    Tiny white golem - Arcane Revenant, replacement for Probe

    Block in tiny white golem's hand - It's a piece of Elementium Ore, he's carrying it back to the Great Portal. (Note: This was frustrating to get on his hand right, since I had to perform an Attachment Site Operation on the weapon attach point and then use a Local Offset to put it in his hand instead of in his wrist, which would have been easy except some models throw a tantrum when you do both. To fix this I had to make a new actor with the marine model, change its opacity to 0, attach it to the attach point, then attach the block to the marine model. It's also hilarious to see a marine riding on the golem's wrist when there's no opacity setting!)

    Hilarious marine golem

    Group of cute little baby Deathwings - Battle Whelps, replacement for Zerglings

    Funky looking orange minerals - Pyruim Ore, a replacement for rich mineral fields

    Glowing Well thing - Eternus Well, a replacement for vespene geysers. The new resource in replacing vespene gas is Eternus, represented by an hourglass.

    Tree in well - Tree of the Dream, a replacement for extractors.

    Cute little blue baby dragons - Blue Whelplings, a replacement for drones.

    Orange thing in dragon's mouth - It's a piece of Pyrium Ore.

    Big Transparent dragon - Greater Broodmother, a replacement for hatchery|lair|hive. The reason she's transparent is because she's in the Emerald Dream. It's a WoW thing, for those who are unaware of the lore.

    Egg things - Eggs (surprise xD) these replace larvae and do not move, and they can survive off creep. Also, creep has been removed as a game mechanic for now.

    Smaller black dragon - Skirmish Wyrm, a replacement for Spawning Pool.

    New Abilites:

    Expand the Emerald Dream - Increases your supply. Is not represented by an in game unit, however losing your Greater Broodmother results in a loss of all the supply provided by the Emerald Dream until a new one is evolved. The way this works is that your first base is basically your supply, any subsequent bases are not your supply. when your initial base dies, whichever base you build after that point is your new supply.

    Changed Abilities:

    Burrow (Is now Time Walk) - All ground units can phase through time, becoming cloaked, but does not provide the cloak effect that, say, a dark templar would. It's nearly identical to burrow, except units don't dig into the ground, they just phase out. This allows them to walk through alot of things, as they are in a different time period.

    Scrapped Mechanics:

    Overlords Creep

    Draconic Buildings still produce timed life units upon destruction, I favor that mechanic and kept it in.

    These are just the beginning phases of the game and I expect to be releasing the first version to the public in a month or two at most. Let me know what you think!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on The Wiki Challenge

    @fishy77: Go

    Thanks fish I'll be sure to give them a look.

    Posted in: Wiki Discussion
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    posted a message on Dependency vs Extension mods

    @XViper: Go

    Dependencies and extension mods are two different things altogether.

    Dependencies are sort of like libraries that a map or mod (or even several maps or mods) can access, so that data can be used by multiple maps without having to redo them.

    An extension mod is a new feature that allows someone in-game to play a custom map (not arcade) with your extension mod. So, for example, say you wanted to play any blizzard melee map with campaign units thrown in or all units are cloaked, etc., then you would use an extension mod to make it happen.

    Posted in: Melee Development
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