source-codes/ImageRender Class (v1.1)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;

using DTV.Classes.Types;

namespace DTV.Classes.Utils
    public enum ImagePart
        TopLeft = 1,
        TopRight = 2,
        BottomLeft = 3,
        BottomRight = 4,
        Top = 5,
        Bottom = 6,
        Left = 7,
        Right = 8,
        Center = 9

    public enum ButtonDesignState
        None = 0,
        Unpressed = 1,
        Pressed = 2

    public class ImageRender
        protected Dictionary<ImagePart, Image> m_CuttedImages = new Dictionary<ImagePart, Image>();
        protected Image m_OriginalImage;
        protected int m_DivX;
        protected int m_DivY;
        protected BorderTypes m_TypeRender;
        protected ButtonDesignState m_ButtonState;

        public ImageRender(BorderTypes p_TypeRender, Image p_Image, ButtonDesignState p_Bs)
            if (p_Image != null)
                m_OriginalImage = new Bitmap(p_Image);

            m_ButtonState = p_Bs;
            m_TypeRender = p_TypeRender;


        // PROPERTIES

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the original image before render.
        /// </summary>
        public Image OriginalImage
            get { return m_OriginalImage; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the X diviser component depending on the original image.
        /// </summary>
        public int DivX
            get { return m_DivX; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the status of the Button for the design. Can be None, Unpressed, Pressed.
        /// </summary>
        public ButtonDesignState ButtonState
            get { return m_ButtonState; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Y diviser component depending on the original image.
        /// </summary>
        public int DivY
            get { return m_DivY; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Border type defined for this ImageRender.
        /// </summary>
        public BorderTypes BorderType
            get { return m_TypeRender; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the status of the analyze done for the original image. Used for checking if the image is correct for modifiers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String GetAnalyze()
            String s = "";

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.Border)
                s = "";
                if ((OriginalImage.Width % 8) != 0)
                    s += "The initial width cannot be divided by 8. ";
                if ((OriginalImage.Height % 4) != 0 && ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.None)
                    s += "The initial height cannot be divided by 4. ";
                if ((OriginalImage.Height % 8) != 0 && ButtonState != ButtonDesignState.None)
                    s += "The initial height cannot be divided by 8. ";

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.HorizontalBorder)
                s = "";
                if ((OriginalImage.Width % 10) != 0)
                    s += "The initial width cannot be divided by 10.";
                if ((OriginalImage.Height % 2) != 0 && ButtonState != ButtonDesignState.None)
                    s += "The initial height cannot be divided by 2. ";

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.EndCap)
                s = "";
                if ((OriginalImage.Width % 2) != 0)
                    s += "The initial width cannot be divided by 2.";
                if ((OriginalImage.Height % 2) != 0 && ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.None)
                    s += "The initial height cannot be divided by 2.";
                if ((OriginalImage.Height % 4) != 0 && ButtonState != ButtonDesignState.None)
                    s += "The initial height cannot be divided by 4.";

            if (s == "")
                return "Valid";
            return s;

        // METHODS

        private void Build()
            int IntIsButton = 1;
            if (ButtonState != ButtonDesignState.None)
                IntIsButton = 2;

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.Border)

                // Cut data.
                int divx = (m_OriginalImage.Width / 4);
                int divy = (m_OriginalImage.Height / (8 * IntIsButton));

                int maxx = m_OriginalImage.Width;
                int maxy = m_OriginalImage.Height;

                m_DivX = divx;
                m_DivY = divy;

                int i, j, k;
                Graphics l;
                Image b;
                List<Image> Imgs = new List<Image>();
                k = 0;

                for (j = 0; j < 8 * IntIsButton; j++)
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        b = new Bitmap(divx, divy);
                        l = Graphics.FromImage(b);
                        l.DrawImageUnscaled(m_OriginalImage, new Point(-(divx * i), -(divy * j)));

                Bitmap a;
                Graphics ag;
                // Draw Top.
                a = new Bitmap( OriginalImage.Width, DivY);
                ag = Graphics.FromImage(a);
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[4], new Point(0, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[5], new Point(DivX, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[6], new Point(DivX * 2, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[7], new Point(DivX * 3, 0));
                Imgs[4] = a;

                // Draw Bottom.
                a = new Bitmap(OriginalImage.Width, DivY);
                ag = Graphics.FromImage(a);
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[8], new Point(0, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[9], new Point(DivX, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[10], new Point(DivX * 2, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[11], new Point(DivX * 3, 0));
                Imgs[8] = a;

