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    posted a message on Build & Controllable Monorail Train

    @ImperialGood: GoOk I see where you going at now with this, That sounds awesome just modify the height on the train engine so its above the tracks and everything that is in the region is unaffected but how would you keep the train from going off track.

    With straight segments it is very easy, simply move in a straight line parallel to the track. Curves are much more tricky (like everything circular) so would probably require additional logic to appear to vaguely stick with the track. It need not be perfect (it is in motion after all) but should look like it is stuck to the rails.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Build & Controllable Monorail Train

    Tho, I believe using unit height modification triggers would cause problems in where units will not move underneath the rails on a over pass.

    I have no idea how it would do so. Seeing as you will only modify the height of the engines and not other units. If anything it will support overpasses perfectly.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Map File Download Getting Stuck

    They run some kind of scan on published maps after they are uploaded before they can be downloaded. Currently that service is disrupted.

    Yesterday it took 2 hours before people could download a map I published. Before then it would hang at some random percentage. As such the only solution is to be patient as each time you re-upload it will take another few hours before it can be downloaded.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on NA unable to publish maps.

    The issue appears to be on-going. It took 2 hours for my map to become downloadable after publishing it to the US server. That said it has improved over the 12 hours a week ago.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Build & Controllable Monorail Train

    Tried using triggers to conserve the marine height? You can read both the height of the terrain and the current height of the unit. If you know how high the track is then you can set the unit height to (height of track - height of terrain). Run this every tick (16 times a game second).

    To prevent Z gitter when climbing up a cliff you need to make sure that you compute the correct height for where the unit is moving to between frames rather than at the current point. The automatic interpolation between ticks should take care of everything else.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Queueing orders

    Try using the relative points order aimed at unit groups. Although the normal order targeting point should also work.

        Unit - Order all units in Unit Group to ( Attack targeting relative points near Target Point) (Replace Existing Orders)
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to make a structure teleport units to target location?

    I am not sure if there is a way to create this with data only but it should be pretty easy with triggers. The "teleport units" ability is a dummy ability which does not do anything next to the appropriate target validators. A trigger then does the actual teleporting.

    In response to the ability being cast, you capture all currently loaded units. You then order the structure to unload each one and move it to the target point. This may need to occur over several frames to prevent excessive resource use and also to deal with proper displacement (so a column of units does not appear).

    The only tricky part is unloading the units since there is no way to remove a unit from cargo instantly to a point on map as far as I know.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Published version gives all possible units?

    Try making it an arcade map. As stated above, what is happening is another mod (the multiplayer melee mod with balance changes) is conflicting with it.

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on Insane Arcade Map idea

    So why not just make them separate maps instead of having players that are doing completely different things in the same map? Do remember you want sessions to last 1 hour at most as anything longer becomes very difficult to hold players in public.


    1. Will this map take 2 days to load? Is this too much coding? My map is 256 256.

    Loading is surprisingly fast in SC2 despite it parsing XML and JIT compiling Galaxy. Most of the time seems to be spent synchronizing banks, especially if they are quite large. Galaxy is Harvard architecture virtual machine with several megabytes in the heap and the code sections so should be more than sufficient (games like Final Fantasy 1/2 had less space available for the entire game and even less memory heap!).


    2. I can't seem to get a baneling to slide on ice. Ideas and suggestions?

    With one of the recent patches you can now detect which texture is the strongest at a point. Use this to determine what is covered in ice.

    native string   TerrainTexture (point pos);

    There is probably a GUI version of it.

    The trigger is similar to how you do it in Warcraft III except you must remember that the smallest resolvable deterministic time is 1/16 seconds. Many people back in WC3 used the incorrect approach forcing people to spam orders to turn (due to the standard move cancelling current order) but the correct approach was to assign each unit an object giving it a facing and a speed. These can be managed as custom values on the sliding unit or if the number of sliders is finite (bounded) you use a finite object system.

