You compare the "unit stat system" to "card games like Magic, Faeria, and Hearthstone" on your campaign page. However, those games have units with abilities (and different races have units with focuses on different types of abilities), so you're not just slapping down the biggest pile of stats you can get your hands on each turn, which is what Resource Curse feels like.
The minimap is not well designed. many of the doodads show up as white squares, making it hard to get useful information.
Attacks not scaling up into lategame, combined with generally poor enemy defenses, means the gameplay stops being exciting once you beat an attack wave with little effort.
Installation missions are tedious. I played one and decided to time how long it takes me on average to defeat a squad. It took 30 seconds, and there was well over 50 or so squads with little variation.
Cool! The only thing I'd like to mention is that perhaps letting people know that you can skip through the briefing by clicking the briefing box, perhaps by instead of having a blank briefing box before "start transmission", perhaps make it say "after clicking start transmission, you can click the box to (skip? autofill? idk the word) the text"
And wow, what a huge amount of work that's going in to just the architecture of the campaign itself. I think many of us here should envy your planning skills. If nothing else, you probably have an SC2 mapster first here :P
Speed up the pace of the game outside of deciding. Decisions should be the #1 time consumer in the game, not waiting for another ship
Give feedback on what decisions were made poorly after every phase (and suggest why). W/o this it's hard to tell whether or not you've set everything up correctly, and as a side effect, allow the player to improve round after round
Spawn the ships offscreen to give a more realistic feel
Give the station a rotation or something, it feels too lifeless.
Deciding too quick causes the fadeout for (stop at station for inspection) text to stop, leaving a line of text up the entire game
well the thing is with reavers is that they can kill a zealot, DT, or ascendant in 2 seconds (4 if you heal them after the first shot), where a colossus only does 120 in 4 seconds, not enough to kill. Of course the minor downside is damage is more spread out among your units, but that's what you have an AoE heal for. I'd rather fight 2 colossi (even if they had thermal lance giving them 9 range) than a single reaver.
I am curious as to why there's no colossi in this mission, they'd be pretty good against your army without being 1-shotty like reavers. Could also run multiple of them in a single squad for DT's to go to work.
I don't feel the reavers are too terrible to deal with, buut the 9 range (compared to your max range of attacks abilities of 6 and sight of 10) means that you're going to get surprised a ton). Attack speed is the wrong nerf, and is relatively meaningless imo. I'd much rather have a flat range nerf and re-positioning across all difficulties so a) that there's some time to react b) you can see them before they start their attack animation (looking at you, left base reaver).
The 2 main ways to deal with reavers:
Alarak charge->push->flee. I showcase this method at 4:00 to destroy the cannon. Note that alarak only takes 1 hit. Downside is that reavers will move a long way before heading back, can be a bit of a surprise.
Blood hunter disable. 2 blood hunters can permanently disable a target, and you can have 4 when you hit the first reaver
The boss melts to blood hunters.
Overall, a bit too reliant on reavers to slow the pace of the mission down.
Woah, cool wrathwalker stun.
Will we be getting m5 difficulty improvements now that WotT is back?
A building for hero rezzing seems odd.
Cyrilos/Belior minority government only option.
Why not release the first two missions for us to play?
The gameplay feels unfinished.
You compare the "unit stat system" to "card games like Magic, Faeria, and Hearthstone" on your campaign page. However, those games have units with abilities (and different races have units with focuses on different types of abilities), so you're not just slapping down the biggest pile of stats you can get your hands on each turn, which is what Resource Curse feels like.
The minimap is not well designed. many of the doodads show up as white squares, making it hard to get useful information.
Attacks not scaling up into lategame, combined with generally poor enemy defenses, means the gameplay stops being exciting once you beat an attack wave with little effort.
Installation missions are tedious. I played one and decided to time how long it takes me on average to defeat a squad. It took 30 seconds, and there was well over 50 or so squads with little variation.
Cool! The only thing I'd like to mention is that perhaps letting people know that you can skip through the briefing by clicking the briefing box, perhaps by instead of having a blank briefing box before "start transmission", perhaps make it say "after clicking start transmission, you can click the box to (skip? autofill? idk the word) the text"
And wow, what a huge amount of work that's going in to just the architecture of the campaign itself. I think many of us here should envy your planning skills. If nothing else, you probably have an SC2 mapster first here :P
In reply to Codd3:
Nice! Now that I know BiS is going to be a real campaign, I'll add u to the CCI.
All 3 CCI's....
Hopefully each map will be as high quality as Bottleneck was.
well the thing is with reavers is that they can kill a zealot, DT, or ascendant in 2 seconds (4 if you heal them after the first shot), where a colossus only does 120 in 4 seconds, not enough to kill. Of course the minor downside is damage is more spread out among your units, but that's what you have an AoE heal for. I'd rather fight 2 colossi (even if they had thermal lance giving them 9 range) than a single reaver.
I am curious as to why there's no colossi in this mission, they'd be pretty good against your army without being 1-shotty like reavers. Could also run multiple of them in a single squad for DT's to go to work.
Played through M5:
I don't feel the reavers are too terrible to deal with, buut the 9 range (compared to your max range of attacks abilities of 6 and sight of 10) means that you're going to get surprised a ton). Attack speed is the wrong nerf, and is relatively meaningless imo. I'd much rather have a flat range nerf and re-positioning across all difficulties so a) that there's some time to react b) you can see them before they start their attack animation (looking at you, left base reaver).
The 2 main ways to deal with reavers:
The boss melts to blood hunters.
Overall, a bit too reliant on reavers to slow the pace of the mission down.
Sorry to bring this up yet again, but the update to M3 seems to have brought back the "freeze when wave can't completely spawn" bug.
What an original joke.
I think it started being funny after the 100 times I told it.
In reply to EDHRIANO:
In reply to Deltron: