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    posted a message on SC2 Mapster Upgrade Discussion Thread

    Is it possible to have my account named changed? The name I currently have is far too long

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Mapster Upgrade Discussion Thread

    The upgrade is very nice, no complaints (yet, if any).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Modifying Ability Flags with Catalogs

    That is highly unfortunate and inconvenient. Thanks for saving a weekend of my time :D

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Modifying Ability Flags with Catalogs

    I just tried using an array:


    Game - Player Any Player types a chat message containing "-test 1", matching Exactly

    Local Variables

    i = 0 <Integer>



    General - For each integer i from 0 to 20 with increment 1, do (Actions)


    Catalog - Set value of Abilities BuilderBuild FlagArray[i] for player (Triggering player) to "0"

    It doesn't work.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Modifying Ability Flags with Catalogs

    I'm trying to change the flag "Maintain Worker" of a build ability from enabled to disabled, and since this cannot be achieved with upgrades it must be done with triggers. I started experimenting around with catalogs to attempt to get it to work by trying this:

    Catalog - Set value of Abilities BuilderBuild FlagArray for player (Triggering player) to "(1|1|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0)"

    That didn't work and neither did any other variation (e.g. putting commas in between, etc.) of those numbers that I could think of. I then tried the following, where BuilderDummyBuild has the flag settings that I want to achieve on BuilderBuild mid game:

    Catalog - Set value of Abilities BuilderBuild FlagArray for player (Triggering player) to (Value of Abilities BuilderDummyBuild FlagArray for player Any Player)

    A quick test revealed that the output of the catalog field value get is 0, instead of a specific string of numbers. I got completely lost here and I have no idea what to try in order to get this to work.

    How do I set up the catalogs so that I can disable the "Maintain Worker" flag mid game?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Lobby trolls, kick features and starter accounts

    Starter accounts shouldn't be allowed into the arcade at all. There are people that deliberately destroy competitive games, and I repeat in their own words: "I will keep making starter accounts and trolling until this game burns in the ashes [...]". It's almost like Blizzard endorses such behavior, and it's these fucking assholes in arcade that has made mafia apparently ban all accounts that haven't played before. I seriously don't expect Blizzard to do anything about this, I've done everything in my power to bring the issue of starter accounts to their attention and they ignored, just like the ignore hacking and botting issues in matchmaking.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Rock the Cabinet 2016?

    @houndofbaskerville: Go

    It's all a marketing scam

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Resource queue is being bypassed without the flag being checked

    This was an issue with visibility. Make sure that all mineral fields are visible, and this bug will not occur.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Resource queue is being bypassed without the flag being checked

    There's a bug that I've been trying to fix for a while, and it's a very strange one for that matter. When a user spams the gather order on a mineral field for multiple harvesters with only one resource drop off structure nearby, the workers start to bypass the resource queue.

    However, the strangest part is that when a unit enters the vicinity of the workers (approximately a range of 10), the workers stop bypassing the resource queue and go back to normal. These are default mineral fields with the default harvest ability, too.

    Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HELP: Moving Singular Void Boss Bars

    @Alevice: Go


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on HELP: Moving Singular Void Boss Bars

    I'm talking about moving the boss bars that Legacy of the Void and Heart of the Swarm use.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on HELP: Moving Singular Void Boss Bars

    How the do you move these boss bars? It's like Blizzard intentionally made these extremely difficult to work with.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on HELP: Moving Singular Void Boss Bars

    How do you move void boss bars?


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Cache where arcade games are stored
    Quote from Forge_User_44611484: Go

    If you have an old version of the map my brother DrSuperGood can unlock it if you ask him kindly enough.

    In fact, he's helping me with my map. Unfortunately, I haven't had communication with him recently.

    Quote from Forge_User_44611484: Go

    Is your preferences in the editor by chance, set Documents > Automatically Backup Documents When Saving to checked?

    If that's the case, there will most likely be a backed up copy in your user folder (or wherever it's set to backup).

    There are backups, but somehow all the backups disappeared.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Cache where arcade games are stored

    Somehow, about a month of work was lost (the map file literally just disappeared), and now I have nothing to work with but versions from last year. I have however published this work, but it is locked. I know how to retrieve the file, but I don't know which cache it is located in. Could someone help?

    Posted in: Data
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