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    posted a message on [Model] Importing WoW Characters to SC2 and Attaching Shoulders + Weapons

    @ViruSSofT: Go

    sOpattachhead is not working, in wow models the overhead and head is the same attachment point so you can use hardpoint 9 (sOPAttachHardPoint09)and hardpoint 13, (sOPAttachHardpoint13)depend on helmet types, for example for helmets you should use hardpoint 9. note: the default hardpoints actors in the editor are only filled from 1 to 4, if you would like to use more hardpoints you must creat a Site Operation (Attachment) or duplicate one from already exist ones. Important when attaching you have give the same id that you give in this creation.


    duplicate sOPAttachHardPoint

    rename it to sOPAttachHardPOint09

    set field:

    attachment querry methods: filter type: direct, select hardpoint in roll menu, index:9

    now you have sOPAttacHardPoint9, so you can set it in the helmet actor fields.

    note: Some times you can change the helmet models to the correct race, for example you creat a human unit with human wow model, and duplicate it to creat the troll version, the human helmet could attach relativly wrong from head, so you can import the troll version of the helmet. The better is that you import all the helmet types if you would like to use all race versions, some time it is not required but if you do all of them you cannot mistake.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on MPQEditor borked after 1.5!?

    Ragadozo88 is may account too. You can save sc2 components instead of map or mod file and then you can edit the xmls in notepad, and then save them to map or mod. example:

    mod file: mod.sc2mod

    file/save as select sc2 compontent folders in roll menu. and save mod.sc2components. when saved closed this compontents in editor File/close.

    go to this folders open it and look for the xmls you would like to modify, modify it and when you finished, closed the notpad, and open this folders with map editor, you can do this in the latest files section in file menu. When you reopened it with modifications, go to save as again and save it as sc2mod.

    you can do this with sc2map files too.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Requirement Request

    What will use the requirement? if it is an ability than you can use validators instead of requirements.

    The simple way is to use validators, step 1: make a validator unit compare cargo type. set fields: unit value: caster, compare:equal to(or what ever you like), value: the number of the cargo units.

    other option with more modifier options:

    step 1: choose a load-unload ability or duplicate a load-unload ability or creat a load-unload ability. Set the maximum cargo unit.

    step 2: make 1 buff behavior. Set maximum stack(this should be equal with the maximum cargo unit in the load-unload ability. Set validators remove to Has Cargo.

    step 3: make 2 effects, 1 apply behavior effect and 1 remove behavior effect. Set apply behavior effect fields: Set behavior field to the behavior that created in step 2. Set unit value to caster Set remove behavior effect fields: Set behavior field to the behavior that created in step 2. Set unit value to caster

    step 4: go to the load unload ability you used earlier and set load cargo effect to apply behavior effect in step 3, and unload cargo effect to remove behavior effect in step 3.

    step 5: creat a validator unit compare behavior then set behavior field to the behavior in step 2 set unit value to caster, set value to the number you like or unit compare cargo unit and set the fields like in simple way step 1.

    with second way you can add more options that modifies the cargo such as damage modifies, weapon period modifies, and modifie type that behavior could modify.

    and final go to the ability you would like to use and set the validator field to the validator in step 5. example:

    load-unload (load unload ability)

    maximum cargo: 10

    load cargo effect: cargo increase(apply behavior effect)

    behavior:cargo(buff behavior)

    unit value: caster

    unload cargo effect: cargo decrease(remove behavior effect)

    behavior:cargo(buff behavior)

    unit value:caster

    If you would like to use requirements because you want to see the red text in tooltip you should make the second option: and experimenting on count behavior make an and requirement(this requires to make more then one requirements) and make an equals(or greater then or less then or any option that refers to number)a behavior count, , and a constant requirment, that gives the number. This part was not tested with the other parts.



    behavior count




    Summ: the first part is set the behavior count equal to count of the cargo units, so the second part can count the behaviors, and with this count it can refers to the original count of the cargo units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Prioritizing weapons for a unit

    Step 1 go to Unit tab select a unit (goliath) go to weapons field, and put the Selected Weapon (Goliath - Hellfire Missiles) to the top,(Select it and use the arrows right side, until you reach top, principle this is basic set up for goliath so you dont have to do nothing in this example.)

    Step 2 go to Weapons tab look for selected Higher Priority Weapon(Goliath - Hellfire Missile) go to options field and set the ignore threat value to true.

