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    posted a message on [ORPG] Starcraft Universe

    ive implemented the 64 char system now and after some trouble its finally working.

    however, i will take a break till the second beta phase begins, hoping for some editor improvements and bank changes.
    after this it will go on with full power again and spell system will be released quickly i hope.


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on My personal editor bug list/issue list

    ok but it still sucks.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [ORPG] Starcraft Universe
    Quote from vjeux: Go

    @Mille25: Go

    Please, report them in the Bug Feedbacks forums. Blizzard is reading it and will probably fix those issues if they are being reported :)

    here you go:


    im sure i still forgot a lot, i might edit it later on :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on My personal editor bug list/issue list

    i havent read all threads in here, but i was asked to report all bugs/issues i know atm.

    so here it is:


    - editor crashes sometimes when updating a published map
    - map publishing fails to 100% if there are more then 2 players enabled: i have to delete and add a game variant EVERYTIME again
    - sometimes when i have uploaded the map, it says "couldnt open map" and crashes, i could fix this by changing the map name, this is VERY annoying
    - when you create a record and put an array variable in it, and then use this array in a trigger it will work, but if you copy paste this vatriable the array index will always be "unknown", this is one of the most annoying bugs for me because records are very important for overview!
    - some dialog items dont work, e.g. edit boxes[/color]


    - map size again limited to 256*256, why? it seems like 256*256 is even smaller compared to the unit size to wc3. for big rpgs its not enaugh. scaling down ALL doodads and units is A LOT of work and the ground texture will look sh*t then, so its no option. more maps are also no option because its not possible to change a map for a single player, but for all players at once, why?
    - maximum of 8 tilesets: correct me if im wrong, but it seems like its not possible to use more than 8 tilesets for a map, this is also not enaugh because if you want to create different zones you need more textures to make it look good.
    - skybox seems not to work if you change it with triggers
    - why are so much functions again global? what if i want to change a fog only for a special player (different zones -> different fog), same with skybox or a lot of other actions.
    - the bank limit: in multiplayer the amount of values that can be loaded form banks isnt nearly enaugh. for more information see: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/galaxy-editor-help-zone-647/sc2-bank-files-critics-167005/ and http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/map-development/3015-bank-files-situation-report/#p18
    - why is there no direct galaxy support? a lot of people are already developing really nice tools to script in galaxy/andromeda, but why we again have to to it all ourselfes?
    - the data editor needs more overview: the tabbing of the values was a very good step, we need more structure!
    - some important things seem to miss: revive unit, reading out damage/armor of a unit, reading out weapon speed of a unit and much much more
    - the model viewer is senseless to me. for example if i want to trigger a spell and add an effect to it, i cant browse quickly to all effects like in the WE, so i just dont know which effect fits. should i open the model previewer everytime again to check it? this sucks. correct me if im using it wrong.
    - other issues with bank files: you cant use vars for preloading, so everyone can delete all bank files he wants, it also makes preloading to a very annoying procedure because you have to add every bank seperatly. jsut allow using variables and all will be good
    - the 2^31 byte limit for triggers seems quite silly, but i havent got any problems with this, YET
    - why are there no dynamic arrays? whould be very useful
    - a lot of other small annoying thinks: why are there presets for boolean values? for example i cant set the state of a check box directly to a boolean variable, i have to check if the bool is true and then set the preset to "checked", thats sensless and just makes work, same with all other presets that only represent two values
    - the gui seems to be quite laggy, dont know if its worse than in WE, but even with my phenom II with 4x3.1ghz and 4gb ddr2 800 cl4 ram it lags quite fast if a add a lot of actions to it
    - why we cant use imported .jpg files with the gui editor, but with custom script? thats totally senseless.
    - why did you limit the timers that much? wc3 was heaven against this. not only that timers/waits are very limited, also ALL events are VERY slow because of this
    - its a very annoying thing to design the entire ui with triggers, because you must test it again and again to see how it looks. how about a GUI editor like for example in microsoft visual studio that creates the code automatically? i know that its a quite big thing, but i think it would be a great tool that would it make 10x easier to design a perfect custom ui!
    - how are custom dialogs supposed to work? it seems not to be possible to get the result of a SPECIFIC custom dialog, what makes them quite senseless. would be very useful to be able to get the result (yes/no) of any custom dialog, just for simple yes no questions.[/color]

    i will edit this post if i remember more.

