WingedArchon Assets
Retired. Assets remain available but no longer will be supported..
Seems like retirement did not really work out?...
Credentials _____ _____
All assets found here are custom built with Blizzard assets and Blender for modeling. For work derived from other assets, Credits belong to their respective owners. This is highlighted in the download section per asset involved. If you would want to change one of my assets, please be so kind as to list me as author of the original work.
__________ Thank you
Kitbash Studio! All assets on this page are from either requests or ideas, experimentations and random kitbashes. Also this page features sets of racial reskins.
Use the links below to quickly navigate to the assets of choice.
The Talon Deprecated Protoss New Confederates
Selection of Troopers
Request from exeld307.
In reply to WingedArchon:
This is so cool! Wanted to play around with them and noticed that editor spams error messages + fps drop when they get attacked.
The error message goes something like: "Cannot fully initialize impact monitor; could not find target attach volume (TAV) on attach id [Ref_Center] on target [ c 1]CActorUnit[**UnitActor**] Model [**UnitModel**] m3[TrooperTC_Submachienegun.m3]... ". There's more, but it reliably spams it when you attack unit which uses this model with a marine or any unit with standard weapon I think.
In reply to duckytheducc:
Does it happen just for the submachinegun model? Or all?
I will check if something got screwed up somehow.
I do believe however the error isn't gamecrashing or so, you can also hide that message by deactivating the setting.
I'll get back to you on it wether the model(s) have something wrong with them.
In reply to WingedArchon:
Happens with all trooper models from this pack.
I've also noticed that on a new empty map, having 10 marines being attacked by zerglings at the same time (for a few seconds) had caused my fps to drop to around 10 for a few seconds.
After that, fps went to 100 and no more errors showed even when I attacked different trooper models. As if game had reached maximum amount of errors.
In reply to duckytheducc:
I think I found the problem. There's a slight mistake in the target volume setting.
I'll run a few tests and then reupload. As a side effect I also noticed a specular texture was not included in the package. Will fix that too.
[Edit] I have tested all the new models resulting in no errors with relation to getting attacked, so the issue should be fixed. A new pack was uploaded with the renewed selection of Troopers, you can find it here.
In reply to WingedArchon:
Awesome, thanks so much.
Can you doublecheck rifleman and submachienegun, those two still spam errors for me.
That bonus feature is fun :D
In reply to duckytheducc:
I have done some checks and cross-checks between the models.
In all honesty I dont understand the problem thats occurring. The setup for all the models are not different, yet for some reason those 2 react differently. I also tested them with several replaced model entries where I swapped the original unit model for several units.
Until I figure out what is going on I think the best thing to do is disable the these TAVs as being used.
I remember something about this being an actor thing, but I'm not exactly sure where to find this.
DIMA the Machine Hunter
Request from SparkleArts. This is a first/partial release for DIMA.
In reply to WingedArchon:
Good stuff. Fan of having multiple weapons and a shield. Lots of potential there.
In reply to CerberusSC2:
Thanks mate. I also have to say, ever since I figured out how to do it, I love making them. It also reminds me about how in C&C upgrades were visualized on the units, Wanted to make/upgrade tanks and other units to feature such stuff.
In reply to WingedArchon:
The Second Version will be very cool!
In reply to WingedArchon:
Man, I've put the unit into the editor and I'm at a loss for words at how amazing it looks in editor's close up when it's idling. The stuff moving in it's tubes, the metallic body semi-covered by cloth, the face design with it's many eyes, the energy sparks. Every part of it is just so damn stylish.
I think I've spent like 30 minutes just looking at it and thinking about how it could be used.
Incredible job.
In reply to duckytheducc:
Thank you kindly sir!
hello i found a bug with the portrait of New Confederate Ghost Raider. the portrait glows.
In reply to hochlordflo:
Hello there. This can be the result of loading in all textures and portrait in together and/or not having saved it to the correct location.
Make you do these few steps:
- import all textures and save them with the filepath: 'Assets/Textures/..'
- import the portrait model and save it somewhere of your choice.
- potentially restart the editor so it will correct if any of the above went wrong.
If above steps have not helped I'l check the download package.
In reply to WingedArchon:
thanks for the help it works now
So, I don't want to detract from your own ideas and passion, but I'm curious how difficult it would be to make an Inquisitor Cannon? Basically the Tesla Cannon, but with the Inquisitor Tank's guns.
This isn't a request, as I'd like to try and do this myself, I'm just curious in your eyes, how difficult that it would be to accomplish this. The guns would likely be static, because making them spin like on the tank is likely beyond me. Shouldn't be too noticeable in game though, I hope.
In reply to CerberusSC2:
Hi there mate,
Well, personally I would say its easy. Admittingly I'm not yet sure on wether I would transform the armature of the Inquisitor into the static turret, or carry over the Inquisitors guns (incl animations) onto the turret, but either way wouldn't be too hard I'd say.
The biggest 'difficulty' would be
1) making the animations including the iring effects on the guns if you carry the Inquisitors guns into the turret.
2) or making the build animations if you transform the tank into the turret
Your free to experiment on both ideas, ofcourse :)
New Confederate Hell Razer
In reply to WingedArchon:
Perfect just as I imagined it to be. Perfection!