• 0

    posted a message on Help with a behavior

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Well, if I am understanding your question correctly:

    The buff is meant as an extra while in the middle because the middle is easily infiltrated. The buffs are unlocked over time so that the longer the game is running, the easier it is to defend the middle. Though I still have a bit of a bug in the programming; that's a question to ask later if I cannot fix it myself.

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    posted a message on Help with a behavior

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    Looks like exactly what I wanted. Thanks so much!

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    posted a message on Help with a behavior

    So let me just give you a little insight into what I'm talking about first:

    I have a lot of behaviors and abilities in a map I am making, which isn't all that odd. Some abilities it is better to have a unit stop it's current action to force the player to think strategically before casting anything.

    However, some abilities are meant to be applied..."passively". By that I mean they should cast without forcing the unit to do anything extra, including stopping their current actions.

    So I have this Behavior applying ability "Middle Ownership Buff". It is autocast with the intention of applying itself like explained above. However, it does not; it forces the unit to stop it's current actions after applying.

    This is very annoying because it applies for workers as well and it stops workers from harvesting just to apply itself.

    Technical mumbo-jumbo:

    • Ability:
      Field	(Unit) Middle Ownership Buff
      Ability: Alignment	Neutral
      Ability: Auto Cast Validators	
      Ability: Behaviors	((Unit) Middle Ownership Buff)
      Ability: Commands - Default Button	(Middle Ownership Buff|(None))
      Ability: Commands - Flags	((Disabled|Enabled|Disabled)|(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled))
      Ability: Commands - Requirements	(10 minutes passed OoM|None)
      Ability: Commands - State	(Available|Available)
      Ability: Name	(Unit) Middle Ownership Buff
      Ability: Set ID	
      Ability: Validators	
      Command Card: Level Button - Off Image	
      Command Card: Level Button - Off Name	
      Command Card: Level Button - Off Tooltip	
      Command Card: Level Button - On Image	
      Command Card: Level Button - On Name	
      Command Card: Level Button - On Tooltip	
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Count (Max)	
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Count (Start)	
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Count (Use)	
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Hide Count	
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Link	
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Location	
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Time Start	
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Time Use	
      Cost: Cost - Cooldown - Link	
      Cost: Cost - Cooldown - Location	
      Cost: Cost - Cooldown - Time Start	
      Cost: Cost - Cooldown - Time Use	
      Cost: Cost - Cost Display	
      Cost: Cost - Technology Resource Cost	
      Cost: Cost - Vital Fraction	
      Cost: Cost - Vitals	
      Editor: Editor Categories	AbilityorEffectType:Units
      Editor: Editor Comment	
      Editor: Editor Description	
      Editor: Editor Prefix	
      Editor: Editor Suffix	
      Stats: Flags	Auto Cast, Turn Auto Cast Off When Owner Leaves, Auto Cast On, Toggled On
      Tech Tree: Tech Alias	
      Tech Tree: Tech Player	Upkeep
      UI: Orders - Color	((255,0,255,0))
      UI: Orders - Line Texture	(Assets\Textures\WayPointLine.dds)
      UI: Orders - Model	(Assets\UI\Feedback\WayPointConfirm\WayPointConfirm.m3)
      UI: Orders - Scale	(0.75)
      UI: Target Message	Select target
      UI: Tooltip Priority	0
    • Behavior
      Field	(Unit) Middle Ownership Buff
      Ability: Modification - Abilities Disabled	
      Ability: Modification - Abilities Enabled	
      Ability: Modification - Ability Classes Disabled	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Ability: Modification - Ability Classes Enabled	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Behavior: Acquire Player - Effect	(None)
      Behavior: Acquire Player - Value	Unknown
      Behavior: Alignment	Neutral
      Behavior: Buff Flags	Countdown, Remove Exhausted Damage Response
      Behavior: Categories	
      Behavior: Modification - Attribute Changes - Attribute	((None)|(None)|(None)|(None))
      Behavior: Modification - Attribute Changes - Points	(0|0|0|0)
      Behavior: Modification - Behavior Categories Disabled	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Behavior: Modification - Behavior Categories Enabled	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Behavior: Modification - Behavior Classes Disabled	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Behavior: Modification - Behavior Classes Enabled	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Behavior: Modification - Behaviors Disabled	
