Bubbles' Tower Defense v2.4


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    Jun 13, 2010
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v2.3 to v2.4 Updates:
-made scv invincible
-scaled down Range Tower's height to 0.75 (units were running through them, now only ovl's and overseers do at the tip of their tentacles)
-added a loading screen (and updated the special thanks list)
-fixed the tank lvl 3 issue with the turret not spinning
-added the Chain tower's weapon
-enabled mobile towers (all 3) to attack while moving
-added Chain tower's range indicator

Features yet to be added:
-Mobile Tower (all 3): limit the patrol length
-Mobile Tower (all 3): limit patrolling to only 1 additional waypoint (it normally alows 7)

Bugs/issues yet to be fixed:
-chain tower's weapon is invisible
-ranges not dissapearing when lvl 2 or lvl 3 towers are deselected
-Tank Tower lvl 2: Cannon barrel does not turn to face the unit it's shooting at
-Bunker towers only counting weapons as 1 wep instead of 4
-Bunker Tower lvl 3 weapons (marauder) acting funny
-add more time before first wave
-footprints are only showing the bottom left-most square when you create towers

Balance Testing:
1.Tower Ranges
2.Tower Firing Rates
3.Tower Damage Amounts
4.Tower/Upgrade Costs
6.Number of Units in Waves
7.Unit Health/Armor
8.Unit Speed

Misc. things to add as last things:
-(action) set boss bar boss (for the 5 bosses only), but still display lives on waves that arent bosses
-the boss bar looks like it has a picture slot??? if so, a picture there
-Custom builders. All will be the size/scale of a normal SCV. (1. Thor / 2. marine “riding” a phoenix / 3. ghost “riding” siege tank / 4. mothership / 5. flying barracks / 6. broodling)

Things that are purposefully unbalanced!:
-Player 1 currently starts with more than 30 minerals. This is just so i can test easily.

  • I am adding/fixing the features/bugs first, then once all those are completed i will balance test (then add the last few things). THAT BEING SAID, only the first 5 waves and boss 1 have any difficulty at all. The rest of the waves have not had their health/armor/speed touched yet.
  • If you find a bug/issue that is not listed here, would like to see something added/removed, or have any feedback PLEASE post a comment or PM me. Any help is very much appreciated!