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    posted a message on requirements tooltips
    Quote from uytred: Go

    Hi all, just wanted to ask..

    How do i hide my requirement tooltips in the picture? For now I've used "- - - -" as a sort of replacement, but is there any way to simply make the tooltip not show?

    I don't think you can entirely hide the requirement tooltip. I don't know if it works, but instead hyphens, use spaces instead? It will look nicer anyways.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is there something special required to play sounds?

    Quote from DJSplendid:
    When i use the "Play [sound link]" action it sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I haven't been able to work out a pattern.

    Refering to Commercials_ZoomInFX_L800ETC' works fine; Mission_MusicCue002 doesn't.

    Why hWy hWY hwywh WHWHWYYY!!!??  


    Maybe it has no sound in particular?

    Unless you have the same problem as I do: I have problems using play sound function with the picked player function. It won't play the sound at all. So I just made a player group variable of those I wanted to hear the sound, play it and then clear the group.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on 10.5mb File Size limit?
    Quote from DoubleElite: Go

    Is there an easy way to convert things from a map to a mod. Or do I have to go and re-create it? If I have to re-create it, I'll just make it Sc2Mapsters only map :(

    It's best if you recreate it in a mod. Dependencies with the same data tends to merge and screw values up.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 10.5mb File Size limit?

    If that did worked, then I would've had more music in my map. Sadly you cannot use custom sound files from a mod. I am suspecting the same goes with pictures and models.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Is it possible to hide actors?
    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    @DarkForce9999: Go

    if your attaching it with trigger you should do this have a global variable to track it with remove it with triggers when the unit enters regions that are spose to be indoors using the refrenced global variable.... Type = Actor ....make it an array if your game is multi player

    I already had those setted up. I just needed to know if there was a way to hide them.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is it possible to hide actors?
    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    @DarkForce9999: Go

    I would suggest you look into setting up the appropriate actor events...

    I spose this is not a custom actor you used for this...

    I would suggest Making your own actor to use for this attachment. Edit the new actors events to hide/display properly

    Data editing is really mind boggling for me, so I barely understood much. I am attaching specifically a rain emitter on the unit overhead, and if they enter certain regions marked as indoor, the emitter would hide.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do I make a unit with a 2D image with Text Actors?

    I need a unit actor!?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I make a unit with a 2D image with Text Actors?

    I'm still stuck.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I make a unit with a 2D image with Text Actors?

    Nobody knows how I can remove that sphere?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is it possible to hide actors?

    Quote from Berrala:
    Couldn't you just destroy the actor (send actor message) and recreate it when it's supposed to un-hide again? That's how Blizzard does it with the siege tank and radar tower range indicators for example.

    Edit: Started to use my brain and skimmed through which other actor messages exists. I haven't tried them but... sounds like what you wanna do.

            Actor - Send message "SetVisibility" to actor X
            Actor - Send message "SetOpacity" to actor X

    Sweet! Thanks it helps a lot!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Im in need of trigger help!

    You want them all dead before they can recreate, or do they recreate if it's still less than 5 (Even when the hero's not there)?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is it possible to hide actors?

    I created a trigger that attachs an actor to a unit and it's been stored in a variable. Is there any function that allows me to hide that attached actor?

    I plan on using it for when someone enters certain area, the actors just hides itself.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do I make a unit with a 2D image with Text Actors?

    I already attempted myself, but I want to know what are all the necessities. I just want the unit to look like a simple image.

    Currently my text actor has the white half-sphere and a image over it positioned somewhat to the left of the top. Does anyone know how I could get rid of the white sphere and realign it to the center?

    Here's a pic below.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Bug - Pick each unit in (... with at most (Random integer between # and #))

    Quote from SouLCarveRR:
    @DarkForce9999: Go

    Generally its good idea to set a variable = to a random integer before using it...... makes it easier to debug as well

    I've tried a variable already and it would bug out selecting everything as opposed to atmost of the variable when the variable or even the function itself hits 0 from randoms.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is it possible to replace unit model with an image?

    I'm not exactly doing sprites, but I just want the units to look like a simple image. Or do I have to do it with a text tag instead? If I do, is there a simple way to apply the images on the units when they are built / spawned / summoned and what not?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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