    Step 2 go to Weapons tab look for selected Lower Priority Weapon(Goliath - Autocannon) go to options field and set the Continous Scan to true.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on add Weapon via Upgrade

    Step 1: Creat a Behavior(type=Buff)

    Step 2: Set Flag field to hidden,(to hide it ingame)

    Step 3: Add 'none' value for modification weapon turret field(If your weapons use turret, if not ignore it and go step 4.)

    Step 4: Add 'none' value for modification weapon weapons.

    Step 5: Add 'none' value for modification weapon Enable.

    This 'none' values required because if you let it empty, it can't be change in upgrade buff fields.(when I tested it, they won't work without this set up) If you want Different weapons with different upgrades than you can reapet it "number of weapon" times.

    for exmaple: Stalker Weapon Buff

    Colossus Weapon Buff

    Marauder Weapon Buff


    Step 6: Go to your weapons and set their options field to hidden,disable,(disable requires only if you want to it hide ingame).

    Step 7: Creat and Upgrade and Set Data Reference: type=behavior, than field weapons enable 'none' to '"your weapon"'.

    for example:

    Stalker Weapon Upgrade, Set Data Reference: type=Behavior=Stalker Weapon Buff, weapons enable=Stalker Weapon.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data] Button Tooltip Referencing

    Is it possible to get reference from veterancy behavior? I would like to use these fields(view raw data is turned on):

    CbehaviorVeterancy_VeterancyLevelArray_Modification_AttributeChangeArray.Attributes CbehaviorVeterancy_VeterancyLevelArray_Modification_AttributeChangeArray.Points

    The Goal is creat a passive button that shows attribute statistics (Strength,Agility,Inteligence,Stamina,Spirit, etc.) I choose this because in basic UI only 3 attribute behavior can be show. I started to make a custom UI data (for hero maps)to solve it, but it takes time to finish, because it includes talent system , lot of panel displacement, etc. and until it finishes I need some stats showing system for the mods and maps I make. If it succes it can be used on none hero maps too.(or other maps that dont use the custom UI).

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on A New Warcraft?

    I never thought that zergs are evil, there is no evil race, maximum evil/bad individuals. Zergs are geneticly modified animals, they have insticts as protoss or Terran have.

    I dont know what overmind want to do but I think he wanted to save his race from Amon (possibly he is the Dark Voice). The question is when he is killed the Xel'nagas that creat him, were they the good Xel'nagas or amon and his followers? Only things that we now that overmind do what he do because he want to become perfect. My opinion is that he wanted to save his race or possibly other races too by assimilating them,(if it is good or bad every one have the right to decide it) or just simply his revenge for what they do to him and his race. If I am right he did what the terrans or protoss would be if they have the same situation.

    Lichking(Nerzhul): First he was an arogant power hunger shaman (might be the Warlord of Dreanor give information about him when he was before burning legiong arrives.) who become a warlock and after he betrayed the Burning Legion, thats why they kill him and put his soul to the "lich king" equipment(helmet, armor, frostmourne) So he definitly want power and of course revenge. Arthas as a lich king is a different question.

    Kerrigan: I think she wasn't evil, she wanted to revenge on Arcturus, because he left him on New Gettysburg. She killed Arcturus so his revenge is fullfilled. Meanwhile She doing this he try to protect humans too, only killed those who threat to her zergs. The question is the same as the question about overmind, what were her motivations when she was Normal Zerg, I think she want the same protect the zerg from treats. I know there is a dialogue in Queen of the Blades book where she kills an overlord in rage, because it send him a massage(in telepath) from Zasz who dont agree with her. I think that was the transition between human and zerg( in her soul the body is already turned) he dont cares about protoss and terrans and still dont care about zerg only wants her revenge. She also let Jim alive and let him and his survivor followers to leave and tell him to not confontrated the Zerg anyomore, and after the final battle where she beat the dominum the UED and the protoss, she dont finish them just walk away for 4 years, and I think her returns true reason is that she felt that Amon is alive again , and of course revenge on Arcturus.

    Sylvanas: Se killed by Arthas and turned into a banshee. Later she get his body back and become to banshee queen. She absolutely want revenge on Arthas and she use any neccesary things to get it. Her motivations are uknown, she tells that she is loyal to the horde but she doing things that questioing this loyalty(for example the plague thats kill undeads and livings too.) So her motivations are unknown because Arthas is death, It is possible that she just want to save the forsaken az race.