    The idea is you detect how much the unit has moved naturally (from standard movement) then apply a fraction of that as a velocity vector to the unit's sliding velocity vector. You then move the unit to it's sliding velocity vector position based on the point from the previous frame undoing the natural movement leaving only the slide movement to influence the results. Then you update the point for the next iteration so you can measure distance moved naturally and compute the next point. More complex control algorithms can be used to give sliding different responses (such as changing to the opposite direction is less responsive than slightly adjusting angel).

    Do note that most WC3 maps did sliding incorrectly. Instead of skidding on ice it was more like you were being pushed forward by a moving way (such as being on a booster floor in Mario Kart). This makes no sense and has little to do with ice. Other implementations simply disabled you from moving as it kept you going in a straight line at a constant speed from when you entered the surface which is accurate for surfaces with no friction (you cannot change direction).

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Linking to Arcade map from website

    All published arcade maps have a link. You can get this by opening the map information page inside StarCraft II and then clicking the "little gear icon" followed by the "Copy Link to Clipboard" button. This will place the map link, eg "starcraft://map/1/228855" into your clipboard to paste somewhere.

    Pasting the link inside StarCraft II chat messages outside of an active session will redirect people to the map information page. Outside StarCraft II they can be used to direct StarCraft II to the map information page in the same way by making them a hyperlink. It really is that simple and I am amazed how well Blizzard pulled it off.

    Do note that each region you publish a map to has a different link.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problem with sliding trigger

    This thread is over 4 years old. The last response was 3 years ago. Chances of the people above still being here is only very slight.

    I would recommend making a new topic and describing clearly what you are after.

    Of note is that the fastest resolvable time in SC2 is 0.0625 seconds of game time as that is the period of deterministic frames. Smaller values should not be used for future compatibility (in case the frame period is lowered in a patch, does not help if it gets raised but chances of that is less than it being lowered). Blizzard really needs to add a "Frame Period" period constant to solve this.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Allow this system to Queue Orders

    Here is a rough example how you can keep order queues intact. The marines can be shift ordered to move all over the map and it will still displace the order correctly. The only issue seems to be patrol, however players seldom use that and I am sure there would be some solution to it.

    Of note is that the process is very resource intensive. Even queuing maximum orders for 10 marines can cause frames to drop. A possible optimization could be to use a statically allocated stack for orders instead of a local array since that would reduce the stack frame and function initialization complexity. Another approach would be if you could stop the order from ever being issues (dummy ability) then you could only add the correct orders to the stack preventing the need to rebuild the entire order stack.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Published version gives all possible units?

    If this an arcade map? Or a melee mod?

    It sounds like something is messed up with the map dependencies. Could you dump an image or list of the way you currently have them set up?

    Posted in: Melee Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Changing supply icons

    Really no one helped this poor guy? Well I found one way. It involves using the awesome power of trigger enhancing standard UI.

    The following line of GUI will create a dialog item reference for the supply icon...

            Dialog - Hooks up an existing Image in the standard UI called "UIContainer/FullscreenUpperContainer/ResourcePanel/ResourceFrame/SupplyIcon"

    Since you can only hook things up once, assign it to a global variable like...

            Variable - Set supply icon = (Last created dialog item)

    If using galaxy you can probably assign it at the same time as the hook call.

    Now all you need to do is change the icon. This can be done with code like this...

            Dialog - Set supply icon image to Assets\Textures\btn-building-protoss-stargate.dds for (All players)

    Alter the player group to change who sees the icon.

    Put all this together and you can have dynamically changing supply icons! You can probably delete the element or you could also hide it once it is hooked if you want to remove it completely.

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on sc2 dead game

    there is work required on EVERY "layer" of galaxy, how can i be more specific?

    By detailing what the work is rather than saying "work".

    For example...

    • MadeUpPerson123 is looking for data editors to implement a few heroes into an "RPG style map".
    • MadeUpPerson234 is looking for someone to optimize map performance in both triggers and data for MadeUpMap123.
    • Anonmyous is looking for someone to fix a few trigger bugs in an "AoS style map".
    • A turn based RPG system is required in the Active Time Combat system style similar to Final Fantasy 7.

    Currently I could volunteer as a trigger and find I end up with a massive obligation for something that SC2 will never do too well such as a FPS system. Where as with the details above I could go "hay, I like fixing bugs so I will give that a shot".

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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