Building an RPG map and my heroes have inventories using the built in inventory system, and that's all working just fine. Trying to make some enhancements and I'm wondering if there is any way to have the normal inventory buttons open up a custom dialog window. Obviously going to be some triggers involved, I'm just struggling to detect when one of those buttons is pressed, or if there is some way to detect when a particular inventory is opened. Any ideas? Or alternatives?
Everybody has been great with their help, and I've been learning a lot. Especially the XML stuff. My current problem, that I feel like should be really easy to do, is a shop to increase attributes. My heroes have attributes (Strength, Agility, etc) and a system to be able to choose which one to increase when you level up. I'd like a shop where you can buy increases to those, and I'm just hitting a block. I have other shops where you can buy items (weapons, armor), but I'm not sure how to switch it around.
I did duplicate the unit to create it, but I've been very careful about how I've been naming things and setting my own IDs. The editor doesn't let you use the same ID as another object anyway, it throws an error. I've been working very hard to have my custom units not use any base game stuff almost at all. I've made custom Terran and Protoss units this same way and haven't had any issue. It's only the (Burrowed) version of my custom Zergling that has the problem.
Blizzard's fucking retarded and added a line in the xml of a lot of units, effects, etc. that sets their name to equal the name of a specific id reference, like zerglings reference the name of the original zergling, go into the xml and remove this line and it will fix it.
Definitely right about Blizzard there. And I found the XML line you were talking about.
<CUnit id=NewZerglingBurrowed">
<Name Value="Unit/Name/Zergling">
No idea why/how that line is there, but deleting it seems to have fixed the issue. Had to reset my custom unit name afterwards, but it has disconnected the name from the base Zerglings. Thanks a bunch!
Any idea of how to keep this from happening in the future? Or am I just stuck having to edit the XML every time I want to make a zerg unit that burrows?
Problem is that it changes the name of the unit in game, so all normal zerglings are not called Zergling, they have the same name as my new unit. I just don't get why changing the name of one unit is forcing the name to change for other units.
32 abilities is definitely good to know, and I can definitely work within that. The morph trick is good to keep in mind though. Talking about morphing however, I have another issue with my custom zerg units and burrowing. I duplicated the zergling, the burrowed zergling, the burrow and unburrow abilities, and got all that to work just fine. The zergling burrows and unburrows and keeps all his abilities and everything between the two states. The problem that has shown up that I don't get at all is that the normal standard unmodified zergling's name is linked to my burrowed zergling's name. I change my new burrowed zergling's name and it changes the names of the normal zergling and it's burrowed form. I use Reset Unit on the normal zergling and it resets the name on my new burrowed zergling. My unburrowed zergling is completely unaffected by any of this. I've got a separate actor for my new zergling and unburrowed zergling, and I've got through it's Events list to make sure that all the burrow/unburrow stuff in there only references my new zergling. My zergling Actor only lists my units, and the standard zergling Actor only lists standard units. I'm completely baffled.
Thanks! That all worked exactly as I hoped it would. I do want to have a lot of abilities that function this way (like, a couple dozen maybe) so I guess I just have to have my heroes have ALL the abilities then.
Making a map with RPG elements, including the equipping of items. I've got an item that, when equipped, adds a Buff Behavior to the unit, and that's working just fine. I'd like the item to also be able to add a passive Ability to the unit that equips it. The Ability works if I add it to the unit directly, but I'd like it to be tied to having the item equipped and I can't figure it out.
The Behavior -> Modification field has the section "Abilities Enabled" that I can add the abilities to, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I'm assuming that's because the unit doesn't have the abilities already, and I'm not sure how to give an ability to a unit and have it disabled by default. Any suggestions?
Building an RPG map and my heroes have inventories using the built in inventory system, and that's all working just fine. Trying to make some enhancements and I'm wondering if there is any way to have the normal inventory buttons open up a custom dialog window. Obviously going to be some triggers involved, I'm just struggling to detect when one of those buttons is pressed, or if there is some way to detect when a particular inventory is opened. Any ideas? Or alternatives?
Everybody has been great with their help, and I've been learning a lot. Especially the XML stuff. My current problem, that I feel like should be really easy to do, is a shop to increase attributes. My heroes have attributes (Strength, Agility, etc) and a system to be able to choose which one to increase when you level up. I'd like a shop where you can buy increases to those, and I'm just hitting a block. I have other shops where you can buy items (weapons, armor), but I'm not sure how to switch it around.
In reply to Phosphatidylinositol_:
I did duplicate the unit to create it, but I've been very careful about how I've been naming things and setting my own IDs. The editor doesn't let you use the same ID as another object anyway, it throws an error. I've been working very hard to have my custom units not use any base game stuff almost at all. I've made custom Terran and Protoss units this same way and haven't had any issue. It's only the (Burrowed) version of my custom Zergling that has the problem.
Definitely right about Blizzard there. And I found the XML line you were talking about.
<CUnit id=NewZerglingBurrowed">
<Name Value="Unit/Name/Zergling">
No idea why/how that line is there, but deleting it seems to have fixed the issue. Had to reset my custom unit name afterwards, but it has disconnected the name from the base Zerglings. Thanks a bunch!
Any idea of how to keep this from happening in the future? Or am I just stuck having to edit the XML every time I want to make a zerg unit that burrows?
Problem is that it changes the name of the unit in game, so all normal zerglings are not called Zergling, they have the same name as my new unit. I just don't get why changing the name of one unit is forcing the name to change for other units.
32 abilities is definitely good to know, and I can definitely work within that. The morph trick is good to keep in mind though. Talking about morphing however, I have another issue with my custom zerg units and burrowing. I duplicated the zergling, the burrowed zergling, the burrow and unburrow abilities, and got all that to work just fine. The zergling burrows and unburrows and keeps all his abilities and everything between the two states. The problem that has shown up that I don't get at all is that the normal standard unmodified zergling's name is linked to my burrowed zergling's name. I change my new burrowed zergling's name and it changes the names of the normal zergling and it's burrowed form. I use Reset Unit on the normal zergling and it resets the name on my new burrowed zergling. My unburrowed zergling is completely unaffected by any of this. I've got a separate actor for my new zergling and unburrowed zergling, and I've got through it's Events list to make sure that all the burrow/unburrow stuff in there only references my new zergling. My zergling Actor only lists my units, and the standard zergling Actor only lists standard units. I'm completely baffled.
Thanks! That all worked exactly as I hoped it would. I do want to have a lot of abilities that function this way (like, a couple dozen maybe) so I guess I just have to have my heroes have ALL the abilities then.
Making a map with RPG elements, including the equipping of items. I've got an item that, when equipped, adds a Buff Behavior to the unit, and that's working just fine. I'd like the item to also be able to add a passive Ability to the unit that equips it. The Ability works if I add it to the unit directly, but I'd like it to be tied to having the item equipped and I can't figure it out.
The Behavior -> Modification field has the section "Abilities Enabled" that I can add the abilities to, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I'm assuming that's because the unit doesn't have the abilities already, and I'm not sure how to give an ability to a unit and have it disabled by default. Any suggestions?