    So with sc2 heart of the swarm Story blizzard confirm my opportunity about Kerrigan's behavior that I though about her in sc1and sc1 broodwar and in sc2 wings of liberty, and many of will reveled in sc2 Legacy of the Void, confirmed more about Overmind and Kerrigan. About Lich king(Nerzhul) and Sylvanas, hopefully Warlords of Dreanor give some answers.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on sc2 art tool

    The problem that was here is solved.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on sc2 art tool

    @Kailniris2: Go I had already that idea but I thought I asking before do it, but if only work like this, I have to do that, thanks for information :)

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on sc2 art tool

    @Kailniris2: Go how do you mean separately? I know the word but what are you doing while you doing this? turn of import script while sc2 art tool runing and turn sc2 art tool off while use import script?

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on sc2 art tool

    To admins, I made two topic but I want to creat one so clear one if it is problem.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on sc2 art tool

    To admins, I made two topic but I want to creat one so clear one if it is problem.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on sc2 art tool

    hi, I creat this topic in third party tool, because I don't find a general topic for this program only specified ones. I think we can discuss any ideas, problems, tutorials, etc here. So I starting with my problems that I found with it.

    Before sc2 art tool I used 2010 studio max with m3 export and import scripts(v0.35 ) http://www.sc2mapster.com/assets/m3-export-plugin-3ds-max/

    Import work witouth problems, but export dont want to work "runtime error: array index must be positive number, got: 0" and selected this part of the exporter script : "bDepth[linkBones.count] = 10"

    This massage appeared in normal conditions too, doesnt matter if import m3, m2, obj or whatever format that 3ds studio max could use. So I can't use any 3ds tutorial that made by the community :S. It is also appeared if I dont modify the model just import and export it.

    Now I have sc2 art tool so I use studio max with m3 export and import script and sc2 art tool.

    sc2 art tool solved the export problem, but new problem are found: import script dont want to work. "Import failed not "get" function for undefined" every time when I want to import. Fortunately now I am working with wow buildings (exported by wowmodelviwer version: v. MoP Test Build 2) that are wmos and because they dont have animation I can export them in obj, and it can be import to studio max.

    So I interested in is any one else found this problem, and if yes can they solve it?.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on sc2 art tool

    hi, I creat this topic in third party tool, because I don't find a general topic for this program only specified ones. I think we can discuss any ideas, problems, tutorials, etc here. So I starting with my problems that I found with it.

    Before sc2 art tool I used 2010 studio max with m3 export and import scripts(v0.35 ) http://www.sc2mapster.com/assets/m3-export-plugin-3ds-max/

    Import work witouth problems, but export dont want to work "runtime error: array index must be positive number, got: 0" and selected this part of the exporter script : "bDepth[linkBones.count] = 10"

    This massage appeared in normal conditions too, doesnt matter if import m3, m2, obj or whatever format that 3ds studio max could use. So I can't used any 3ds tutorial that made by the community :S. It is also appeared if I dont modify the model just import and export it.

    Now I have sc2 art tool so I use studio max with m3 export and import script and sc2 art tool.

    sc2 art tool solved the export problem, but new problem are found: import script dont want tor work. "Import failed not "get" function for undefined" every time when I want to import.

    So I interested in is any one else found this problem, and if yes can they solve it?.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on [Model] Importing WoW Characters to SC2 and Attaching Shoulders + Weapons

    I read you guys have some problems with every character uses Body. tga, I solved it by notepad or hex editor. I dont link them because versions are always change but you can easily find them on google. :)

    So if you exported the model, open it with notepad or hex editor, and open find menu and search for "tga" like you do it when searching for a txt in a normal text file. In basic there will be found 2 or 3 tga, Body.tga hairXX_XX.tga(X=number and this number depends on hair type you choose in modelviwer), and if you have blood elf, dranei, or any race that have eye glow, there will be a COLOUR_GLOWX.tga (X=number), if you use tabard and/or Cape they have own skin too.

    So continue the searching until all .tga is found, but remember you can hold the character numbers, such as Body.tga must be maximum and minimum 4 characters for example you have a Troll Mage like in this tutorial you can name it like this: TRMM.tga (TrollMageMale) etc. if you change less or more characters then the original name, the model won't work.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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