I would recheck what you have in the data editor regarding the plane array and such with the worker, making sure you don't have Land 09 checked and such.
As for the Structure pathing, I've had the same issue. One strange way I found to get around it is to give the buildings the smallest acceleration and speed that is possible, no turn rates (stationary etc) and require them to turn before moving. That's for building near them, since the footprint remains no matter what I seem to do. As for units walking nearby, you should just be able to change the separation radius.
The issue with tricking the structures footprint is that it doesn't work while the building is constructing, hence my topic in this forum.
If theres some waaay uncomplicated way to fix this that I skipped over, please. Someone correct me. It would make my map infinitely easier.
Hey. Going by order of importance, I need some help trying to allow an under-construction structure movement. I've been trying and trying for quite some time, but I can't seem to get it. If that isn't possible, just a movement queue would work fantastic as well, ie; something pushes into it and it moves after construction finishes.
On another less important strain of issues, I've been trying to change the color of the nuke explosion using the model option 'Color'. I changed the white to dark green, but there was no viewable change. I'm unsure why.
In order to host custom games publicly, you need to take some rather ridiculous steps.
1) Go to Map -> Game Variants
2) Create a new one, make it the 'Default' by right clicking it, and set it to 'Other'.
3) Customize your new variant to best fit what your game should look like in the lobby... try hitting 'Generate Defaults' for some examples of what should go where.
4) After that's taken care of, go to Publish and make sure that your map is Unlocked. I'm fairly certain (not ENTIRELY) that if you don't, it still won't let you make games public due to some glitch. All I know is that it's what happened to me, and it isn't how it should be.
5) Hopefully host the game unless the beta servers are on their period again, like they are right now. Hit the now highlighted 'Open to public' button, and voila! Map!
Well my current map is just classic evolves, so I doubt I'll protect it xD
Though it did kinda take awhile to make...mostly because I had to figure everything out as I did so.
However, I do hope that the full version does what you say when I make my actual map.
First of all, what are all of your opinions on this? It seems that SC2 maps are much harder to create and the creator should deserve due credit, but people are also new at the editor, and protected maps could contain valuable lessons...
Well, I'm not sure.
Still, is there a map protector out yet?
Well the collide is actually Flying, so be sure to check THAT.
Also, http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/map-development/4375-unit-color-and-under-construction-limitations/?unread My topic I mentioned earlier regarding structure footprints.
Condition -> Comparison -> Unit -> Unit Resources?
Haven't tested it, but it seems logical...
@ErrorAsh: Go
I would recheck what you have in the data editor regarding the plane array and such with the worker, making sure you don't have Land 09 checked and such.
As for the Structure pathing, I've had the same issue. One strange way I found to get around it is to give the buildings the smallest acceleration and speed that is possible, no turn rates (stationary etc) and require them to turn before moving. That's for building near them, since the footprint remains no matter what I seem to do. As for units walking nearby, you should just be able to change the separation radius. The issue with tricking the structures footprint is that it doesn't work while the building is constructing, hence my topic in this forum.
If theres some waaay uncomplicated way to fix this that I skipped over, please. Someone correct me. It would make my map infinitely easier.
Hey. Going by order of importance, I need some help trying to allow an under-construction structure movement. I've been trying and trying for quite some time, but I can't seem to get it. If that isn't possible, just a movement queue would work fantastic as well, ie; something pushes into it and it moves after construction finishes.
On another less important strain of issues, I've been trying to change the color of the nuke explosion using the model option 'Color'. I changed the white to dark green, but there was no viewable change. I'm unsure why.
@xhatix: Go
In order to host custom games publicly, you need to take some rather ridiculous steps.
1) Go to Map -> Game Variants
2) Create a new one, make it the 'Default' by right clicking it, and set it to 'Other'.
3) Customize your new variant to best fit what your game should look like in the lobby... try hitting 'Generate Defaults' for some examples of what should go where.
4) After that's taken care of, go to Publish and make sure that your map is Unlocked. I'm fairly certain (not ENTIRELY) that if you don't, it still won't let you make games public due to some glitch. All I know is that it's what happened to me, and it isn't how it should be.
5) Hopefully host the game unless the beta servers are on their period again, like they are right now. Hit the now highlighted 'Open to public' button, and voila! Map!
@volgothian: Go
Well my current map is just classic evolves, so I doubt I'll protect it xD
Though it did kinda take awhile to make...mostly because I had to figure everything out as I did so. However, I do hope that the full version does what you say when I make my actual map.
First of all, what are all of your opinions on this? It seems that SC2 maps are much harder to create and the creator should deserve due credit, but people are also new at the editor, and protected maps could contain valuable lessons...
Well, I'm not sure. Still, is there a map protector out yet?