A few notes about the "Interlude" map [ENSR ep.3]. #681

  • 628w created this issue Apr 8, 2021

    Bug Map

    ENSR ep.3, Zerg05 "Interlude". (8.0.1)

    Bug Description



    The map launched from the editor has following loading screen:




    The map launched from the launcher has following loading screen:



    in the launcher, in the trigger "Loading Screen Text", the variables "Title [24]" and "Subtitle [24]" have fixed values ("Subtitle [24"] is empty text).
    There should be references to "ini Title" and to "ini TextBody".





  • 628w posted a comment Apr 8, 2021


    The full version of the Interlude never ends.
    in the trigger "StoryFull_Part1-Begin" there is no call to "StoryFull_End".







  • 628w posted a comment Apr 8, 2021

    Regardless of the choice of the short or full version, the full version always starts.
    set the "iniTriggerStart" variable in the "Start - Short selected" and "Start - Full selected" triggers.  





  • 628w posted a comment Apr 8, 2021


    In "A" version, Dahl and Vartanil come to Shakuras, in "B" version - Dahl and Ladranix.


    But in version "B" Vartanil is mentioned several times in the Council hearing.


    Note 1:
    You cannot change the name "Vartanil" to "Ladranix" or then Ladranix will appear in an "A" version.
    Conditions are needed:
    If plotUlrezajWeakened == True


    Note 2:
    mission ENS_Zerg03 "Crossroads" does not save "plot" section in "ENS.SC2Bank" file (see second part of Issue #601).



    Sorry to split my post into several parts, but the system doesn't accept long posts. The texts are posted below.

  • 628w posted a comment Apr 8, 2021

    It is about the texts:


    [LocalizedData/GameStrings.txt]Param/Value/DBFFB6D5=Vartanil, your thoughts are welcome here. You stand by this human, and support her request to seek Zamara and the being who houses her. Speak now of this...and of the nightmare that is our old enemy Ulrezaj.


    [LocalizedData/GameStrings.txt]Param/Value/D4E3CB3A=We must focus on the present, for the past cannot be changed. Though I greatly wish it could be. Ulrezaj has resurfaced, to prey upon the remnants of those left behind on Aiur. But to what end? And what does he want with a preserver? What does she know that has shaken so vastly powerful a being? Our only clue so far is what Vartanil and Rosemary can tell us. And that, my fellow protoss, is insufficient. It is as clear to me as the stars were when glimpsed from Aiur on a cloudless night what we must do. Ulrezaj may have indeed fallen upon Aiur, under the combined attack of the Dominion, the protoss, and the zerg. Or, he may not have, and he may continue to hunt Zamara and every other protoss down, to silence them forever.

  • 628w posted a comment Apr 8, 2021

    [LocalizedData/GameStrings.txt]Param/Value/CC2B24B4=This is not a question of fear or of pride, but of practicality. Even if we were to agree that this Jacob Ramsey and the preserver he hosts are to be rescued, how would we find them? What horrors would we risk loosing upon this world by opening doors and searching? I admire your courage, Selendis, and your enthusiasm, Urun. And Vartanil, your thoughts shine only with the purest of intentions. But Aiur is in ruins, and Shakuras almost became so, through trusting terrans.


    [LocalizedData/GameStrings.txt]Param/Value/A57B9FCA=Vartanil, you were not in the Khala when you touched Zamara's mind. You could have been fooled. And humans are not protoss. Rosemary could easily have been duped.

    Edited Apr 8, 2021
  • 628w posted a comment Apr 8, 2021

    [LocalizedData/GameStrings.txt]Param/Value/61904DE1=I have listened to all sides. I have touched this human's mind, and that of young Vartanil. Even before Rosemary came here today, I had been listening to the evidence gathered by Selendis. After all this, it is my decision that we do everything we can to locate and retrieve the terran, Jacob Jefferson Ramsey, and Zamara, the preserver.


    [LocalizedData/GameStrings.txt]Param/Value/F76C0D8D=I have listened to all sides. I have touched this human's mind, and that of young Vartanil. Even before Rosemary came here today, I had been listening to the evidence gathered by Selendis. After all this, it is my decision that we do everything we can to locate and retrieve the terran, Jacob Jefferson Ramsey, and Zamara, the preserver.

  • 628w posted a comment Apr 8, 2021

    This is Vartanil speaking (playTransmissionVartanil_TEXT):
    [LocalizedData/GameStrings.txt]Param/Value/F4E05A37=You did not touch Zamara's mind, as I did. Otherwise, you would not say such a thing.



    That's all - 7 texts.
    Once again, sorry for making the post in parts. I don't know why the system doesn't accept one long post.

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