      Behavior: Modification - Behaviors Enabled	
      Behavior: Modification - Modify Flags	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Behavior: Modification - Queue Count	0
      Behavior: Modification - Queue Size	0
      Behavior: Modification - Rate Multiplier Array	(1|1|1|1)
      Behavior: Modification - State Flags	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Behavior: Name	Middle Ownership Buff
      Behavior: Player - Effect	(None)
      Behavior: Player - Value	Unknown
      Behavior: Replacement	Shortest Duration
      Behavior: Replacement Location - Effect	(None)
      Behavior: Replacement Location - Value	Caster Unit
      Behavior: Requirements	None
      Behavior: Validators (Disable)	
      Behavior: Validators (Remove)	
      Combat: Damage Response - Chance	0
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Charge - Count (Max)	0
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Charge - Count (Start)	0
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Charge - Count (Use)	0
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Charge - Hide Count	Disabled
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Charge - Link	Behavior/MiddleOwnershipBuff2
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Charge - Location	Behavior
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Charge - Time Start	0.0000
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Charge - Time Use	0.0000
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Cooldown - Link	Behavior/MiddleOwnershipBuff2
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Cooldown - Location	Behavior
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Cooldown - Time Start	0.0000
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Cooldown - Time Use	0.0000
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Cost Display	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Technology Resource Cost	(0|0|0|0)
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Vital Fraction	(0|0|0)
      Combat: Damage Response - Cost - Vitals	(0|0|0)
      Combat: Damage Response - Exclude Effect Array	
      Combat: Damage Response - Exhausted	(None)
      Combat: Damage Response - Fatal	Disabled
      Combat: Damage Response - Handled	(None)
      Combat: Damage Response - Ignore	(0|0|0)
      Combat: Damage Response - Kind	(Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled)
      Combat: Damage Response - Location	Defender
      Combat: Damage Response - Maximum	524287.9997
      Combat: Damage Response - Maximum Clamp	524287.9997
      Combat: Damage Response - Minimum	-524288
      Combat: Damage Response - Minimum Clamp	-524288
      Combat: Damage Response - Modify Amount	0
      Combat: Damage Response - Modify Fraction	1
      Combat: Damage Response - Modify Limit	0
      Combat: Damage Response - Modify Minimum Damage	Disabled
      Combat: Damage Response - Require Effect Array	
      Combat: Damage Response - Target Filters	
      Combat: Modification - Attack Speed Multiplier	1
      Combat: Modification - Damage Dealt (Scaled)	(0|0|0|0)
      Combat: Modification - Damage Dealt (Unscaled)	(10|10|10|10)
      Combat: Modification - Damage Dealt Fraction	(0|0|0|0)
      Combat: Modification - Damage Dealt Maximum	(524287.9997|524287.9997|524287.9997|524287.9997)
      Combat: Modification - Damage Dealt Minimum	(0|0|0|0)
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Chance	0
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Charge - Count (Max)	0
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Charge - Count (Start)	0
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Charge - Count (Use)	0
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Charge - Hide Count	Disabled
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Charge - Link	Behavior/MiddleOwnershipBuff2
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Charge - Location	Behavior
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Charge - Time Start	0.0000
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Charge - Time Use	0.0000
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Cooldown - Link	Behavior/MiddleOwnershipBuff2
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Cooldown - Location	Behavior
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Cooldown - Time Start	0.0000
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Cooldown - Time Use	0.0000
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Cost Display	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Technology Resource Cost	(0|0|0|0)
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Vital Fraction	(0|0|0)
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Cost - Vitals	(0|0|0)
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Effect	(None)
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Relationship	(Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled)
      Combat: Modification - Death Response - Type	(Enabled|Disabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled|Enabled)
