Mama They Gonna Eat My Base

Cooperative Base Defence with drop of humor (for 1-2 players). The goal is to defend Command Center 20 minutes.

The plot: You work at Moon as the chief of research base. You study artifacts of Zel-Naga. One day your mother send you letter from Earth and invite you to dinner. You want to use hyper-jump, but have to warm up old command center's engine at least 20 minutes. And unfortunatelly zergs appear at Moon.

Additional information:


- Map was published at russian server. If you cann't find it at your server just download it and republish.

- There is a bonus in-game video in this map. To watch it you have to win game and get secret password. Then start solo game and type password in first 60 seconds after zergling in intro show is die.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 26, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Oct 1, 2010
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