In Partial Darkness

This map is a 4v4 epic melee map based on the Wing of Liberty campaign In Utter Darkness mission. The protoss of Daelaam defend their fortress-city against the zerg of the Claw Brood. The protoss must survive 1 hour to win, while the zerg must slaughter them before the timer expires.

The army compositions are the same as any normal game, except some minor differences, like campaign units like scourges and scouts. Resources are earned by income for both teams, in a final approximate of 1200 supply resources for each player.

The protoss fortress-city has some special features, that will help in its defense:

  • Obelisk transport network: works as a permanent nydus network that requires energy to work, and allows fast transport between the furthest corners of the fortress-city. The obelisks are invulnerable, so if you retake a fallen zone including an obelisk, you only need to build a pylon near it to make it work again. The current number of obelisks is 5 per player, located across the different corners of the fortress-city.
  • Monolith defense field: aside from giving energy like normal pylons, monoliths give a defense aura around them, which stacks with that of previous monoliths, in an order that corresponds with the more centric their position is. This way, the lower walls don't get any stack at all, while the final tiers of the fortress-city have a big stack. Monoliths also get high defense depending on that order. The purpose of this is a better defense of the city, since the zerg will have problems if they decide to advance to the higher tiers without cleaning the lower defenses. The current number of monoliths is 8 per player.

Unfortunately for the protoss, the zerg have some new unique weapons:

  • Spore cannons: they'll lay siege to the city with their long range attacks, and will be able to load units and drop them using sacs, that will let the zerg rain from the sky directly for some resources each sac, that will add to the overlords and nydus worms in their duty to exterminate the protoss.

Also, a new resource will let both teams summon reinforcements, through the hero gate for the protoss and through beyond the south of the map by the zerg. These reinforcement squads will include unique units, like protoss mercenaries and hybrid destroyers, as well as heroes, like Selendis and the Stank.

My main objective with this map was to test if old good fortress siege maps of Warcraft III were possible with the StarCraft II cliff scales and limits, and I think I managed to bring the feeling back :).

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  • Created
    Aug 20, 2010
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