    PS: overall the editor is on a quite good way, but all this needs to be changed/fixed. if you do this, it will be perfect. just remember not to limit the mappers so much, as more freedom we have as greater the maps will be later on.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [ORPG] Starcraft Universe

    there wont be a wc3 sl sys because its a torture for everyone who wants to use it.
    addicionally the savecode would be much to long to write it down and enter it later, because its much more complex than wc3 rpgs ever were (quests, items, spells, talents everything gets saved).

    atm im rewriting the sl system to a 64 char system to reduce the savecode length of each character. but its still not enaugh to make the banks load with more then 6 characters overall.

    if you guys dont know what im talking about, read the bank sitiation report thread on hive or mapster, and you will see that the current banks cant store much information. this is really the number 1 reason that makes me stop my project/struggle.

    for sure this problem does not only effect me, but ALL mappers that want to use banks. i hope blizz will change smth ~

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Misc] RPG Interface Tips

    Why the WoW UI layout is bad:

    right there i stopped reading.

    seriously: maybe its helpful for someone, but imo everyone should think about this ui himself. this will also bring some more creatitivy and more difference between maps.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Info] Patches 14-15.1 Editor Changes

    @AegisRunestone: Go

    i still cant understand why they didnt give the patchnotes.
    the version is 0.18.0.XXXXX so it IS in fact a medium big patch because otherwise it would have been 0.17.1.XXXXX (like the patch that fixed the mac issue).
    and even if its only this crash, why dont they give us more information? i hate patches without patchlogs and it wouldnt have been so much work to post the changes imo

    but meh, lets wait for phase2 :>

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Bank files - Situation report

    hm ok guys, i cant really follow you anymore.

    so how do i convert my integer variables in this bytes to reduce the bank size and then reconvert it to integers when loading? :O

    seems to be a lot of theory in here but how to do it?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Bank files - Situation report

    @MasterDinadan: Go

    seems like you ignored the fact that

    - this "80 value limit" was discovered by me and was WRONG
    - that the amount of preloadable values depends on the size of each value (bigger key values = less values)
    - that i have 5 character slots
    - that the banks of all players are limited together, not for each person

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Bank files - Situation report
    Quote from MasterDinadan: Go

    What are the maximum and minimum values you can use for a bank integer? You can encode a lot of information in an integer if it is allowed to be big enough.

    I'm not saying that the way it works right now is okay, I'm just trying to come up with viable solutions.

    -2147483648 to 2147483648 i suppose.

    edit: in gui the max seems to be 1000000000 to -1000000000, dont know if you can use bigger numbers in galaxy itself, because normally an integer can store bigger numbers.

    edit2: hm... if i paste 2147483648 in it it changes to 1000000000, but i can use 1000000001, strange. dont know whats the exact limit in gui, but more then 2147483648 should not be possible.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [ORPG] Starcraft Universe


    Sad news: i wont continue developing this map until blizzard changes the bank file limitation. At the moment its just impossible, even with 64 bit systems or whatever, to create an rpg that saves heros, inventory, quests, talents, spells and so on. and without all that it just sucks. ive thought about it and decided that i will go this way. ive tested all this bank sh*t all over again, always with the same result. Addicionally there are currently a lot of other issues of the editor that are just annoying and stop me developing. I dont say this is dead, but im just pissed. Sry guys.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Bank files - Situation report

    bump, it disappeared a bit quickly and i think its very important for EVERY mapper to know.

    in bnet i see examples how NOT to do it everyday again ~

    also i hear wrong explanations and theories everyday, like "50 values each player is ok" or smth. its much more complicated guys.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on anyone know if SC2 supports JPG?

    it works.

    you must import the picture as an jpg and then rename it in the import manager to .tga
    then you should be able to use it.

    however, if i have more imported files except for the one im renaming it seems to be bugged because the other files get renamed then, too.
    so make sure to have only one imported file when you change the name to tga.

    1) loadscreen
    then) rest..

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Completely Custom UI (decently advanced map editors will understand this thread)

    dont know whats exactly the problem with this game menu?

    ive made a little example map showing a game menu that can be controlled with keys

    press ESC to open or close it and up/down arrow to select an item. then press space to show item information. this is also MUI so it works for up to 16 players. i hope it helps you^

    PS: the menu reminds what item you selected when closing it, so you dont start at the first everytime, dont know if you want it like this or not

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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