Problem with the amount of PSI artifacts. [ENSR ep.3] #697

  • 628w created this issue May 10, 2021

    Bug Map

    ENSR ep.3, Zerg05a, Zerg05b, Zerg06a and Zerg06b (8.0.1)

    Bug Description


    At the end of mission 5a / 5b, Kerrigan has 17 artifacts, and at the beginning of mission 6a / 6b, she only has 16 artifacts.


    Problem analysis:


    To advance to the next PSI levels, Kerrigan needs: 5, 10, 15 and 20 artifacts.


    There are a total of 21 artifacts on the maps:
    on map 1 - 0
    on map 2 - 5
    on map 3 - 4
    on map 4a / 4b - 4
    on map 5a / 5b - 4
    on map 6a / 6b - 4


    The sum of artifacts after completing subsequent maps:
    after map 1 - 0
    after map 2 - 5
    after map 3 - 9
    after map 4a / 4b - 13
    after map 5a / 5b - 17 (such a number is saved in the ENS.SC2Bank file)
    after map 6a / 6b - 21 (such a number is saved in the ENS.SC2Bank file)


    "Resource_Reset_Check" triggers on subsequent maps control the initial amount of artifacts:
    on map 1 - 0
    on map 2 - 0
    on map 3 - 5
    on map 4a / 4b - 9
    on map 5a / 5b - 13
    on map 6a / 6b - 16



    Probably maps 5a / 5b should have 3 artifacts instead of 4.

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