      Combat: Modification - Vital Gained from Damage Taken - Damage Kind	((0|0|0|0)|(0|0|0|0)|(0|0|0|0))
      Combat: Modification - Vital Leeched from Damage Dealt - Damage Kind	((0|0|0|0)|(0|0|0|0)|(0|0|0|0))
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Count (Max)	0
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Count (Start)	0
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Count (Use)	0
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Hide Count	Disabled
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Link	Behavior/MiddleOwnershipBuff2
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Location	Behavior
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Time Start	0.0000
      Cost: Cost - Charge - Time Use	0.0000
      Cost: Cost - Cooldown - Link	Behavior/MiddleOwnershipBuff2
      Cost: Cost - Cooldown - Location	Behavior
      Cost: Cost - Cooldown - Time Start	0.0000
      Cost: Cost - Cooldown - Time Use	0.0000
      Cost: Cost - Cost Display	(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled)
      Cost: Cost - Technology Resource Cost	(0|0|0|0)
      Cost: Cost - Vital Fraction	(0|0|0)
      Cost: Cost - Vitals	(0|0|0)
      Editor: Editor Categories	AbilityorEffectType:Units
      Editor: Editor Comment	
      Editor: Editor Description	Increases the health and attack power of all units if you have the middle by 30 for health and 10 for attack power.
      Editor: Editor Prefix	(Unit)
      Editor: Editor Suffix	
      Effect: AI Notify Effect	(None)
      Effect: Effect - Final	(None)
      Effect: Effect - Initial	(None)
      Effect: Effect - Periodic	(None)
      Effect: Expire Effect	(None)
      Effect: Refresh Effect	(None)
      Movement: Modification - Acceleration Bonus	0
      Movement: Modification - Acceleration Multiplier	1
      Movement: Modification - Deceleration Bonus	0
      Movement: Modification - Deceleration Multiplier	1
      Movement: Modification - Movement Speed Bonus	0
      Movement: Modification - Movement Speed Maximum	160
      Movement: Modification - Movement Speed Minimum	0
      Movement: Modification - Movement Speed Multiplier	1
      Movement: Modification - Plane Delta	(0|0)
      Movement: Modification - Snare Multiplier	1
      Resource: Modification - Resource Harvest Amount Bonus	(0|0|0|0)
      Resource: Modification - Resource Harvest Amount Multiplier	(0|0|0|0)
      Resource: Modification - Resource Harvest Time Bonus	(0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000)
      Resource: Modification - Resource Harvest Time Multiplier	(0|0|0|0)
      Stats: Duration	20.0000
      Stats: Duration Bonus Maximum	-1.0000
      Stats: Duration Bonus Minimum	-1.0000
      Stats: Duration Random Maximum	0.0000
      Stats: Duration Random Minimum	0.0000
      Stats: Duration Shield	0.0000
      Stats: Duration Vital Bonuses	(0.0000|0.0000|0.0000)
      Stats: Duration Vital Max Bonuses	(0.0000|0.0000|0.0000)
      Stats: Flags	
      Stats: Kill Credit - Effect	(None)
      Stats: Kill Credit - Value	Unknown
      Stats: Maximum Stack Count	1
      Stats: Maximum Stack Count Per Caster	0
      Stats: Period	0.0000
      Stats: Period Count	-1
      Stats: Time Scale Source - Effect	(None)
      Stats: Time Scale Source - Value	Target
      Tech Tree: Tech Alias	
      UI: Display Countdown	
      UI: Display Shield	
      UI: Icon	Assets\Textures\btn-unit-terran-marauderkillsquad.dds
      UI: Tooltip	Increases the health of all units in the middle by 30, and, for attack power, 10. Lasts for 20 seconds, then flickers before it is applied again.
      UI: Tooltip Priority	0
      Unit: Modification - Detect	0
      Unit: Modification - Detect Filters	
      Unit: Modification - Detection Arc	360
      Unit: Modification - Detection Bonus	0
      Unit: Modification - Height	0
      Unit: Modification - Height Time	(0.0000|0.0000)
      Unit: Modification - Kill Bonus	0
      Unit: Modification - Life Armor Bonus	0
      Unit: Modification - Life Armor Multiplier	1
      Unit: Modification - Lost Bonus	0
      Unit: Modification - Radar	0
      Unit: Modification - Radar Arc	360
      Unit: Modification - Radar Filters	
      Unit: Modification - Shield Armor Bonus	0
      Unit: Modification - Shield Armor Multiplier	1
      Unit: Modification - Sight Bonus	0
      Unit: Modification - Sight Maximum	32
      Unit: Modification - Sight Minimum	0
      Unit: Modification - Sounds	((None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None)|(None))
      Unit: Modification - Supplies	0
      Unit: Modification - Time Scale	1
      Unit: Modification - Vital Max Bonus	(30|0|0)
      Unit: Modification - Vital Maximum Fraction	(0|0|0)
      Unit: Modification - Vital Regeneration Bonus	(0|0|0)
      Weapon: Modification - Turret Disable	
      Weapon: Modification - Turret Enable	
      Weapon: Modification - Weapon Minimum Range	0
      Weapon: Modification - Weapon Range	0
      Weapon: Modification - Weapon Scan Bonus	0
      Weapon: Modification - Weapons - Turret	
      Weapon: Modification - Weapons - Weapon	
      Weapon: Modification - Weapons Disabled	
      Weapon: Modification - Weapons Enabled

