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    posted a message on (help) some units can't be group selected

    I am having the same problem! This is so strange, for the longest time this was not a problem, and now one of my hero units can't be drag selected. Point selection still works fine, but drag selection does not work at all. Even if I drag select with nothing else in the region it will still not select the unit. Someone please help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta: Post the funniest reviews

    "kewl game, needs some polish, but if you can get a group of 9 people or so you can have loads of fun. I'm on a horse while typing this"


    "I would love to give this map a higher rating, but the bugs in multiplayer kinda ruin the game" Gave me 5/5 stars

    Yeah I'd like for you to give me 6 stars too!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Warcraft 3 Style Blink

    Don't mean to be a nuisance here, but I still haven't figured this out, so... bumpski?!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tower Defense Tycoon!

    I've played this game many times and I'd have to agree with yopeasants that it is in it's far superior to most maps made thus far, and I have yet to find a tower defense map that even stands a chance in comparison. It has a great complexity to the game and an incredible story, but despite this depth is still rather easy to pick up. With that being said, I think the reason people aren't playing it as much anymore is that the replay value of the map has some room for improvement. In my experience with mods on SC1, WC3, and now SC2 I've found that the maps that are popular and keep the people coming back have one of two characteristics (or both).

    Firstly that they are fun games to play with friends or other people. Unfortunately I think that solo tower defenses like this don't stand a chance in this category. Personally, I played this game a couple times with different friends to show them the hilarious story and see their reaction to it, but in terms of playing together, now that we all have played the game enough to memorize the story, we have less of a pull towards playing this game over others we can enjoy together. As for how to improve this, I really have no suggestions other than making competition a bigger part of the game, such as providing minerals to the highest scorer on wave X or something.

    The second aspect to a game with a high replay value is achievements / unlockables. The game Mineralz has been on the top of the popularity pages for months and it's a game in which you sit and watch for 90% of the game. The reason it's remained so popular is that every hour long game that you sit there and do nothing unlocks a new builder, more powerful perks or so forth.

    So my suggestion to keeping the popularity up on the game (if that matters to you, of course) is to come up with some achievements for the game and some things you unlock for playing the game over and over again. For example different builder suits for Lester, more starting minerals, unlockable towers or something of the sort. It would certainly be a shame to see this game drop off of the list, it is hands down the best produced mod out so far, it just needs something to keep people coming back!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Warcraft 3 Style Blink

    Okay I've done what I think should work. I created a custom footprint whose Check Placement field contains a "Masked" flag. I then applied this footprint to the observer's "Pathing Footprint - Placement" field of the "Observer" unit (just a random choice). In the Blink ability, I made an effect set which creates an observer and blinks to the target. When I use the blink ability it moves the unit to the location and creates the observer even if the area has not been explored. Did I set up the footprint incorrectly or is the "Masked" flag not the solution?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Warcraft 3 Style Blink

    I have looked into this, but I have come across a couple complications. First, I have never really worked with footprints in the data editor and the wiki on Mapster is, unfortunately, not very detailed. The only thing I could find there that's related is the "Masked" check box. Does this work for Grey and Black Mask, or just one? Also, if I were to be able to find a footprint which would solve the problem, where do I apply it? I couldn't find a footprint field in either of the ability or effect sections of the blink.

    Sorry for being so difficult, but I have found the data editor to be far too complicated and far less documented than it should be.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Warcraft 3 Style Blink

    That is rather upsetting to hear. It seems like it should be something simple, and it was quite common in Warcraft 3. What's with Blizzard and making things that should be quite simple so difficult?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Warcraft 3 Style Blink

    To be honest, I'm not quite sure the difference between black mask and grey mask, they both look dark in areas that haven't been explored yet. Any by explored I mean this: Say you have a unit in the top right corner of a map. At this point all of the map appears dark except the part the unit occupies. Then say the unit moves to the bottom right corner of the map. Now the entire left side of the map remains dark, but the top right corner is lighter because it was at one point in the game occupied by a unit of the player, or explored.

    And what type of validator should I use? I've never used them before so I'm not quite sure where to look

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Warcraft 3 Style Blink

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to customize the current Stalker Blink ability to work like the Blink used in Warcraft 3. The Stalker Blink seems to work in the following fashion: it requires vision of the target location to blink, but does not require that that location be explored. After all, why would it if you can already see that area? The blink I want, however, is the opposite: it does not require vision of the area at the time of casting the blink ability, but it does require that the area has been explored. My progress so far is that I removed the target filter "Visible" which solves the problem of blinking to a location that isn't currently visible, but it also allows the unit to blink to unexplored areas.

    I could not find a flag that checks for explored, nor could I employ my usual backup plan when the data editor is being difficult: fixing it with triggers. This leads me to believe that there is something my limited knowledge of the data editor has missed. If anyone knows any way this is possible, please let me know!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta servers down?

    @SoulFilcher I believe it is 800 by 600

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Movable Merchant

    I am having somewhat of a problem with creating a merchant for my game which can travel around the map. The traveling part is not a problem, just simple triggers. My problem is this: if the merchant is movable (which I believe means has the move ability, movable flag checked, and uncommandable unchecked), and the interact ability for players to be able to purchase items, then the player seems to be able to move the merchant. This is a problem because rather than the merchant following a desired trade route a player could take it back to base. So, is there a work around that I am missing that allows players to share control the merchant's purchase abilities, but not the move ability?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Referring To A Specific Inventory Slot


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Troll Tribes Needs Models / Buttons

    Thank you very much for the help! I will certainly look into that

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Referring To A Specific Inventory Slot

    I was wondering if there was a way to refer to a certain slot in the inventory. The only thing I have been able to find through browsing the forums and the list of triggers is the "Inventory Item Carried" trigger, but the only option for referring to an item is that item's "index", which to my understanding only refers to items in the order they were picked up. This unfortunately does not help me because if someone moves items around in the inventory (which could very likely happen) this current index link is rather useless.

    Any help would be very appreciated!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Troll Tribes Needs Models / Buttons

    I completely agree, the game play is much more important. Unfortunately one of the biggest complaints I have gotten is that the models don't look very good. I personally don't really care how the items and units look.. yet, I want to finish the game first.

    That is why I made this forum post. Rather than spend hours trying to figure out all the aesthetic stuff myself, I am hoping there is someone out there who already knows it and is willing to add those changes to the map. This way I can implement new things to the map and when I am busy someone else can make it look good!

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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