                // Draw Left.
                a = new Bitmap(OriginalImage.Width, DivY);
                ag = Graphics.FromImage(a);
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[16], new Point(0, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[17], new Point(DivX, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[18], new Point(DivX * 2, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[19], new Point(DivX * 3, 0));
                Imgs[16] = a;

                // Draw Right.
                a = new Bitmap(OriginalImage.Width, DivY);
                ag = Graphics.FromImage(a);
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[12], new Point(0, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[13], new Point(DivX, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[14], new Point(DivX * 2, 0));
                ag.DrawImageUnscaled(Imgs[15], new Point(DivX * 3, 0));
                Imgs[12] = a;


                if (ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.Unpressed || ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.None)
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.TopLeft, Imgs[0]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.TopRight, Imgs[1]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.BottomLeft, Imgs[2]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.BottomRight, Imgs[3]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Top, Imgs[4]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Bottom, Imgs[8]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Left, Imgs[16]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Right, Imgs[12]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Center, Imgs[20]);
                else if (ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.Pressed)
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.TopLeft, Imgs[32]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.TopRight, Imgs[33]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.BottomLeft, Imgs[34]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.BottomRight, Imgs[35]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Top, Imgs[36]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Bottom, Imgs[40]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Left, Imgs[48]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Right, Imgs[44]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Center, Imgs[52]);

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.HorizontalBorder)

                // Cut data.
                int divx = m_OriginalImage.Width / 10;
                int divy = (m_OriginalImage.Height / (1 * IntIsButton));
                int maxx = m_OriginalImage.Width;
                int maxy = m_OriginalImage.Height;

                m_DivX = divx;
                m_DivY = divy;

                int i, j, k;
                Graphics l;
                Bitmap b;
                List<Image> Imgs = new List<Image>();
                k = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < 1 * IntIsButton; j++)
                    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        b = new Bitmap(divx, divy);
                        l = Graphics.FromImage(b);
                        l.DrawImage(m_OriginalImage, new Point(-(divx * i), 0));

                if (ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.Unpressed || ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.None)
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.TopLeft, Imgs[0]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.TopRight, Imgs[1]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.BottomLeft, Imgs[2]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.BottomRight, Imgs[3]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Top, Imgs[4]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Bottom, Imgs[5]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Left, Imgs[6]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Right, Imgs[7]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Center, Imgs[8]);
                else if (ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.Pressed)
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.TopLeft, Imgs[10]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.TopRight, Imgs[11]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.BottomLeft, Imgs[12]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.BottomRight, Imgs[13]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Top, Imgs[14]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Bottom, Imgs[15]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Left, Imgs[16]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Right, Imgs[17]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Center, Imgs[18]);

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.EndCap)

                // Cut data.
                int divx = m_OriginalImage.Width / 2;
                int divy = m_OriginalImage.Height / (2 * IntIsButton);
                int maxx = m_OriginalImage.Width;
                int maxy = m_OriginalImage.Height;

                m_DivX = divx;
                m_DivY = divy;

                int i, j, k;
                Graphics l;
                Bitmap b;
                List<Image> Imgs = new List<Image>();
                k = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < 2 * IntIsButton; j++)
                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        b = new Bitmap(divx, divy);
                        l = Graphics.FromImage(b);
                        l.DrawImageUnscaled(m_OriginalImage, new Point(-(divx * i), -(divy * j)));


                if (ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.Unpressed || ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.None)
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Left, Imgs[0]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Right, Imgs[1]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Center, Imgs[2]);
                else if (ButtonState == ButtonDesignState.Pressed)
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Left, Imgs[4]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Right, Imgs[5]);
                    m_CuttedImages.Add(ImagePart.Center, Imgs[6]);


        /// <summary>
        /// Get the image part specified after cutted by the constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_ImagePart">The image part you want.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Image GetImagePart(ImagePart p_ImagePart)
            if (m_CuttedImages.ContainsKey(p_ImagePart))
                return m_CuttedImages[p_ImagePart];

            return null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Render the image for the specified size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_Size">Size you want the image is designed for.</param>
        public Image RenderImage(Size p_Size)
            Bitmap b = new Bitmap(p_Size.Width, p_Size.Height);
            Graphics finalg = Graphics.FromImage(b);
            finalg.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
            finalg.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.None;
            finalg.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.Bicubic;

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.Border)
                // Draw the top borders.