    Yes, it is supposed to have a cooldown of 20 seconds, that way if you don't have ownership of the middle the buff will dissipate until you can regain control.

    And it's not just this one ability, however once I figure out how to fix this one, I should be able to figure out how to fix the others.

    Any help is appreciated!

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    posted a message on Unit's stop gathering?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Sorry I've been REALLY busy lately.

    Here is all the associated triggers for claiming beacon. I will spare the space and just tell you that for each instance of the trigger there is one for each player (EXCEPT "set leaderboard" and "PACB"). They aren't all one trigger because that gave me the "trigger is too long" error.

            Unit - Any Unit construction progress is Started
        Local Variables
            (Unit type of (Triggering progress unit)) == Claiming Beacon
            (Number of Living units in Claiming Beacon grp) == 1
            Unit - Kill (Triggering progress unit)
            Player - Modify player (Owner of (Triggering progress unit)) Vespene: Add 100
            Trigger - Stop all instances of (Current trigger)
                Claiming beacon unit = No Unit <Unit>
                Claiming Beacon grp = (Claiming Beacon units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) <Unit Group>
                Leaderboard = No Leaderboard <Leaderboard>
                Amount of time = 0 <Integer>
    Set leaderboard
            Game - Map initialization
        Local Variables
            Leaderboard - Create a leaderboard with 2 columns and 11 rows, with the name "Amount of time in middle (Winner at...", and using (100%, 100%, 100%) color.
            Variable - Set Leaderboard = (Last created leaderboard)
            Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item text at column 1 and row Header to "Players:"
            Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item text at column 2 and row Header to "Time in the middle (in Seconds):"
            General - Pick each integer from 1 to 10, and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Status of player (Picked integer)) == Playing
                            Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 1 and row (Picked integer) to (Name of player (Picked integer))
                            Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text color at column 1 and row (Picked integer) to (Color((Current player (Picked integer) color)))
                            Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row (Picked integer) to "0"
                            Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text color at column 2 and row (Picked integer) to (Color((Current player (Picked integer) color)))
                            Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 1 and row (Picked integer) to "Not Playing"
                            Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text color at column 1 and row (Picked integer) to (5%, 0%, 67%)
            Leaderboard - Minimize (Last created leaderboard) for (All players)
            Trigger - Turn (Current trigger) Off
    Time in middle enter
            Unit - Any Unit Enters Middle
        Local Variables
            (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Claiming Beacon
            (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    (Number of Living units in Claiming Beacon grp) == 0
                    Transmission - Send transmission to (All players) from (Civilian (Male) [105.37, 0.38] with No Flash (Do override portrait) playing Talk) playing No Sound Link with name "ALERT!" and message "White has claimed or reclaimed the ..." using No Portrait playing Talk (Add 0.0 seconds, Don't Wait until it finishes)
                    Variable - Set Claiming beacon unit = (Triggering unit)
                    General - Repeat (Actions) forever
                            General - Wait 1.0 Game Time seconds
                            Variable - Modify Amount of time: + 1
                            Leaderboard - Set Leaderboard item text at column 2 and row (Owner of (Triggering unit)) to (Text(Amount of time))
                            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                    ((Triggering unit) is alive) == True
                                    General - Skip remaining actions
            Timer - Every 0.01 seconds of Game Time
        Local Variables
            Amount of time >= 600
            Game - End game in Victory for player 1 (Show dialogs, Show score screen)

    Once I get some time to work the map again I'll try your suggestion, but feel free to hand out more suggestions if this new information helps at all.

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    posted a message on Unit's stop gathering?

    I wasn't sure where to put this, so lets get right into it.

    When I play my map One Ruler as one player, my units will gather just fine whether I'm building or not.


    when I play multiplayer and build a claiming beacon (custom building for claiming of the middle) units just stop gathering, and won't gather unless you force them to (I.E. clicking on the resource you want to gather.)

    Does ANYONE know why this is happening or how I might fix it?

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    posted a message on Odd cooldown bug....

    @Eiviyn: Go

    Well, the slow time behavior changes the timescale for the entire game to .1 but it seems to only effect the units to which it is attached. Because I have tried it without the trigger (since the trigger applies the debuff the changes the timescale) and same deal.

    I'll change each aspect one by one now and see what happens.


    So the ability itself is completely the same as any other ability I have ever made, and still no cooldown. I tried everything, but nothing that has to do with the ability was the culprit. I also tried duplicating other abilities and adding in the buff. Same deal. Same deal for a COMPLETELY new ability.

    However, making a requirement and a buff seems to have done the trick. Making sure you have 0 of the buff in order to use the ability.

    But I am seriously confused. I think it's a bug...but....

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    posted a message on Odd cooldown bug....

    Tried adding a cooldown via triggers. Didn't work.


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    posted a message on Odd cooldown bug....

    @Eiviyn: Go

    • Ability type: Effect - Instant. Was a Behavior but I changed it. Still works the same.
    • Effects: Slow Time (Apply Behavior)
    • Flags: Abort on alliance change, allow movement, best unit, no deceleration, wait to spend. More arbitrary then anything else. Worked the same (fine except no cooldown) without any flags.

    (Might as well list it before you ask)

    • Behaviors:
      • Slow Time (Buff): While time is slowed, you gain 2000 ranged, spell, and melee attack power. You also move, and accelerate, much faster. (Cooldown is the same as the ability to which it is linked)
      • Slow Time (Slow): Slows time for the unit to which it is attached to .1
    • Trigger:
    Slow time and tint
            Unit - Any Unit uses  Slow Time at Effect3 - Cast stage (Ignore shared abilities)
        Local Variables
            Actor - Send actor message "SetTintColorBlendPair 255,255,255 249,0,6 3.000000" to main actor of unit (Triggering unit)
            Actor - Send actor message "GlowStart" to main actor of unit (Triggering unit)
            Actor - Send actor message "HaloStart" to main actor of unit (Triggering unit)
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching (No Value), with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Owner of (Picked unit)) != (Owner of (Triggering unit))
                            Unit - Add 1 Slow Time (Slow) to (Picked unit) from (Triggering unit)
            General - Wait 15.0 Game Time seconds
            Actor - Send actor message "SetTintColorBlendPair 249,0,6 255,255,255 5.000000" to main actor of unit (Triggering unit)
            Actor - Send actor message "GlowStop" to main actor of unit (Triggering unit)
            Actor - Send actor message "HaloStop" to main actor of unit (Triggering unit)

    Need any more information about it?

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    posted a message on Odd cooldown bug....

    For some reason, the cooldown on my ability won't trigger! It is set, and the ability itself applies behavior and works as it should. It even shows the cooldown when you hover over the ability button...but no cooldown!.

    I don't even know where to begin. Do I need to show pictures or...?

    Uploading a video to youtube showing the problem, currently. Please standby.

    Posted in: Triggers
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