                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft), new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft).Size));
                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopRight), new Rectangle(new Point((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopRight).Width), 0), GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft).Size));
                DrawImageFill(finalg, (Bitmap)GetImagePart(ImagePart.Top), new Rectangle(new Point(DivX, 0), new Size((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft).Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopRight).Width), GetImagePart(ImagePart.Top).Height)));

                // Draw the side borders.
                DrawImageFill(finalg, (Bitmap)GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left), new Rectangle(new Point(0, DivY), new Size(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left).Width, b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft).Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Height)));
                DrawImageFill(finalg, (Bitmap)GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right), new Rectangle(new Point(b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right).Width, DivY), new Size(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left).Width, b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopRight).Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight).Height)));

                // Draw the bottom borders.
                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft), new Rectangle(new Point(0, (b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Height)), GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Size));
                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight), new Rectangle(new Point((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight).Width), (b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Height)), GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight).Size));
                DrawImageFill(finalg, (Bitmap)GetImagePart(ImagePart.Bottom), new Rectangle(new Point(DivX, b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Bottom).Height), new Size((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight).Width), GetImagePart(ImagePart.Bottom).Height)));

                // Draw the center.
                finalg.DrawImage((Bitmap)GetImagePart(ImagePart.Center), new Rectangle(new Point(DivY, DivY), new Size((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left).Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right).Width), (b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Top).Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Bottom).Height))));

                // Finish drawing.
                return b;

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.HorizontalBorder)
                // Draw the top borders.
                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft), new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft).Size));
                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopRight), new Rectangle(new Point((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopRight).Width), 0), GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft).Size));
                finalg.DrawImage(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Top), new Rectangle(new Point(DivX, 0), new Size((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft).Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopRight).Width), GetImagePart(ImagePart.Top).Height)));

                // Draw the side borders.
                finalg.DrawImage(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left), new Rectangle(new Point(0, DivY), new Size(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left).Width, b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopLeft).Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Height)));
                finalg.DrawImage(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right), new Rectangle(new Point(b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right).Width, DivY), new Size(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left).Width, b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.TopRight).Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight).Height)));

                // Draw the bottom borders.

                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft), new Rectangle(new Point(0, (b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Height)), GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Size));
                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight), new Rectangle(new Point((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight).Width), (b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Height)), GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight).Size));
                finalg.DrawImage(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Bottom), new Rectangle(new Point(DivX, b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Bottom).Height), new Size((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomLeft).Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.BottomRight).Width), GetImagePart(ImagePart.Bottom).Height)));

                // Draw the center.
                finalg.DrawImage(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Center), new Rectangle(new Point(DivX, DivX), new Size((b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left).Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right).Width), (b.Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Top).Height - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Bottom).Height))));

                // Finish drawing.
                return b;

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.Normal)
                finalg.DrawImage(OriginalImage, 0, 0, p_Size.Width, p_Size.Height);
                return b;

            if (m_TypeRender == BorderTypes.EndCap)
                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left), new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left).Size));
                DrawImageFill(finalg, (Bitmap)GetImagePart(ImagePart.Center), new Rectangle(new Point(DivX, 0), new Size(b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Left).Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right).Width, GetImagePart(ImagePart.Center).Height)));
                finalg.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right), new Rectangle(new Point(b.Width - GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right).Width, 0), GetImagePart(ImagePart.Right).Size));

            return b;

        private void DrawImageFill(Graphics p_Graphics, Bitmap p_Image, Rectangle p_Rectangle)
            int curx = p_Rectangle.X;
            int maxx = p_Rectangle.X + p_Rectangle.Width;

            int cury = p_Rectangle.Y;
            int maxy = p_Rectangle.Y + p_Rectangle.Height;

            while (cury < maxy)
                while (curx < maxx)

                    if (curx + p_Image.Width <= maxx && cury + p_Image.Height <= maxy)
                        p_Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(p_Image, new Point(curx, cury));
                        if (Properties.Settings.Default.ShowLimitersRender)
                            p_Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Properties.Settings.Default.FullAreaRender), 2f), new Rectangle(new Point(curx, cury), new Size(Math.Min(maxx - curx, p_Image.Width), Math.Min(maxy - cury, p_Image.Height))));
                        p_Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(p_Image, new Rectangle(new Point(curx, cury), new Size(Math.Min(maxx - curx, p_Image.Width), Math.Min(maxy - cury, p_Image.Height))));
                        if (Properties.Settings.Default.ShowLimitersRender)
                            p_Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Properties.Settings.Default.PartAreaRender), 2f), new Rectangle(new Point(curx, cury), new Size(Math.Min(maxx - curx,p_Image.Width), Math.Min(maxy - cury, p_Image.Height))));

                    curx = curx + p_Image.Width;


                curx = p_Rectangle.X;
                cury = cury + p_Image.Height;


Known caveats

  • Trying a rendering with a width or height greater than Int32 limit will occurs an error.
  • Stretching is wrongly managed for the moment.
  • EndCap. Mode is not actually stretched for the asked height.


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